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Respect is earned

What is all this mumbo-jumbo about respecting the Office of the Prime Minister?

VAT on charity purchases

VAT. The Salvation Army Thrift shop has been adding VAT to every purchase made at their shop, including clothing, books and other useful items.

Steps to tackle crime

There have been nearly 400 murders in the past 40 months, which have coincided with the current tenure of the Christie administration.

What strange bedfellows we have

As we struggle with our own strain of the Chinese Pox . . .

Did I hit a nerve?

The Merrian-Webster dictionary defines a clown as “a performer (as in a circus) who entertains by playing tricks and wears comical clothes and makeup”.

Failing education

Why do we allow those in charge of education to make people feel comfortable with being below average? It is not OK.

Mitchell proves a laughing stock

Our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Passports, has gravitated from the Tribune Editorial columns now to A Comic’s View. If he could only stick to what he is supposed to be doing and encourage his employees to do the same, this country would not be seen as the joke that it is.

Sir Albert helped build nation

Sir Albert Joel Miller KCMG exemplified the indomitable Bahamian spirit – one that took him from Long Island to Buckingham Palace and many accomplishments in between.

Happy birthday, Mr Christie

Happy 72nd birthday. You are energetic as ever, bouncing around The Bahamas and world at one hell of a pace. You still look good. You must, as it’s disconcerting to me when young, attractive women ask me who is the older of the two of us. If Bernie sees even half of that energy, you are a bigger hero in the eyes of your two younger brothers.

Minnis, a man with a plan

I, like most other Bahamians, am tired and frustrated with our inept PLP government.

Reasons for removing Gomez make no sense

Some very strange things have been said in all the talk surrounding the Baha Mar crisis but the strangest of all have come from the Prime Minister Perry Christie and Minister of State Damian Gomez as to the reason why he (Mr. Gomez) was removed as the Government’s lawyer in the court case.

National pride - is it worth the price we pay?

Recent events have caused me to focus more closely at the given circumstances and I can only conclude that decisions have been taken in the name of “National Pride” but nobody has questioned at what cost. Having lived in the Bahamas for more than 50 years I earnestly believe that I have a strong streak of “National Pride” in being a resident of the Bahamas. “National Pride” is something one acquires, however, it is not a commodity that can be bought and sold. What does disturb me, however, is that decisions seem to be taken in the name of “National Pride” yet they are detrimental to the country as a whole. Let’s look at recent events:

Swapping US for China

While our government is busy hailing “history” being made with the latest Chinese involvement in BAMSI and Bay Street, I wonder how many of those Honourable men and women took note of the real history which unfolded today with the US flag raising ceremony at the Cuban Embassy in Havana attended by none other than US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Poor services to customers

Can someone please explain? If your internet service and e-mail provider is down, how on earth can you send an e-mail, as a certain licensed provider suggests we do, when we have a service problem?

Pointe the way along the dots

Wikipedia defines a Freudian slip thus: “A Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious (“dynamically repressed”) subdued wish, conflict, or train of thought guided by the ego and the rules of correct behaviour.”

Who will walk on these sidewalks?

Why is Public Works wasting “000’s” of dollars on building side-walks, from Independence Roundabout all the way to Marathon – must be over a mile long?

Psych tests for investors

With reference to the Hon. Minister of Labour’s call for foreign investors to have psych tests . . .

The govt and Sarkis Izmirlian

Recently you said that the Minister of Foreign Affairs had questioned “peace and security” with a threat to Bahamian security by an investor, although how this could be the case is not clear. You took this to mean Sarkis Izmirlian, However it could easily be another investor, for example, may I suggest Peter Nygard.

Mitchell’s statement beneath the dignity of a minister

The recent pronouncements by Fred Mitchell, Minister of Immigration and Foreign Affairs, firstly, in a session of the United Nations Security Council on small island developing states (SIDS) held in New Zealand and then at an Emancipation Day observance in Fox Hill were both attempts to deflect the public’s attention away from the fact that the PLP has failed the Bahamian people once again and has put thousands of jobs in jeopardy.

Govt doesn’t know what it’s doing

In a recent interview about the Baha Mar fiasco, business tycoon Phil Ruffin pointed to a lesson – you have to deal with people “who know what the hell they are doing.”

Mitchell's 'outrageous' statements

I found Fred Mitchell’s comments directed at Mr. Izmirlian to be absolutely outrageous. Mitchell’s statements were disgraceful. It seriously makes me worry about the direction this country is headed when a prominent politician, supposedly educated, could make threats such as these in public.

This is not the answer

The simple fact of the matter is that we need a solution to the Baha Mar blowout, and fast. But the way in which the Bahamian government is going about themselves is not the answer.

How many days to November 2015?

How many days to November 2015, when this Government insists Baha Mar can be opened by?

Closure of Butler's Food World

About two weeks ago Butler’s Food World on West Atlantic Drive, Freeport closed its doors.

What has another long time resident invested?

Nassau has earned the moniker “Dodge City”, with its daily shootouts and gun related violence.