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Agriculture in The Bahamas

HISTORICALLY, the Bahamas has never been able to establish a permanently viable commercial agricultural sector.

Hollow assurances

Foreign Direct Investment is one of the many tools for economic growth, but Mr. Christie’s assurances that he will “protect Andros” agriculture and fisheries from Chinese Government exploitation rings hollow.

Discouraged waiting for utility repairs

PLEASE allow me some space in your column to discuss the utility repair response in New Providence after the passing of Matthew. I had written previously to note the community spirit and support given by neighbours and friends. I found this to be a needed breath of fresh air.

Selling Andros to China

IT IS important for the Bahamian people to register to vote. If we allow Perry Christie to continue as Prime Minister we may not have a Bahamas left in five years.

Thoughts on Chinese proposal, The Pointe Garage and a lottery

WASN’T it James Catalyn who had the Show - Laughin at Wee self? Well certainly certain occurrences recently qualify under that title.

Beware the Trojan horse

‘Many eons ago, Troy, an island state of fabled fame, with an abundance of skilled and battle harden warriors, complete with an impregnable barrier wall, was overcome when the inhabitants pulled a huge wooden horse into the capital city. It was a beautiful and a magnificent creation that entranced the residents and was considered a favourable omen from ‘the gods’.

Reporting ‘a crime’

I WISH to report a crime. The police, and our court system seem incapable of dealing with this band of criminals, and we the people are to blame for their ability to rob us, abuse us, and steal a future from our generations to come.

Who has enough influence to stop this?

I felt queasy in my stomach when I read The Guardian headline this morning – “China in $2 billion deal proposal • gov’t. eyes agri-fishery plan with Chinese in Andros •Project calls for lease of 10,000 acres of Crown Land”– Such announcements rarely seem to be made unless they are almost a done deal, or in fact already signed off.

Concerned about the influence of the Chinese

REFERENCE The Tribune of Monday, October 31st, 2016, and in particular to the comments of Govon Bowe and Philip Galanis on the influence of the Chinese on the economy of the Bahamas.

Dangerous tree

An Open Letter to The Ministry of Works, BPL and Light and BTC:· Gentlemen:

Baptism by Matthew

Many Bahamians are able to say, and have said so, what they like and do not like about the Hon Leslie Osborne Miller (PLP-Tall Pines) but he, God bless his soul, calls it like he sees it. He has served the people of this wonderful nation at all levels save for being Prime Minister.

Another Teachable Moment?

THE Bahamas is in an area known as the hurricane belt. Hurricanes can visit our shores at least six months out of every year.

Road Traffic and the ‘paradigm’ shift

Well another issue which Government will spin as being the best in the world but at what cost to the patient public?

Economics of public policy

FOLLOWING the aftermath of category 4 Hurricane Matthew two weeks ago, the Rt Hon Prime Minister, sprung into immediate action.

$8m but no plates

STILL further evidence of the pernicious spread of the grade D- mentality into public life - the introduction of a spiffy new $8m system at the RTD, but reportedly a shortage of license plates.

Collect the taxes

FINDING the $200m required to off-set catastrophic hurricane Matthew damage I suggest in a painless method should be through the collection of the large arrears of Real Property Taxes.

Torchbearers delighted by 21-year-old’s ratification

THE Free National Movement’s ratification of a 21-year-old to contest the Bain and Grants Town constituency in the upcoming general election has received the support of the political party’s youth arm.

The mess at Road Traffic

BOY the PLP don’t like those born in the 10th month (Sir LO would never have treated the 10th month people this way).

Waste disposal and Baha Mar

THE talk, loose talk, of Talk Shows and their hosts and callers.

Police reserves in the hurricane

I would be most grateful if you would afford me some of your valuable space in your news daily in your next publication.

We don’t need any more gaming

Raising funds for ongoing Emergency-hurricane relief.

The Pointe garage

Can the Ministry of Immigration confirm how many work permits were issued to China State Construction, Americas for work on the Garage Development at the Hilton?

Eleuthera dump has to move

I am writing to express my concern and frustration regarding the dump on Russell Island, Eleuthera.

Unseal the documents

Who is... Perfect Luck Holdings Limited?

Friends in deed

Re: Volunteers In Florida Send Supplies To Help.