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PLP whistling past the graveyard

Confirming a lack of understanding of the depths of the economic problems facing the country, Prime Minister Christie announced a “Competitiveness Council” to work out of his office to improve The Bahamas’ declining status in the ease of doing business ranking while saying the country’s slippage in the rankings “doesn’t represent who The Bahamas is”.

We must register and vote

As a young political observer, I have been quite pleased with the Free National Movement’s selection of candidates thus far. Most of these men and women embody exactly what it is that so many Bahamians have been in search of for quite some time; and that is fresh faces, and ‘new blood’.

Quite a week in the news

WELL this past week was quite a week - Chinese promised ‘ooo’s of acres, Minister denials - the ‘gown-day’ at UB/University of Bahamas - Minister Wilchcombe confirms no letter of intent from the group said to be purchasing Baha Mar... wow!

Bank issue concern

The headline in Tribune Business today “Farcical: Govt picks up entire $40M BOB Issue” begs a number of serious questions in my view.

Increase in MPs

I NOTE that the Boundary Commission are about to recommend that five additional seats are added to the House of Assembly. We are advised by Government that the country is broke and the borrowings are at horrendous levels and we are bing told that we need a further four/five members in the House of Assembly.

Christian response to Gray?

AM I the only one who is waiting for a response from the Christian community or its leaders on the remarks made by the Honourable Alfred Virginias Gray when he expressed our “need” of the Chinese investors in language that surprised many of us.

Nasty, nasty, nasty!

There is a Public Parks and Beaches Authority, a Department of Environmental Health and a bloated civil service. I understand workers at the garbage depot are sitting idle because garbage collection has been contracted out to private companies.

Small business in tough times

I write you to provide your readers with a clearer understanding of the problems of running a small business in these Bahama Islands.

Learn from the storm

About three days after the storm, a BEC/BPL assessment person came to my area to look at downed wires.

FNM candidate selection

I MUST say that I am very pleased with slate of candidates approved and ratified by the Free National Movement to date.

Please don't dabble with hotel purchase

DID I hear correctly the Rt Hon Perry Christie as Head of Government is even discussing the possibility of purchasing the Our Lucaya property?

Investment in The Bahamas

WE continue to hear from our ministers the term FDI, or Foreign Direct Investment, as something important and vital to The Bahamas.

A great loss for us all

Tragedy is something we are never prepared for. ‎The shock of murder is unexplainable, unfathomable.

BTC worse than Batelco

AND I thought that no company could be worse than BaTelCo! I was mistaken. BTC has topped them, all including BPL and BEC.

The FNM is in a glass house

There are some real issues as it relates to the confidence displayed in the leadership of the FNM. The appearance of a democratic process was unmasked when it was discovered that the deck was stacked against the challenger for the top spot.

Free information?

FOI stands for “Freedom of Information” or perhaps “Farce of Information”.


Are the PEOPLE going to stand by and let Perry Christie and his cohorts disinherit our children from our land? Giving our land to the people who worship foreign gods. We pray Our Father.

Investing in our agriculture

THE reality of investing in Bahamian agriculture is ‘harsh’ because of the nature of our natural and economic environments. There is little that can be done with our natural surroundings, but the economic one may certainly be modified.

Hysteria or not?

The Xenophobic Free National Movement

A stroke of Perfect Luck

The Chinese are working out their long term geo-political strategy.

Selling out in fishing proposal

I refer to the recent announcement that the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, V Alfred Gray, has invited discussion with the Chinese Government on a joint venture with the Chinese to teach Bahamians how to farm and fish!

University inauguration

LIVE from Christ Church Cathedral the leaders of The Bahamas and our higher education system were supposed to gather to give thanks.

A comedy show

A LETTER to the Editor on Friday suggested that James Catalyn write a comedy show on current political events in Nassau.

Bahamas agriculture - part 2

FOLLOWING from the first part of my discourse I would take the opportunity to examine the input of the government of The Bahamas to developing an agricultural sector since independence in 1973.

Urban Renewal above reproach

In my humble opinion, Urban Renewal is to date, at its core, one of the most progressive social outreach concepts the present government has proffered. Unfortunately, the two well-respected co-Chairs cannot seem to keep Urban Renewal above reproach.