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Time to go, Perry

WHAT is it about old politicians and their thirst for power. I don’t think you have to be Albert Einstein to realise Perry Christie’s best days are long over.

Where’s the money?

WHEN this present government made the decision to initiate VAT, it was based on their claims that all revenue collection would be used to pay down the national debt.

Flawed political process

THE Political process in The Bahamas at the party level is a farce. It’s a travesty!

Late fee added on top of firearms costs

Every January, I and many other Bahamian gun owners turn in our firearm licenses for annual renewal.

Government lap dogs over NHI scheme

NHI will result in 500 million dollars in additional revenue and lead to better workforce productivity. This is something we would expect to hear from KPMG’s self serving Mark Britnell of course but Simon Townend – Seriously!

Where are all these new jobs?

CAN the Rt Hon Prime Minister show precisely where his claim of creating 22,000 new jobs were created?

Fred Smith responds to Fred Mitchell

I am responding to Minister Fred Mitchell’s speech in Parliament on January 18, 2017 and the public reaction to my comments at the Coral Beach meeting on Sunday, January 15, 2017. It saddens me that I am being falsely and publicly accused of being “hateful, deceitful, ungrateful, dishonest and unpatriotic”.

Christie’s claim far from true

AFTER reading numerous articles in the daily newspapers, where the “jokiest” leader in the history of this country, the Right Hon Prime Minister Perry G Christie, had the audacity, the nerve, and the gall to say that his administration has done an “outstanding” job of governing The Bahamas, I felt compelled to write this letter.

Twisted Lime

LAST evening January 21, 2017. I took my fiancée to dinner. We decided on Twisted Lime after not going there for about two years, from a bad experience, hoping to have an enjoyable evening.

Lessons for our democracy

Richard Coulson’s article in today’s Tribune was, as usual, exceptionally well done. His ending, on the message that our Bahamian Political Leaders would wisely pay attention to, is right on the money.

Am I the only person who is deathly afraid?

I am concerned about the direction in which this country seems, almost irreversibly, to be headed.

Unrighteous Palacious

In the interest of fair play, the Venerable Archdeacon James Palacious needs to join Richard Lightbourn in the penalty box for his recent insensitive public outburst.

Rebel confusion

AS a Bahamian who is concerned about the leadership of my country, I am constrained to ask who is in charge of the “Rebel seven” and the DNA “Coalition”, if there is one?

Bahamas issues

SO a black man, Archdeacon Palacious says precisely what a white man, Richard Lightbourne basically said and there is cheering? You mean we have gotten that stupid?

PLP must stick with Christie

My sentiments are more about common sense than personalities.

Time to get Greenslade out

Tribune Headline 19 Jan 2017. The question that begs asking with The Tribune Headline today is: “Is this the same Commissioner Greenslade” that last week boasted that “Serious Crime Is Down” ? or “Crime is down except murders”?

Do they have our attention?

As New Providence ratifies itself as an embattled city, a war zone of sorts, its citizens continue to live in fear and accumulate a reservoir of hate and revenge.

KPMG’s Britnell a hypocrite?

I read with absolutely no surprise that KPMG’s Mark Britnell upset the business community at a recent Rotary luncheon.

UN’s LGBT agenda

WHO gave the UN the right to promote one particular lifestyle over another?

Baha Mar hiring

Baha Mar ....... blatant discrimination over hiring? Is it only PLP’s can apply?

Bring Anime to Atlantis!

WHILE Baha Mar is getting their workers into gear, I should be wondering on one thing.

The $100m fishing question

Having spoken with many fly fishing guides, lodge owners and international fishermen, I can say the following with absolute certainty.

Bahamian churches

OVER the past decade I have been watching the steady proliferation of churches throughout the Bahamas. This is particularly evident in the capital of Nassau, the island suffering most from social unrest, violence, poverty and poor educational development. 

Dear Mr Prime Minister

I am not often one to get into public political commentary or debate but my heart is heavy. As someone who has watched your political career over the past 40 years, and witnessing where we are today I could not resist re-reading George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm”. 

Loud music is unfair

Montague Park has become a popular venue for all sorts of functions hosting religious and informal gatherings, many regattas, and most recently the annual Marathon Bahamas event.