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National holiday full of empty promises

THE PLP making a national holiday into a political day is wrong in any sense of the word.

Barely believable


We must march

ACCORDING to Wikipedia, civil disobedience is “the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. Civil disobedience is a symbolic or ritualistic violation of the law, rather than a rejection of the system as a whole. Civil disobedience is sometimes, though not always, defined as being non-violent resistance”.

Mitchell and Baroness Scotland

There have been a number of excellent letters in The Tribune about Baroness Scotland (the British person who purports, when it suits her, to have Caribbean roots) who is the present incompetent Secretary General of the Commonwealth.

Keep govt out of Airbnb

I was quite shocked at my friend Mario Carey’s admonition in Friday’s Tribune Business that “the Government should get a handle on Airbnb because it is doing so well”.

Majority Rule Day

JANUARY 10, 2017, will mark the Golden Anniversary of Majority Rule, in The Bahamas.

Who is a fitting leader?

As you are no doubt very well aware, social media is bursting with discussions of Bahamian politics, and more so the disgraceful Opposition politics.

Slow registration

I write in reference to the slow registration of voters for the next election.

Show me that I am wrong

OPEN response to Branville McCartney’s “It cannot be business as usual” for country’s finance woes. As reported in Tribune 242, December 20, 2016.

Credit downgrade

I WAS was just reading up on the Moody’s and S&P’s downgrade from their official website.

Obama’s foreign policy

The US abstains in the UN Security Council on the Resolution on Settlements in Israel.

Government behaviour

“Disappointed” at The Bahamas’ creditworthiness downgrade to junk status? Is the current government serious, when this fall from grace was foretold by the international agencies who make these decisions?

A house divided

It is so sad to witness the abject melt down of the once fabled Free National Movement under the debilitating and slash and burn style of leadership by Dr. Hubert Minnis (FNM-Killarney). When he was first elected many persons inclusive of myself, held out high hopes for him. Alas, he has proven to be a literal disaster and a whirlwind in a tea cup. The party of Sir Cecil; Sir Kendal and Sir Arthur Foulkes is no more. Minnis and crew have emasculated the party and gutted it like a fish.

Excuses, excuses by the PLP

NEW Year’s 2017 is coming up fast so we have to look back through 2016 or as 2017 is Election Year forward, even Christie can’t stop that or postpone it like he has the PLP Party Convention.....it’s coming! Imagine no Convention for nine years?

Hoping for change in the PLP

WITH the collapse of the opposition it seems clear now that Perry Christie will have a third term as prime minister. His government has been poor at the job, but at least the PLP is a coherent party.

Christmas decorations

WHAT a shame that only one person/business benefited from the ramshackle Christmas decorations instead of us using this time for the sharing of good will, which would actually embody the spirit of Christmas.

Confusion ahead


Shock and awe or lunacy?

As a progressive Bahamian I am deeply shocked and awed by the demonstration of pure and unadulterated political lunacy by the newly ‘appointed’ Cinderella. There are some people who still have faith in the judgment of Loretta Butler-Turner I am not one of them. This woman was offered a chance, on a silver platter, to become the leader of a major party and to become, worrisome but possible, the first female Prime Minister in her own right.

Silly season

Two momentous seasons are upon us - the restive season and the festive season.

NIB benefits

According to Minister of Labour and National Insurance Shane Gibson, “the clock is ticking” for the Government to decide to either increase the amount of NIB contributions or decrease the benefits.

Stop the negative spinning

NOVEMBER’S unemployment statistics are out and they seem, once again, to have disappointed many in the media, who had hoped for a nice negative story to top off the year.

Poor service at Cable Bahamas

GOOD morning - I write this letter in response to Simon’s “Front Porch” article in Thursday’s Nassau Guardian paper (December 22).

FNM dare not talk about corruption

There has been many criticisms about the PLP, and I must confess that I relentlessly launched many scud missiles myself. I helped to point out where some of the shortcomings were and hoped that adjustments were made.

Reckless spending of the PLP

Your Tribune headline and editorial of today bear the final testament to the nearly five years of reckless and destructive PLP financial mismanagement.

Why these choices?

I suspect virtually all the country has been asking Why Ms Butler - why?