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Baha Mar made me proud

Picture a diver climbing high up the ladder. Hours, years of practice behind them as their moment gets closer.

Mitchell hasn’t the temperament to be PM

Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell is routinely mentioned as one of three possible successors of Prime Minister Perry Christie, once the latter finally demits office as PLP leader.

Who runs the streets?

Who runs our streets? Is it the police or the criminals? I think Third Street should be renamed Dodge City Street, because that is what it has been like for the past two months.

Persecuted in my own country

I am a Bahamian of Haitian descent currently residing in New Providence. I am the founder of a group called The Connection, which is a voluntary group comprised of young Bahamians of Haitian descent who seek to make a positive contribution and impact in The Bahamas through education and voluntary projects.

Authority of magistrates

Will you kindly allow space in your valuable paper for the following.

Difference between a leader and a politician

The average Bahamian citizen is viewed as nothing more than a pawn on a chessboard, often used simply to advance the political agenda of one side or the other with the majority becoming casualties or collateral damage.

Lining up for PLP convention

The PLP’s convention is fast approaching and party stalwarts are jockeying for positions.

Bowe and Baha Mar

The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Gowon Bowe, should excuse himself from any further remarks regarding Baha Mar unless those remarks show that he “does not have a horse in the race”.

Prom date

Re: Man steals ambulance and crashes it into house (The Tribune, August 31).

The week in Nassau

Sort of aging myself, but I recall when visiting London back in the “60’s”, there was a Saturday evening TV programme - “That was the week that was”...Sir David Frost was one of the presenters as were a number of Cambridge and Oxford grads...A great laugh over the politics of the time and the current issues.

Parents and their children

So, single parents (mainly women), now we know that we must take responsibility for much of the increase in crime for bad parenting. Never mind that many of us (some with husbands) have worked hard to maintain the children and spent long hours teaching them the basics of right and wrong and good manners and ensured that they did their homework and studied to better themselves.

Garbage galore

This conflict issue and who owns what? Surely there is a simple remedy seeing that we signed-off on FACTA and we tell the Americans even our bed secrets. We amend the Company’s Act and require no more “nominee shareholders” and that all directors have to be shown on their corporate stationary.

Music to the ears

In regards to your headline “Mathematics E & English D+”. That must be music to the ears of the PLP party. An educated electorate plays into their hands.

Sir Albert was simply first class

I never would have known that a chance meeting some 63 years ago would have led to a friendship of a lifetime.

Conflict of interest

Quick question: is it not a conflict of interest for a Cabinet minister, who by virtue of his office, is a member of the Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA) - the body responsible for approving and supervising foreign investment in The Bahamas - to have a commercial relationship with a foreign investor in respect of a project currently under the supervision of the BIA?

Watson motives

What ulterior motive could be behind former DPM Watson’s campaign to undermine Dr Minnis’ leadership when the doctor was returned to his post by such an overwhelming majority?

It’s simple - just pass a law

Why are we so hateful to the sons and daughters of our Bahamian soil?

Minnis should stay

Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis is currently embroiled in the greatest battle of his political career with Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts, and to a limited degree with The Nassau Guardian over allegations that he benefited from a lease agreement with the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) while serving in the last Ingraham Cabinet as health minister.

Answer to Humane Society rumours

I have heard rumours regarding the Bahamas Humane Society recently and wish to address these untruths and misconceptions.

Ground down by government

I ordered 4 boxes of hanging files from Amazon. The total was $48.00. Customs duty and fees were $88.00.

Pathetic utility service

How are business persons supposed to operate in this country when the unions and others get away with holding ordinary law-abiding citizens hostage?

Mitchell’s views on activists

The comments of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell have become so unhinged and extremist of late that it is difficult not to find the spectacle amusing.

Honour Glen Pratt

It hurt my heart deeply when I saw a number of persons named, with their photos and the Sports in which they excelled being honoured and unveiled at The Sports Centre a few days ago.

Is it really all about sovereignty?

Kindly allow me to make a few comments in your valued paper on what I term the “Baha Mar Fiasco.”

Unemployment figures

I hope the Minister of Labour is not breaking out too much champagne, based on the recent unemployment figures, as the position is already reversed, with children leaving school – and do you classify the Baha Mar employees as unemployed?