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Failing in support for teachers

EACH time I think that we are making a few steps forward in correcting simple issues in our education system I am quickly put in my place by the debacle that is our public service system.

Justice is under attack

Before I start this letter, I plead ignorance – ignorance of the facts of the case, but not of the judicial principles.

Being gay is not a choice

Isn’t it awful how often gay people just flat-out lie? Hundreds of thousands of them say they didn’t choose to be gay. Didn’t choose to risk being beaten by some passing yahoo. Didn’t choose to risk being cut off from their families.

Following PM to ruin

The Progressive Liberal Party will have its convention in November.

Christie’s compassion

Last Sunday I attended the Induction Service of the Bishop/President Theophilus Rolle at Wesley Methodist Church, Malcolm Road. The service was loaded with tributes and congratulations and was attended by a cross section of the cloth, foreign and local dignitaries, notably the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, The Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie, Minister of Tourism, Hon. Obie Wilchcolme.

Root of problem must be tackled

In response to MP Richard Lightbourn’s suggestion to the nation’s problem that is a result of irresponsible sexual behaviour or habits. To enact legal rights for tubal ligation for a single woman with two children, not to allow her to have any more children.

Chinese sovereignty

Re: PM: China’s call to seal records (September 1).

Hypocrisy of Loftus Roker

Nothing could “yuck up yuh vexation” faster than to suffer through the hollow words of an avowed hypocrite.

Baha Mar staff’s fate

I am writing reluctantly today as I, along with some, if not all other Bahamian employees are uncertain of our fate with the company once a new investor takes over.

Home security steps

The recent attacks on senior citizens in their homes in our country is evidence that criminals are concentrating on this new target.

The political currency of Butler-Turner

The fall out from the letter that was supposed to have been delivered to the Governor General expressing displeasure and lack of confidence in Hubert Minnis, leader of the FNM by the six FNM members of parliament, has begun in earnest.

Govt failures

FINANCIAL Disclosures of elected MPs - Senators... seems to be totally malfunctioning and one must question the why the Chair and the Disclosure Committee is not insisting for compliance with the law?

Bank choices

IT IS appreciated that Mr Rolle has been left with a half baked chicken but he was in Finance Ministry when the Government double-crossed the people on gambling.

Population and family planning

SURELY the Study of Population - Birth rates must come with Economic National Planning, we can’t sweep yet another all-important issue under the table.

That was the week that was

THE UK used to have a popular TV programme ‘That was the week that was’ - David Frost then young graduate from Cambridge who went onto big things in the News media.

The national economic plan

So Dr Minnis is clearly dissatisfied with the Police....I reach that because of his release today criticising the Police.

The Bank of the Bahamas has reached the end

FROM where I stand, it seems that the Bank of Bahamas has reached the end.

The American Air Ambulance Co

YOUR letter writer P Simms was absolutely correct and on the ball. We need to know more about that American Air Ambulance Co - are they the preferred provider to NHI?

A proactive approach to Zika virus

As most of your readers are aware, Zika virus infection can result in abnormal brain and skull development in the developing fetus of women infected early in pregnancy.

Business flowing back to sovereign state

I MET with an accountant in Jersey, Channel Islands yesterday who had recently met with an eminent law firm in London to discuss Bermuda.

Irrational actions

I FIND it more than a little disturbing the irrational and irresponsible actions displayed by Union Leader Obie Ferguson within recent weeks.

A vulture fund to benefit the Chinese bank

SINCE the worldwide financial crisis of 2006-2007, a new predatory animal in the financial world has surfaced - the “vulture fund”.

The PM’s promise

IT is often said that a promise is a comfort to a fool.

Change needed atop PLP

SINCE 1997 Perry Christie has been leader of the PLP. Mr Christie has had one hell of a run.

The Wells FNM farce continues

If you needed proof that politics in the Bahamas is farce, look no further than the saga of Tennyson Wells and the FNM.