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The future for The Bahamas

AS I looked on the news and saw the Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated and the terrorist attack with a mere truck in Germany, I contemplated about the new geopolitical reality of the world, the Caribbean, especially The Bahamas.

Atlantis hotel prices

MINISTRY of Tourism seems to be ecstatic over the Popeye’s Bowl but reality says differently when you check room prices at the host Hotel - Atlantis.

Best of the Best regatta

THE recent Best of the Best Regatta was a huge success in the eyes of the sailors and sailing fans.

Poor service in The Bahamas

OH CABLE BAHAMAS... why do you have to wait anything from 30-50 minutes to get to a Customer Service operator?

What does that poll really show?

Poll in favor of FNM and Dr Minnis

An ugly use of the Constitution

KINDLY permit me to share my comments on the above-captioned.

Dishonesty at Road Traffic

ON Thursday, December 15, 2016, I took my just delivered vehicle a 2006 Mazda Demio to the Road Traffic  Depot on West Bay street (Fort Charlotte) to be inspected and licensed.

On current governance

THE recent occurrences of disruption and conflict amongst and within the three major political parties (yes, I said three, not two) here in The Bahamas have been very disconcerting.  What I read in the press and on social media is even more distressing.

What will be will be

BAHAMIANS have become very exercised by the fracture in the opposition. Loretta Butler-Turner walked away from Dr Hubert Minnis. She is the opposition leader and has chosen the DNA leader, Branville McCartney, as leader of opposition business in the Senate.

Political deception

2016 is, mercifully, drawing to a close and we who are privileged to leap into 2017 will be witnesses to history even as it continues to unfold. This year was a challenging one for many of us. The economy, while improving, is still not ticking on four cylinders. Crime is trending down but still too high.

If Minnis wants to expel MPs, he must expel their voters

Re: Dr. Minnis’ legitimacy.

The coup led by Loretta

As the Executive Director of The Sycamore Club, a non-governmental civic organisation, I and my colleagues are deeply concerned with the pathetic state of the opposition in our wonderful nation. Democracy demands the existence of alternative viable political parties. The recent coup d’état against the hapless Dr Hubert A Minnis by his former parliamentary colleagues signalled the end game for the FNM as we commonly know it.

Mayhem inside the FNM

THE Free National Movement has a democratic mechanism of rules and procedures to govern the internal structure and organisation of the party.

Note of appreciation

I HAVEN’T seen in my media coverage a note of thanks to Perry Christie and/or Allyson Maynard for pursuing and securing Bahamian employee/creditor full relief from Baha Mar.

House of Cards

THE cobbling together of aspects of the political divide to create a monstrosity to take out Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) and to emasculate the now tattered Free National Movement is nothing short of a spectacle and display of rank ambition.

The ‘Dissident Seven’

I AM an FNM supporter and I have been since the late Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield’s “Free at Last” speech at Convention in the early 1970s. I have followed with interest the actions of the “Dissident Seven” FNMs in wresting Leadership of the Opposition in the House of Assembly from Dr Hubert Minnis, Leader of the Free National Movement, and I make the following observations:

Flawed survey

THE FNM - Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Poll taken between November 29th and December 5th.

Minnis has self destructed

Today in the House of Assembly, the Speaker read into the record of the House the communique from the Governor General, confirming that the MP for Long Island, Loretta Butler-Turner is the first Leader of the Opposition in the history of the Bahamas.

The Duke in The Bahamas

RECENTLY, I finished reading Sir Orville Turnquest’s What Manner of Man Is This? The Duke of Windsor’s Years In The Bahamas (1). An inspiring book and superb view of Bahamian history as only a man of Sir Orville Turnquest’s distinguished, esteemed pilgrimage through The Bahamas enrichment could pen.

A coup, but with grace

In keeping with the Francophiles among us, may I submit that rather than the Coup that everyone is now referring to as a coup d’état, that what took place was in fact a coup de grâce.

Email is safe and sound...

Re: Mitchell denies any hacking of activist emails.

Property tax and public disclosures

The Tribune published today a notice to real property holders. It requires us, among other things, to file with the Chief Valuation Officer (CVO) a form of the particulars of the property we hold, to enable the CVO “to compile and maintain accurate assessment lists, and such owner shall declare to the correctness of such return before an authorized person.”

Time for Doc to go

We have to ask - when Renward Wells and Andre Rollins crossed the floor of the House Dr Hubert Minnis embraced them as heroes in fact truth be told Wells and Rollins saved Doc as then his leadership was already being challenged.

The facts of the letter

IN this age where everything for knowledge is available on the internet, suggest there is absolutely no excuse that people do not take the time before opening their mouths and talking so much rubbish. Listen to the Talks Show callers, not one checked.

True face of Opposition

I would be the biggest fool in The Bahamas if I were to say that the governing Progressive Liberal Party, my party of choice, does not have serious challenges as we prepare to go into the 2017 general elections.