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The rise in homelessness

Has anyone taken notice of the increasing number of homeless and destitute people that roam Nassau’s streets both day and night?

My opinion

Beginning with my column, Perspectives, which was published every Monday for 8 years, I have offered my opinions publicly via The Tribune since 1999. While it is an incontrovertible fact that I am the son of Sir William Allen, a former FNM Cabinet Minister, I deem that fact immaterial to either my opinions or my decision to publicise them.

Voter fraud arrest concerns

WHEN one picked up The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian on March 30, you were greeted with front-page headlines, “Father of Four Denies Voter Fraud” and “Harbour Island Man Gets Bail in Voter Fraud Case”.

Edison Key is no true member

A METRONOME is a mechanical device that marks time by swinging back and forth.

Time for a fixed date for election

AS a Bahamian, two issues that I would like to see come to fruition under the next government is a fixed election date and a term limit for Prime Ministers.

Master orator

Re: PM: It is easy to ‘piss away’ public funds (The Tribune, April 4).

PM falling apart at the seams

ARE reports true that Prime Minister Perry Christie told an audience that it is easy to “piss away” money?

What we care about

I AM writing this because I hope that others will add their input to the topic - “What we care about”.

Candidate endorsements

NOW that we are just days away from the general elections which will usher in a new government, on behalf of the Gatekeepers I commence the serious task of endorsing candidates who are offering themselves as prospective parliamentarians.

Bahamian musical chairs

PLEASE allow me a space in your valued chronicle to dually vent and share as the General Elections loom.

Minnis lacks passion

PRE-ELECTION rhetoric is in high gear and is, as always, mildly entertaining but lacking in substance.

Copper theft

Re: The Tribune, March 31, “Copper thieves blamed for fire”.

White paint, please

WHY in God’s name would sensible people leave speed bumps the same colour as the road after installation?

Death penalty limitations

Re: ‘Criminals Will Ravage Country Unless Death Penalty Enforced’ (February 28)

Headline concern

WHILE The Tribune’s article on March 31 is balanced and well written, especially as you asked both parties for comment, I have issue with the headline title “Four-hour botched surgery left me close to death”.

Smoking dangers

I WRITE this letter as a wake up call and a warning to all Bahamians, young and old, Black and White, rich and poor, FNM, PLP, or DNA.

Can these dry bones live again?

IT IS written in Ezekiel 37:1-3 ‘The hand of The Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of The Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones ... and caused me to pass by them round about; and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry, and He said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God thou knowest ...’

Hiding behind anonymity

THE present, highly-publicsed controversy about the proposed casino licence for Baha Mar, with full-page advertisements and letter to the Editor, is being played out on a slanted stage that should not be provided by an eminent publication like The Tribune.

China and building Baha Mar

I SEE the Prime Minister has suggested that Dr Minnis approach the Chinese contractor and say “Well done”. What he should say is “About bl***y time”.

Mackey ‘forgot’ Customs debt

IT IS absolutely incredulous that the ultra-hypocritical utterance, by Bradley Roberts at a PLP campaign rally in Hatchet Bay, could so swamp both The Tribune front page and Business lead page, over an FNM candidate owing some $9,500 to Bahamas Customs.

Pastor Duncombe

This is an open letter to Mr Christie

Architects board

I AM not sure that politicians understand the importance of the creation of such a Board and its composition.

Junkanoo Carnival timing

THE timing of Junkanoo Carnival 2017 is not coincidental.

So unnecessary

I READ with great sadness your news (March 10) about a “15-year-old boy dies after being thrown from pickup truck”.

Horse fall

Re: Surrey horse seen lying in the street (March 27).