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Making us a mockery

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dont's believe the lie

If the count of those persons employed in the illegal web shop industry gathered in front of Parliament . . .

Security forces should have voted yes

At the advanced poll yesterday, I hope the security forces voted yes.
It would have been in their best interest to do so.

Potcake helpers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Answering the economic argument

ON Monday January 7, Philip Galanis, a coordinator of Vote Yes Bahamas, used his weekly column to lobby for a “yes” vote in the upcoming gambling referendum.

Response to the Yes campaign

Many wonder what will it take for Bahamians to see through this “smoke screen” exercise of deception by those advocating the “yes” vote in Monday’s Referendum?

PM should muzzle Roberts

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts should be muzzled by PLP leader and PM Perry G Christie for publicly urging Bahamians to vote yes in the referendum on legalising web cafes. He had declared that he was speaking on behalf of the PLP.

PM should refrain from abusive language

Prime Minister Perry Christie blew a gasket when he responded to questions posed to him by The Tribune concerning accusations made by Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis (Killarney).

Strange things are happening here

Some strange things are happening in our Bahamas. I have listened to all of the pros and cons of what is about to be forced on Bahamians.

The Necessity for Tax Reform

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Operation Potcake continues

I would first like to express my appreciation for the recent article titled, Gunman Hold Up Potcake Helpers published on the cover page of The Big T on the 19th of January.

More money

In these challenging economic times, we must all remember that a “yes” when we vote for the referendum will have the positive effect of putting more money in our treasury.

Gambling referendum chaos

The Gambling Referendum has left much to be desired.


PM should be commended for bringing forward referendum

EDITOR, The Tribune.
We have had three prime ministers in the history of the Bahamas since
independence. Sir Lynden Pindling was unable to bring the gambling
issue before the people. Hubert Ingraham was not able to bring the
gambling issue before the people. Only Perry Christie has had the
courage to do so. He should be commended for this.
I agree that this process seems a little rushed. But you know what,
nothing is ever perfect. The people know what the issue is. They
have two questions to vote on and they have had enough time to think
about it. Do you support legalising web shops and a National Lottery?
It is as simple as that.
I support both. The government needs the tax dollars and Bahamians
need jobs. Many of the people who say vote no have a job. They don’t
care would happens to the thousands who work in the industry if the web
shops are closed.
Christie has taken a beating for bringing forward this referendum. The
fact that he has been willing to do so in the face of all this
hostility from the church, the opposition and haters everywhere shows
that he is a man of courage.
If the people vote yes, I know Perry Gladstone Christie will have the
courage to pass the bill legalising gambling in the House of Assembly.
I believe if the people vote no, that same Perry Gladstone Christie
will have the courage to shut down the numbers houses.
To my prime minister I say, stay strong. When you dare to address
issues that no one else would touch you pay the price. But remember
prime minister, history will remember you as the man who had the
courage to put the question to the people. It wasn’t Ingraham and it
wasn’t Sir Lynden. My Valley Boy was the one to let the people decide
what they want to do.


Your vote will determine the future

Do not stay home and miss the opportunity to vote NO. You may be thinking this gambling issue is not that important, or that nothing is going to change, but you are wrong.

Was question changed?

I am seeking verification of a statement made by the government/prime minister in response to the Bahamas Christian Council’s questioning the action taken to alter Question No 1 prior to its publication without the courtesy of notifying the Council of the change…

Is this poll going to be fair?

IN God I trust - everyone else needs to be watched -

Response to Galanis column

Yesterday, Philip Galanis, Chairman of Vote Yes Bahamas, used his weekly column to lobby for a “yes” vote in the upcoming gambling referendum.

Vote yes for misery

$300,000,000 made from gambling in Web Shops every year! And all that lovely money spent by Bahamians will eventually help the Bahamian people!

Poll should be challenged

The poll that the government plans to put to the Bahamian people can be challenged before the courts because what is being put to the people on January 28 is not a referendum at all.

The issue most deserving of referendum

In the midst of all the hysteria surrounding the soon to be held opinion poll for the legalization of the illegal numbers racket, cloaked in the disguise of a referendum, the populace and the clergy in particular have seemingly lost sight of the issue most deserving of and what would constitute a genuine and legal referendum, the upgrading of women’s rights in the Bahamas to the same status of those enjoyed by our men.

Looking to the future

2012 has been a challenging year for tens of thousands of Bahamians. Some of the missteps and setbacks have been of our own making, either due to overt neglect of our individual affairs or due to unavoidable acts of God. In some cases far too many of us placed our well-being in the hands of politicians; tin gods and iron men/women.

Hoodwinked by the PLP

The Bahamian people have been exploited on many occasions, but never in the history have they been had, took, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amuck, lied to and shafted.

Pope's message

I commend Pope Benedict XVI for strongly denouncing homosexuality and same-sex marriage in his annual Christmas address.

Are web shop licences lawful?

When you operate a sweepstake, giveaway, raffle or lottery firstly you are required to apply to the government, right now Ministry of Tourism, to obtain a licence.