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Bahamas corruption

The Tribune today 14/04/2016 was another doozer, which makes one wonder “why do people continue to even live here”?.

UN listen in UN listening

Having gone through slavery in ancestral memory and able still to experience what was undergone in the cells of my own body, how deeply it offends and angers me to see Africans subjecting Africans on buses – small ones or whatever size ones – to what causes me to taste and to see slavery again.

Fidelity advertisement

Does no one at Fidelity Bank or Fidelity Bank, as the M’Director, calls it understand what their TV advertisement is saying?

Are we forgotten?

We the residents of the Bozine Drive and Knowles Drive off Tonique Williams Darling Highway are very much still in awe and await your response to the land deal between the Government of The Bahamas, Land Co and the ‘Bozine Town’ residents.

Election silly season

They call the run-up to an election, the silly season. Well it seems we might have gone considerably past that, listening and reading comments in the media.

Misleading headlines

I have long suspected both our dailies of needlessly presenting the most negative possible headline for a story about the Bahamas.

Time to graduate

There are few sights more embarrassing than a Bahamian government minister getting before an international audience and arguing that, despite the data consistently confirming us as a high-income country with a high standard of living, we somehow deserve to be classed among Haiti, Honduras and El Salvador, when it comes to concessionary lending.

Answers needed

These issues must be answered:

Baha Mar wait

The efforts to resolve the debacle at Baha Mar will not have resolution any time soon. The Chinese are not in a position where they have to sell the property in the foreseeable future. 

Viewer warning for Destra

Viewer discretion should be advised for Destra Gracia, who has been contracted by the Bahamas National Festival Commission (BNFC) to perform at this year’s Junkanoo Carnival in Nassau.

Double vision on leaks

Having allowed for the leak of private emails and financial information under the skirts of Parliament, Prime Minister Christie is now upset the Panama Papers disclosure will undermine our financial services industry?

The solution to Watson’s dilemma

Frank Watson is now wondering where have all the talented young FNMs gone. If he wakes up, he will find that they have gone in search of a new party, so fed up are they with the one that Dr Hubert Minnis has led into the ditch.

The wrong parrot

Just when I believe that my mind cannot be further boggled, I am sadly proven wrong.

The wrong Act

In a letter published in last Friday’s Tribune, it was questioned whether same-sex marriage is legally possible in The Bahamas.

Political courage

“Those are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others‚” - Groucho Marx.

Christie and the IDB: Failure to engage

This week a failed Prime Minister gets to puff up his chest and strut around the failed Baha Mar resort and pretend to host the annual general meetings of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Review of the Marriage Act of the Bahamas may be needed

IN THE lead up to the referendum on gender equality there is a concern that one of the proposed Bills by its wording can lead to same sex marriage in the country.

More problems after delay of National health Insurance

The announced delay of National Health Insurance (NHI) “again” by the Minister of Health might cause more problems than this Administration could ever envisage. The ongoing debacle of CLICO has made NHI urgently necessary.

Moncur not fit to be FNM chair

NO ONE can deny that Rodney Moncur is an indefatigable, tenacious political aspirant.

Are we a rogue nation?

Your Editorial of today, 6th April 2016, coupled with The Tribune headline of the same day, with Minister Fitzgerald expressing no concern about the data misappropriation, and all in the aftermath of the House and Senate opening the way to another Referendum, leads one to wonder, what in the hell is the point of a Referendum.

Sign of the times?

I sent you a letter on the Island Luck signs at Montagu a few days ago. The letter hasn’t been published, but lo and behold the oversized billboards have magically disappeared.

Mitchell’s lack of empathy

DICTIONARY states empathy is the ability to understand another person’s feelings.

Foolish behaviour by leaders

If the PLP‘s election campaign four years back had stated their goal was to dismantle the Bahamian economy then I would say they have been resoundingly successful.

Carnival chaos

In one of last week’s editions, Marie Thompson reminded us that once more the Carnival chaos is almost on us again, with no apparent organisation or planning, apart from the erection of the fences.

NHI debate

HERE are my comments and  contribution towards the National Health Insurance (NHI) issue.