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Moncur picked the wrong fight

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Fix what's happening on Bay Street

Will someone please do something about what has happened on Bay Street.





Don't focus on the man, focus on the message

EDITOR, The Tribune.


THIS week was a particularly frustrating one for me. It is a very difficult thing to watch the government of the day conduct itself in a way that brings threat to our economy and livelihood, and shame to our name throughout the world. It is even more difficult to watch far too many of us sit in fear and indifference as this goes on, too scared or disinterested to stand up for ourselves and our country.

Astonished by Greenslade response

I was very astonished as I heard the response given by Ellison Greenslade to some of the criticisms levied at himself and the police force in recent days.

Bacon says sorry for confusion

EDITOR, The Tribune. I was concerned to read press reports that my letter to members of the Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay, which described a police raid on my home in July 2010, had caused offence to Commissioner Ellison Greenslade.

Education is wealth

EDITOR, The Tribune. I noticed an advertisement on the TV where The Quatar Government stated “Education is Wealth”.

Fishing in the Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune. Please allow me to shed some light on the truth about the fishing industry of our country to the Bahamian people.

Think of the poor batons

EDITOR, The Tribune. Re: ‘Blows to prisoner who died were not excessive’.

Telling the truth on Dr. Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune. THE Bahamian people should know that real leadership is on the way and that the FNM will once again be the home of real leadership, although it is in a state of flux, confusion and no leadership today.


EDITOR, The Tribune. Is Perry Gladstone Christie the prime minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, or is it attorney Wayne Munroe?

Nygard's behaviour

Today’s Tribune featured an article about the extensive reclamation of the seabed at Simms Point, Lyford Cay, the home of fashion designer Peter Nygard.

Tax reform in the Bahamas

Governments everywhere want economic growth and jobs for their people. Yet they sprinkle job killing taxes (re the VAT) throughout the economy. Then they give exemptions, rebates, subsidies, etc in hopes of countering the damage caused by the very taxes they levied.

Value added tax

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Creole speakers

EDITOR, The Tribune

PM is no advocate for the disabled

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dr. Minnis urged to stay the course

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Violent crime

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Criticism of minister

EDITOR, The Tribune.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

The VAT plan

Much needs, should and will be said about “VAT” here are a few from me.

Tell the truth

“When I saw Torres buy the property, and then he came in with vision a vision to change it significantly to integrate it into a real resort, to build, to expand.” – The Tribune, July 31, 2012

Changes in Bimini

EDITOR, The Tribune.