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Evidence for the police?

According to The Tribune report “Police are also investigating an armed robbery and shooting that took place early Friday morning. According to reports, the victim was standing in front of his home at Moncur Alley off Kemp Road, when a man armed with a handgun approached and shot him before fleeing in a silver coloured Honda Fit, vehicle license number 320478.”

Listen to Mother Nature

I thought I’d share an observation:

How can we bear another tax?

The national debt is teetering around $7 billion.

An easy $80,000

When Urban Renewal was in full swing I asked a courier what he thought about it.

Helping our fellow citizens

Please allow me some space in your paper for further comments after the passing of Matthew.

Dance of the macabre

Everywhere I go here in our beautiful capital island, I am besieged with questions as to my political allegiance by all and sundry.

A fair justice system

The more I see of the American’s interpretation of freedom, the more I appreciate our British inherited system of justice underpinned by law.

Cartwright for FNM South Beach

The silly season in politics has started in earnest and the craziest things are happening.

Baseball in The Bahamas

BASEBALL in The Bahamas is not a step-child, but rather a neglected and abused orphan.

Problem gaming

BAHAMAS Gaming Industry needs to explore intervention in addressing the issue of Problem Gambling (PG), and street mothers with infants.

PM criticism of Opposition leader

THE Prime Minister’s comment on the Opposition Leader’s criticising the performance of BP&L is totally naive and ridiculous.

Speed bumps are needed

THE horrific and tragic car accident on Coral Harbour Drive on September 16 had the air of inevitability to it.

Criticism from the FNM

Re: FNM chairman defends leader over recovery effort criticism (October 14)

Following Hurricane Matthew

I’m not a psychiatrist, but a Bahamian who experienced and survived Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans eleven years ago.

Rein in the spending instead of adding tax

NOTWITHSTANDING your editorial accolades for our Prime Minister today, I have to ask if he is playing with a full hand when he proffers the thought that we need a “hurricane tax” now.

Time for another Carnival

I TRULY feel that now is the time for another Junkanoo Carnival. Another $7m to $10m to put on the carnival is no big deal.

Wrong way to use tax money

YES we feel for every soul in The Bahamas affected by the passing of cruel, devastating Matthew; however there are rights and there are no rights.

Hurricane tax plan . . . say what?

FOLLOWING the disastrous aftermath of the monster Hurricane Matthew and the need for hundreds of millions of dollars “to fix the country”, it is unbelievable to hear talk about the possibility of a “hurricane tax” to be levied on us, the already suffering public, when we have been constantly bombarded with evidence of the blatant, irresponsible spending by government of our monies over the past several years.

Dangerous poles on St Michael Rd

ST MICHAEL Road serves as a main route for drivers commuting from Prince Charles Drive to Soldier Road.

Can we have BEC back?

I THOUGHT that with the arrival of Bahamas Power and Light, we were supposed to have improved service at a lower price, delivered through a modern system.

Christie leadership in crisis

Thanks for this opportunity to shine a light.

BPL gave what should have been expected

I AM amazed that so many residents of New Providence are surprised that Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) had a poor response to Hurricane Matthew.

Police should act on social media falsehoods

I refer to The Tribune editorial (October 13) on the misinformation churned out daily by social media, which appears to result in public alarm and panic.

Fix the damn roads

I am personally aware of five drivers who have dropped into the hole in the vicinity of Morley Realty on East Shirley Street on Tuesday and Wednesday, resulting in flat tyres.

Hubert Chipman and the FNM

I advise that I will not seek nor will I accept a nomination as the Free National Movement candidate for St Anne’s or any other constituency in the forthcoming General Elections.