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Sour grapes?

THREE months after category four Hurricane Matthew passed through The Bahamas, Flamingo Gardens Park still has not been fully restored.

A case of racial hypocrisy

I’m writing this letter on January 15, 2017, a day that has been set aside around the world as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Answers still needed on NHI

NHI.. Do the Civil Service - employees of all Government Agencies understand their external Health Insurance policy will be cancelled with the introduction of NHI with absolutely no compensation?

Time to pass baton has gone

It is with utter amusement that I listened to the Prime Minister speak of the passing of the baton during his Majority Rule Day remarks.

Spinning the news

BOY these Ministers love to spin news and pretend things are okay - Swift Justice... Editor isn’t it logic if you rush serious cases to the Supreme Court cases that are winnable you will see a considerable improvement in the processing of cases?

Launch of NHI

IF all the advertising and promotion is accurate we are supposed to be in the midst of the launching of the much heralded NHI but…

Response to Moss and UPM

GREG Moss and his UPM should be public ally called out for their cynical ploy of raising and inflaming anti-gay sentiments as a transparent attempt to score meagre political points on an unpopular administration. 

Not feeling any safer

I don’t  know about the rest of the population but I take cold comfort in the figures from the police commissioner and the Hon Attorney General which are apparently given to make us feel safer.

We have giants to slay

Forty-three years after Independence, our wonderful nation is still bedeviled and perplexed by racial and economic dislocations.

Paediatric care in The Bahamas

I read with interest the editorial written by Ms. Eileen Dupuch Carron, “Foundation started for paediatric health care”, on Monday January 9th, 2017.

Knighthoods and independence

IS it ironic how the majority of those who correctly led the social and political movement for correct political reform in The Bahamas accepted awards of the Colonial masters except for probably Hon Arthur D Hanna and Hon Hubert Ingraham?

Stop messing around

READING a recent edition of the Spectator magazine I came across an article about Pakistan entitled “How to beat Terrorism”. I know we do not have terrorism in The Bahamas but we have what can be described as local terrorism by way of murders.

Baha Mar and VAT exemption

I read in the press lately that China Construction America (CCA) informed their subcontractors by email that the work done at Baha Mar Ltd is Value-Added Tax (VAT) exempt, which has provoked comments from different politicians due to the secrecy of the Government’s agreements.

Securities Commission

Re: A Bahamian broker/dealer has admitted to using almost $4 million in client monies, without permission, to fund its own operating costs and business development initiatives, with regulators now moving to finally shut it down. Tribune Business January 3rd.

Crazy rules at RBC

HAVE no fear, the ridiculous is alive and well and it lives within the Royal Bank of Canada! Recently, the firm I work for decided to update their signatories (of which I am one) for their company accounts.

LGBT rights and US foreign policy

I READ the shock and awe on the recent UN Resolution but it seems it has missed your readers that it has been an “official Foreign policy position” of the outgoing Obama Administration to promote and cause acceptance of the LGBT Agenda globally - there is a full ranking Ambassador travelling the world promoting this.

Homophobic pastors and politicians

In a desperate search for political traction for his vanity party, the newly amalgamated United People’s Movement (UPM), Gregory Moss has decided to dispense with common decency and to pander to the homophobic fears of some Bahamians.

History of Majority Rule Day

We hear more than enough, in my view, about “Majority Rule” and its advent in The Bahamas tagged to January 10th 1967.

We March picks the wrong day

I AGREE that there should be marches, and because we are an extremely obese nation desperately needing exercise, there should be one every fortnight.

Rawson Square a detraction

I address the following open letter to Ranard Henfield and other organizers of the upcoming historic second instalment of the ‘We March’ movement.

Pakesia for Marco City

FNM should go with Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe in Marco City.

Young and afraid of the future

I AM a thirty-year-old Bahamian female who returned to Nassau five years ago to practice law after qualifying as a Barrister in the United Kingdom.

Gambling and the Bahamas Constitution

Recently, I read a Tribune news story about the Chairman of the DNA, Mr Andrew Wilson, not being allowed to gamble in a local casino. Included in the news story is this incorrect statement: “The main reason he was escorted out of the casino was because the country’s laws allow for visitors to gamble legally in casinos while Bahamians and permanent residents cannot.”

Shame at pro-LGBT UN vote

Recently, we wrote the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fred Mitchell, concerning a December 19, 2016, vote at the United Nations pertaining to the appointment of a so called Independent Expert (IE) on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, in the person of Professor Vitit Muntarbhorn.

Wake up over crime

CRIME? If the Prime Minister, his Minister for National Security and the Attorney General have not been listening to the police reports following a murder then God help us.