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Baha Mar opening

LAST week it was - Where did the VAT money but far more importantly this week it seems to be the statement by the new GM of Baha Mar, Graeme Davis at a walk-about as part of Caribbean Marketplace when incredibly he stated and I quote: ... ‘we would open the project even before we close’.

NHI impact study

Open letter to Mr Simon Townend and Dr Mark Britnell re NHI Impact Study

Opposition must unite

I write in response to some recent comments by Branville McCartney regarding the unlikelihood of an alliance between the DNA and the FNM. However, my message is really for all the leaders of the various opposition forces.

Two things to laugh about

IN these serious times it is nice to have some comedy, read Friday’s paper.

Birth rate: an objective view

Following the public furore surrounding the tube tying of females by a certain MP and accusations of irresponsible breeding by a certain Reverend, perhaps it would be useful to take an objective view.

Questions for Bradley Roberts

I AM one of the many who constantly ask the questions, “Is Bradley Roberts ever going to shut up?” or “Is Bradley Roberts ever going to say something that he has really thought about?”

Drive with your eyes open

DRIVING around Nassau these days you notice two things.

Warning: An IED for the PLP

The Tribune today, February 1st, 2017, might be described as an IED, (improvised explosive device) set beneath the feet of the Governing Party.

Magnificent rebel MPs

Re: Butler-Turner In Grassroots Plan.

Measure of success

I refer to The Tribune’s article on Thursday, January 12, regarding Prime Minister Perry Christie, along with the more recent revelation that he wishes to hold onto the baton for a while longer. Whilst I have not walked in the man’s shoes, I am astounded that as this point in time he truly believes that he and the current administration have not only done an outstanding job, but have excelled to such an extent as to warrant running for another term in office.

Beyond the VAT

THE explanation that Minister Halkitis gives for “ where da VAT money gone” may be adequate for the audience he addressed at the PLP convention, but his dismal attempt to sell that snowball to a listening public deserves all of the heat that it is getting.

PLP is the best choice

One may say or think whatever they wish about the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) but my party has always risen to the internal and external challenges which we have ever encountered. We in the PLP do not give up; despair or break off running. We do not play that. The upcoming general elections will be ours to lose, God forbid.

Minnis should resign

AT the end of last year seven FNM MPs upheld a vote of no confidence in Dr Hubert Minnis.

Mirage of support

PLP Nominating - the art of creating a mirage by lumping a number of candidates into one event and creating an image of a considerable support.

The Haiti migration experience

IT was disappointing in the extreme to see The Nassau Guardian (in its editorial of the 30th January) repeat the erroneous characterisation of The Bahamas’ experience with Haitian migration as a mere by-product of Haitian immigration to the United States.

The Black Hole Bank

Monday morning Tribune Business 30th January - BOB warns Preference Shareholders - No dividend!

The errors of our ways

I was delighted to see that the Bahamas National Trust is spearheading a new Tourism product in Bird Tourism.

Halkitis and VAT money

YOU hear it often in the US.... someone has used a fact check as to accuracy of a statement well we certainly need it to respond to the speech of the Minister of State for Finance at the PLP Convention.

Register and vote!

Americans are protesting. They are angry with Trump’s decisions. In November of last year, they had a choice. Trump or Clinton. They were going to be stuck with one.

Saluting Perry Christie

TO the front salute is a command I learned while being a member of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. It is a command that is called by the parade commander when a marching platoon is about to pass a dignitary or someone with high accolades. It is essentially a salute. The whole platoon  looks to their right, which will be where the person receiving the salute is, and after four paces, the platoon turns their head back to the normal position. It is a mark of respect.

The pied piper

“When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.” ― Euripides, Orestes

Convention show

Congratulations, Mr Christie!

Finding a formula for success

Several years ago, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal which laid out an irrefutable formula for success in life, for everyone. That formula is as follows:

Bringing in the tourists

SPORTS events, are they really worth the cost - how many visitors do they actually bring?

Tackling crime

I WAS happy to see the article in The Tribune on Tuesday from Project Youth Justice  presenting different ways to help rehabilitate our young people, instead of turning our schools into prisons.