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Transformation of Christie

HURRICANE Matthew, fortunately, is now a part of the Bahamian folk lore and history.

Stop the flying circus

IS MATTHEW already becoming a potential “political gainer”?

My hurricane experience

PLEASE allow me to share a few thoughts are the recent hurricane expeirence we have all endured. Matthew may be gone, but I doubt will ever be forgotten.

Where are the radars?

PRIME Minister Christie speaks with considerable emotion on climate warming and the evident dangers of that to The Bahamas. However, the two principal friends to The Bahamas, the USA and the People’s Republic of China, are two of the worst climate offenders.

Fitzgerald under the bus?

A LONG time ago, a political expert told me that whenever Pindling was getting ready to throw a colleague under the bus, he would start letting off hints that that person might be his successor for leadership.

Learning lessons of Joaquin

THE Organization for Responsible Governance extends every hope that everyone affected by Hurricane Matthew is safe.

Making a hash of communication in the heart of the hurricane

For a moment, I thought that NEMA was going to be much more organised in its communications this time around.

PM out of tune

LAST month, the Prime Minister opened up and expressed his hurt and pain caused by the nasty, vile song that was written about him and his family. I join with him and all right thinking Bahamians in condemning the song and gutter politics.

Cutting the hills must be stopped

OVER the past 30 years, we have seen the catastrophe wrought on Haiti due to their denuding the forestation on their part of the island of Hispaniola.

Political choices

The Democratic National Alliance just concluded a hugely successful and well attended convention. Most of the featured speakers, especially the newly re-elected Leader, Branville McCartney; the newly re-elected Deputy Leader and, of course, my ‘favourite’ DNA candidate, Stephen Greenslade (DNA nominee-Golden Isles), were focused, well-informed and acquitted themselves with aplomb.

Cost effectiveness of Junkanoo Carnival

THE unprofitable extravagance of the ‘Bread and Circuses”, with which the once-mighty Romans were obsessed, contributed greatly to the political compliance of the grassroots masses and eventual downfall.

Acknowledge sleeping giant

IN 2012, the Democratic National Alliance made history on many levels. More than 13,000 Bahamians voted for them even though they were a third party and this was their first political challenge for the government of The Bahamas.

Baha Mar documents

YOUR Neil Hartnell exposed the reason why the Baha Mar documents were sealed and possibly will remained sealed.

Say what again?

THE public was left flabbergasted yesterday when a news report was delivered describing the damaging effects to electrical equipment and appliances that result from constant power cuts and inconsistent power surges, which were blamed for crippling PMH’s surgical efficiency for the past several weeks!

A politics lesson for Dionisio

Permit me to be so brash as to lecture the great washer Dionisio d’Aguilar in a course I call “Politics 101”.

Say what?

HERE we are, recently downgraded, teetering precariously at the cusp, faced with the very real danger of falling off the financial cliff into financial ruin whilst we wait in line for another financial evaluation in a few months.

Everybody thinks they can be AG

WHILE the whole island seems to be in an uproar over the decision of Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson to issue a nolle prosequi in the case being brought against two Sandals Royal Bahamian executives by the BHMAWU, I will attempt to take what seems to be the road less taken and actually try to look at the matter objectively.

Was $10m a total waste?

CARNIVAL FESTIVAL 2016... was it a total waste of $10m? Are the decision-makers delusional as to the merits of the event?

Long distance calls

Re: BTC to open all-Creole store, September 21

Protesting too much...

I paraphrase the line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet in responding to a columnist who wrote last week about Loretta Butler Turner’s campaign roll-out on Long Island. Sir, me thinks thou dost protest too much.

The confusion of Baha Mar claims

IT IS good to know that, as I previously predicted, the vast majority of the 2,000 Bahamian former Baha Mar employees are being paid off smoothly and efficiently, with few serious disputes.

Union blight on nation

ABOUT a month ago at the heights of the Sandals fiasco, Tall Pines Member of Parliament Leslie Miller asserted that the strong-handed approach of the unions was to be blamed for Sandals’ decision to close its Cable Beach property and dismiss more than 600 workers.

Flip-flopper or pragmatist?

It is no state secret how I feel about the benign leadership style of the Prime Minister.

Dept of Inland Revenue

You are now owned by an un-elected organisation called the Department of Inland Revenue.

Reform for whose profit?

WITH the Labour Department’s shocking release of proposed changes to the labour laws of The Bahamas, it is really tough to see where the unions end and the Labour Department begins: they seem to be one and the same! The unions dictate the show and the Labour Department asks: “How high do you want us to jump?”