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Just do your job

SINCE the work on Baha Mar has begun and 600 persons have been hired so far; is it safe to say that the sale of Baha Mar has been completed?

New port a blow to Grand Bahama

NEW Carnival Cruise Port Grand Bahama - location is rather obvious east of the boundary of the Port on land owned by GBPA about 200 acres.

Minnis against Bahamians

In a calculated effort to destroy the reputation of the Bahamian people, Hubert Alexander Minnis will sell a hotel that he does not own. The last time I checked, and I stand to be corrected, Baha Mar is privately owned.

Failures of the government

OH that Junkanoo Carnival .... This time political motivation expected two-three days prior to when we go to vote.

Too many foreigners

I AM not xenophobic. I understand that countries need foreign labour to help get some jobs done.

Praise for the FNM leader

I WANT to publicly congratulate Dr Hubert Minnis for having the testicular fortitude to do what must be done to bring back the good name of this country.

Cut up Christie’s credit card

Perry Christie and his flyboy Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell continue to be tone-deaf to the cries of middle and working class Bahamians who are struggling to pay the mortgage, send their kids to school, keep the lights on and put food on the table.

The coronation of Wayne Munroe, QC

THE Progressive Liberal Party has now selected Barrister Wayne Munroe, QC, as our standard bearer in the newly renamed and revamped constituency of Free Town.

Improve decision making

THE Bahamas continues to be a third world country in spite of the many blessings God has bestowed on it. In part, it is because far too many Bahamians have caused these blessings to be squandered by failing to bring their intellect into the decision making process.

Why copy rather than take the lead?

WHAT is all this emphasis and psyche on copying Singapore?

The Walking Dead Pigs

Re: Gray: Tests on BAIC feed after livestock deaths (The Tribune, March 8)

Bran is a narcissist

THE FNM under Dr Hubert Minnis can win this election without any help from other opposition forces, including soon-to-be former Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner and her former ally, DNA Leader Branville McCartney.

Bahamas deficit

MANY Bahamians need a job, the PLP Government has been unsuccessful in providing sufficient jobs for a diversified Bahamian workforce in the Bahamas. Everybody is not a hotel worker in our Bahamas, Baha Mar cannot employ all of the Young Bahamians who are out of High School and College.

Miller must apologise

In a Facebook interview with Guardian talk show host Juan McCartney, Leslie Miller said the following:

Concern over government statements on election and Baha Mar

PLEASE forgive me if I have misunderstood two recent stories which appeared in your respective newspapers.

Hold Halkitis to account

AT what point will the media in this country stop treating State Minister for Finance Michael Halkitis with kid gloves and hold him accountable for the shocking, dramatic deterioration of the economy?

We must stop the false news

I MUST say truth in the News is becoming these days highly questionable and we have to be exceptionally careful when we read and hear statements and must, have no alternative, to get the facts verified as best we can.

Christie loses his cool

One of the many tasks of the US Central Intelligence Agency is to keep an updated psychological profile of political leaders from around the world.

You should use your vote

THROUGHOUT the world, the political class is held in contempt today.

The Privy Council Mimic Men

In 1967 Trinidadian Nobel Laureate V. S. Naipaul published his brilliant novel, The Mimic Men, which wove a sad narrative about the colonial mindset embedded in many of those colonised by the British.

Clear the secrets, clear the doubts

Baha Mar – does Cheng-Fook Enterprises own the property or… Clear positive signs that finally we will see Baha Mar,  however, there is no doubt many legal questions of ownership - Licensing - who is employing have to be answered and not further shrouded in Court secrecy.

That’s where the VAT has gone

IT seems we are witnessing where the VAT money is going......official fancy banquets.

Bahamas post service

I am finally to the point that I am resorting to writing to the newspaper even though I know that it will not really change anything. I am so beyond tired of the work ethic in our country.

No need to destroy one of Acklins’ natural attractions

ABOUT ten years ago I wrote the Rt Hon Perry Christie informing him the government was about to destroy one of the most historic sites in Acklins by giving a purchase lease of the site to a non-Bahamian. Mr Christie did not reply to my letter but a civil servant called me to say that my letter to Mr Christie was passed on to him, and that as soon as Mr George Mackey, Chairman of the Antiquities and Monuments, returned to Nassau from a trip to the United States they wanted to visit the site in Acklins.

New Bill sounds familiar

FOR those of us who are old enough to have lived through the years of the 2nd World War and can remember the horrors of the Nazi regime and their iron fist, the proposed Interception of Communication Bill sounds very familiar. If this Bill is passed and becomes law I am prompted to ask if it would then be appropriate to refer to the Prime Minister as “Mein Fuhrer”?