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More fogging to stop Zika

ZIKA - is the Ministry of Health, the Minister serious?

Abortion laws

I read with sadness comments attributed to Dr. Duane Sands in which he shared his belief that the law against abortion in The Bahamas should be amended to permit abortions in cases where microcephaly has been identified.

Sick and tired of promises

I am not a lawyer, or an outstanding businessman, I am a simple Bahamian trying to wrap my head around the roller coaster ride that has been the Baha Mar fiasco.

Web shops

The government has released regulations concerning web shops and I wish to share with you a few of them, along with some information I have researched in Abaco:

Support Sears

Shake, rattle and roll, the signature dance move of Perry Gladstone Christie. Is that what it takes for you to hold on to a man for three terms, why the country you live in makes no significant improvements?

Chinese way of business

A wise person once told me that if you are to understand the purpose of a thing you have to pay attention to the results, good or bad, positive or negative, and if you are really looking you will see.

Cabbage Beach

WE ARE lucky enough to have visited The Bahamas many times over the years, but during that time we have watched Cabbage Beach deteriorate from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world into a very compromised stretch of seafront.

Safety first

Re: Ground broken on $2.3m BTVI classroom building (August 26)

Need for Baha Mar clarity

On the matter of Baha Mar. It is encouraging that, according to the Government, the project appears to once again be funded and that works will recommence. If this is accurate, the Government is to be commended for working to ensure that all Bahamian creditors will be paid a sizable portion of amounts owed to them.

The govt and tax compliance

DURING the last Budget presentation, the Government snuck a provision through that businesses would have to apply for a Tax Compliance Certificate in order to be paid by them for goods and services.

Praise over Baha Mar rang hollow

Monday’s announcement that the government has reached an agreement with the China EXIM Bank to complete the construction of the Baha Mar resort was welcome news to the thousands of Bahamians directly impacted by the project’s collapse almost 18 months ago. I would go so far as to say that it was also welcome news to many more Bahamians who are seriously concerned about the dire state of the local economy.

Down the rabbit hole once more

“AbracaDAbra!” shouted the Emperor perched atop a golden podium securely mounted on the armoured tank.

Education is the real solution

I would like to add to the discussion about crime. Crime cost The Bahamas millions annually in security cost, health, law enforcement and other related impediments. So far, the approach to combating crime in The Bahamas and the Caribbean has been combative instead of preventative.

Chase for College payment

I have a problem with the College of the Bahamas involving money and do not know who else I can turn to about this.

The scandal of Sandals job cuts

The Sandals mess and the oblivious impotency of the Minister and the Director of Labour has an employer simply putting in the face of Law and no one seems to care.

Christie is not to be blamed

IN light of Sandals’ decision to temporarily close the Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort to facilitate urgent repairs and renovations and in the process make over 600 workers redundant, many Bahamians have launched an attack on the Government and in particular Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Perry Christie.

Lottery to fund NHI, smell stink

There has been some suggestion that the government is toying with a National Lottery as a means to funding National Health Insurance. This is extremely interesting.

The secret of giving?

The Press now prints large notices of amnesties for late payment of Stamp duty on deeds and documents, and notices of land acquisitions to construct homes for the poor.

Error in notice to mariners

INASMUCH as the “powers that be” seem unable to keep our traffic lights in New Providence functioning, we should not be too surprised when The Ministry of Transport and Aviation, (Port Department), publishes a notice in your newspaper under the heading “ Aids-to-Navigation on the Little Bahama Bank”, following which, it proceeds to list five navigation lights.

Freedom of speech, not to abuse

I have never been more un-proud of who we are becoming when I see the blunt disrespect for the Prime Minister, his family and the office he holds.

Gambling our health away

I read that certain people are proposing a further adding of a National Lottery the proceeds to go to funding NHI.

A birthday message for the PM

Prime Minister, God graced you with another birthday.

Are we enslaved to politics?

Have the two primary political parties actually enslaved those in the lower income range and those single women who have brought into this world three-four and more children?

Solving our nation’s problems

There cannot be anyone who would wish or to cause unemployment however there is a reality if more and more people require employment and successive Governments are unable to produce reliable employment then we have to ask those who represent them as their MPs - are you really doing best for your constituents?

Devil in the detail

NHI - there wasn’t the detail in the debate?