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Baha Mar concerns

THE open letter to the Gaming Board in yesterday’s Tribune raises serious concerns that need to be addressed before the Gaming Board grants Sky Warrior Bahamas Limited a licence to operate the casino at Baha Mar.

Nothing better to do

THE country is poised to set yet another record for the number of murders, yet the “You Know Whos” remain silent.

Politics, not economics

I again find myself pressed to share my thoughts on yet another both stressful and poorly thought out issue presented by those who would again wish to govern us.

Is Minnis irritating Christie?

Perry Christie stood on hallowed ground in South Andros and unleashed a poorly timed rant aimed at Hubert Minnis. It backfired big time. Instead of meeting the intent of maligning Dr. Minnis as unfit for the Office of the Prime Minister, it showed that the current occupant lives in la la land.

Weep for the country

IN your December 11 publication, Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling has lamented that “somebody has fallen down on the job” and that she feels “like weeping” and the Prime Minister is “stunned” by yet another young life lost to violence and of the crime situation which NOW requires the government investing in security equipment in schools.

Give us change

THIS is a concern citizen born and raised in this Beautiful Bahamaland, I have a major concern with our Bahamian Government Perry Christie and his governing party.

State of the nation

WHEN humankind is put against each other for the sake of winning a fight, no matter the fight, it is not people that win but those that encourage such behaviour. It is those that seek power and rule over the people that divide them and they generally do so for their own personal gain.

Police staff concerns

This is an open letter to the Speaker of the House,

Butler-Turner should not go independent

LORETTA Butler-Turner may have had FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis in her crosshairs when she told Parliament that the salaries of MPs who are consistently absent should be cut.

When the smoke clears at the dump

THE election season is upon us again. As I travel around New Providence all I can see is political messages and persons campaigning for a particular candidate.

McCartney and how God works

“Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”.

Destruction of family in The Bahamas

ALMOST everyone, inclusive of yours truly, have an opinion as to how and why the traditional Bahamian society and culture are under assault, if not already destroyed.

Flipping the bird for five years

Except for the fact that they were finally able to take a picture of him “flippin’ the bird I ask the question Why Now?

We March on the wrong track

IN order to express their displeasure at the persistent problems caused by the fire at the dump, the WeMarch group is planning another protest march in April 2017.

Methane and the dump

WHY does the dump burn? Is it old cars or just rubbish going up in smoke?

A letter to Minister Gray on fishing licences

A letter to Minister of Agriculture,and Marine Resources, V Alfred Gray: I am writing to give you my view on the recently enacted fisheries resource regulation, Jurisdiction and Conservation (Flats Fishing) Regulations, 2017.

Banks in the Bahamas

I am moved to write following a recent article whereby the Royal Bank of Canada announced that it was closing branches in Treasure Cay, Harbour Island, Spanish Wells and Bimini. Apart from the pain of adding Bahamians to the list of the unemployed what was the motivation for such an announcement?

Grand Bahamians are fed up with Michelle Reckley and her PLP antics

FEW people outside of Grand Bahama would recognise the name Michelle Reckley. But on the island of Grand Bahama, everybody knows her. Reckley was on ZNS at a PLP event held at a mega church based on Grand Bahama on March 17 imploring Bahamians to give her party another opportunity to govern. She is the Iron Lady of the PLP who calls the shots on that northern island. She seems to wield the same kind of authority as Grand Bahama Minister Dr Michael Darville.

New Lexus for the PM?

Any emperor worth his salt is worthy of a new chariot every now and then.

Making our lives harder

Simon Rodehn’s letter today, 17 March “Waste of time for businesses”, struck a chord with me with respect to doing business under a “trade name”, as my aunt Anne Johnstone had, only last night, recounted her Twilight Zone experience, with our own Government agency BEC, seemingly doing business as BPL.

Directed by God to choose McCartney

One of the classic children’s songs of all times is “Only a boy named David”.

Waste of time for businesses

Please permit me space in your paper to express that I am angry as SIN and frustrated beyond pale. I spent all kinds of time money and effort to collect VAT and pay it, and prove that I have paid all my obligations to real Property, National Insurance and my Business license for all previous years just to get my current business license. I have a trade name that my Business license is issued to.

A vote in a strange year

2016 a strange year for democracy. We saw the rise of populism/quasi-fascism.

Landfill dump

Listening to the Prime Minister on his government plans to address the issues at the dump, it becomes obvious that the government is about to make the same mistake it has made in the past.

Table scraps for foreigners

FOR a week, this journal has been reporting that foreigners who worked at Baha Mar are enraged at getting offered maybe two to four cents on the dollar - or worse, getting no answers whatever to the claims they  duly filed months ago - while Bahamians have been made whole.