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It’s time for Christie to move on

It’s quite instructive to read the newspapers from other parts of the Caribbean. Recently, a leader column in the Jamaican Gleaner was praising the new government led by Andrew Holness (age 44) and how his new policies are beginning to bear fruit and I quote: “The prospects for the economy are at a record levels, according to the surveys of business and consumer confidence.”

Government spending

We have a parliamentary Finance Committee, headed by an Opposition MP with Opposition members in the majority. They are supposed to keep Government in check on its spending and reporting and transparency.

Pride in Miller

Ever since Britain’s Desmond Bannister broke the 4 Minute Mile in the late ‘50’s, the athletic World has speculated on the finite limits of the endurance and speed of the human body .

Time for a change

There were comments recently made by Obie Wilchcombe to let all and sundry know that it is useless to challenge Perry Christie for the leadership post in the Progressive Liberal Party in a convention. His reasons are that he has the support of the delegates and is able to hold the party together. It is quite unfortunate that those are the criterion that will be used by the delegates to make a choice of party leader.

Focus on parenting

Now that we have accepted that women are free to have as many children as they wish or they can bear, and we have excoriated the hapless Richard Lightbourn for his unwise, unfortunate and offensive remarks at the FNM Convention last week, perhaps we can use some of that passion positively to effect change to a problem which we have been ignoring for decades- responsible parenting.

Succession of the PM

We must appreciate that in our small country, we have much to learn to and even more to experience.

Misuse of public funds

THE famous French diplomat Maurice de Talleyrand had a terse retort for his boss, Napoleon Bonaparte, when he committed an international blunder by having a popular rival assassinated, nearly starting a war.

Lightbourn’s fault is being white

For the past forty years in this country, the complaints have been that too many teenaged girls were having babies, that they had too many children and that they had them for too many different men who did not contribute to their maintenance and took no part in their upbringing.

The wrong measure of PM’s success

OBIE Wilchombe has predicted that Prime Minister Perry Christie will win the leadership post by a landslide because “he continues to resonate with the party delegates ... and has proven that he has what it takes to keep the party together”.

End this madness

This is an open letter from Save The Bays chairman Joseph Darville to Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Dr. Kendal Major.

The mote in our leaders’ eyes

Your front page headline today is quite marvelous and comical. The Speaker of our House of Assembly, in admonishing the Supreme Court to “Mind its own Business”, seems quite oblivious to the self-admitted fact, that had HE MINDED HIS BUSINESS, the Court would not have had to mind it for him.

Has Gomez read his own bill?

There is an old joke and it has never been so true than in recent times: “How do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving!” I have put a quote from Dr Gomez below which was in The Tribune August 11.

The Afro-American folly

Memory serves me well over the years that many times Prime Minister Perry Christie has for some uneducated purpose, wasted his time trying to sell to the Afro-American hotel sector.

Junkanoo bleachers

EVERY year it’s the same thing. At Junkanoo time, the government erects bleachers on Bay Street to the annoyance of the Bay Street merchants.

The pride of Eight Mile Rock

THE Bahamas is a distinctly unique country and the settlements that make up the islands and cays are unique in themselves. This makes the Bahamas such an attractive country. The variety you experience from settlement to settlement makes it a never-ending, invigorating experience for all who dare to explore our diverse archipelago.

Need for accuracy

When Hubert Ingraham opened the airwaves, I presumed that one of the key aspects of opening was to spread accurate information - facts that can be substantiated in a manner not previously available, as solely Government controlled all public broadcasting.

Citizens should be outraged

A RECENT headline in The Nassau Guardian stated that “All MPs should be outraged”.

Snip the fathers

Re: Lightbourn proposes sterilising mothers (The Tribune, July 29)

Questions remain over NHI

I have had many conversations lately concerning the PLP’s new national health insurance legislation. KPMG came out and said they were in favour of the legislation, and I believe they are. After all they were hired to create a framework in which national health insurance and universal healthcare function. The wrong question was asked of KPMG, it should not have been, do they support the legislation, but rather questions like:

Sears is to be congratulated

As a former colleague of Alfred Sears on the College of The Bahamas Council, let me begin by congratulating him for his modern day attempt to challenge the way leadership politics has been and is being conducted in the Progressive Liberal Party.

Who has a right to citizenship?

I always thought if my mother could show that she was born to a Bahamian, and I am her child, then there is zero dispute to my claim to Bahamian citizenship.

Support for Richard Lightbourn

REF: Recent Statement by MP Richard Lightbourn regarding single mothers giving birth to more than two children.

Thank you for tribute to Cindy

I wish to thank the Ministry of Tourism for recognising the contributions of the late Cindy Williams, during her employment at ZNS. This is especially fitting as ZNS is celebrating its 70th anniversary.

Cash and his ridiculous claim

Darron Cash’s suggestion that Dr Minnis ran a campaign based on race is ridiculous and the media, which has been very biased, should make Mr Cash substantiate any such claim.

Sears brings a glimmer of light

FOLLOWING the shambolic Free National Movement Convention one thing was pellucidly clear: neither the present leader or the aspirant has the wherewithal to lead this country.