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Arrogance of pastors who say ‘No’

It is baffling when men of God would choose to deny Bahamian men and women equal rights because of an unfounded and irrational fear that to do so would open the door on same sex marriage.

Fitzgerald, Rubis and integrity

Jerome Fitzgerald likes to talk about his integrity. Lately, he has been defending his integrity against those who he says have accused his government of being corrupt.

Is Sears Christie’s successor?

Alfred Sears has re-entered front-line politics, which has oft been described as a rough and tumble business. The former PLP Cabinet minister and Fort Charlotte MP has decided to come out of a self imposed four-year hiatus to challenge his former PLP successor in Fort Charlotte, Dr Andre Rollins. It is a huge sacrifice for Sears.

The hypocrisy of Greg Moss

I read with interest the article entitled, “Three More MPs Failed to Declare Their Assets” in the Wednesday, April 27, 2016 edition of you paper. Among the members of parliament currently breaking the law is Member of Parliament for Righteous Indignation, Mr Greg Moss.

Questions for Dame Joan

Is Dame Joan Sawyer really serious?

Saga of the BASH horses

On a hot and humid day in early September, 2014, I accompanied Inspector Percy Grant of the Bahamas Humane Society to see the horses at BASH, which he had seen a few days before and found them badly cared for. As Chairman of the BHS Horse Committee and having considerable horse experience, I was asked to assess the situation.

The case of the purloined emails

Speaker Dr Kendal Major says he may hold Minister Jerome Fitzgerald in contempt of the House of Assembly if he finds out that the private emails Mr Fitzgerald read in the House were illegally obtained. What a joke.

Dame Joan’s odd verdict

It is with great sadness that I read the comments of Dame Joan Sawyer, a former Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal, today.

The Church and equality

I found it quite interesting reading about the Christian Church leaders seemingly new-found enthusiasm for the equal rights of women in The Bahamas.  

Unfair attack on media

A letter written by Delvin Rolle complaining about media coverage of FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis is another sad example of his supporters’ belief that the media are somehow blind and just don’t get how wonderful, articulate and filled with bright ideas is Dr Minnis.

Time for Minnis to rise

Every five years, a very strange phenomenon occurs. Educated men and women, considerably righteous men and women, and even those usually not prone to much gaff descend into a primal circle of rhetoric, propaganda, smear tactics, and outright falsehoods all in the name of politics.

The things we could learn...

The headline in today’s Tribune: “Miller: We learned corruption from US”.

The other side of the BASH saga

With reference to the article about the horses at BASH in The Tribune on April 19, I must set the record straight.

A ray of light . . .

Please allow me a small space in your valuable newspaper to send a great big thank you to the Chairman, management and staff of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC).

Bias towards Butler-Turner

IT WAS interesting to read the lead story in your business section on April 19 about FNM MP Loretta Butler-Turner calling for the Christie administration to create a special envoy to look after Baha Mar.

Throwing stones and glass houses

While the country’s national debt has increased to $6.6b, up $136m over the previous quarter, the Baha Mar resort is still stalled, with certain members of the government now intimating that the course of action taken by this government in preventing the developer from restructuring his finances may not have been the best course of action, crime and unemployment still being very concerning issues, the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party, Bradley Roberts seems hell bent on focusing on questions that for the most part have already been asked and answered of the Free National Movement.

Justifying abuse?

Is Sir Franklyn Wilson justifying corruption and human rights abuses?

Financial time bomb

Your Editorial of today is right on the money with this matter and quite honestly, I do not think that the Bahamian people realise, or appreciate, the magnitude of what seems to have happened.

Pastors’ Stone Age thinking

The coalition of pastors who seem to have but one string to their ecclesiastical guitar again launched into a chorus of hate in a now predictable attempt to blur the line between church business and state business.

The country becoming a ghetto

One recent weekend, I went into a gas station to make a purchase. Shortly thereafter three or four young ladies pulled up in separate vehicles, calypso music blasting.

Allowing corruption to rule

“MILLER: We learned corruption from the US – Contracts for supporters will never stop.” – The Tribune

Corruption? Surely not here!

Re:  US warning over govt corruption.

Comedian or an MP?

I’m sure there’s a comedian somewhere that sucked his teeth when he read The Tribune headline yesterday quoting Leslie Miller, PLP MP for Tall Pines, as saying The Bahamas “learned corruption from the US”.

Failing to lead, and failing NIB

It was widely believed that the PLP government was elected in 2012 simply because it ran a ”better campaign” than the FNM and the DNA.

Apathy and talking fool

FNM Chairman vote - no doubt there is serious fractional differences -114 voted but 100 didn’t bother. Hardly a political party ready for a general election. Roll-on the FNM convention - we should see sparks.