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The National Insurance Board

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Are we flirting with a blacklist?

Pardon my ignorance to all of the laws as it relates banking, blacklisting and the United States various objections.

What is the Chief Justice saying?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A fourth term for Ingraham

As Frenchmen cried out for the return Charles de Gaulle and Americans for Franklin D Roosevelt so are Bahamians crying out for Ingraham to return!

Problems to bring more suicides?

EDITOR, The Tribune.


What is VAT?


This is lent. Lent is a time to make a change. The following words of warning shock us to stop, take notice, and make a decision.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Misleading Baha Mar comments

Is the Prime Minister seeking to mislead Bahamian workers into believing that he did not receive prior notice of plans to terminate 140 workers from the Baha Mar? If that is so, I do not believe him.

Leadership by referendum

The Rt Honourable Prime Minister has a golden opportunity to carve out what could be his political legacy...

Who knew what and when?

Permit me to bring the following to your attention. During the course of his remarks in the House of Assembly on Wednesday, 6th February 2013, Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Perry Christie, in his defense of Mrs. Michelle Reckley, ”Deputy Director” of Urban Renewal on Grand Bahama, revealed, for the first time, that he was advised of the plight of the Grand Bahama woman who was in dire need of heart surgery, before Mr Greg Moss, the former NIB Board Chairman, was approached by the woman’s family and before Mr Moss issued the letter of guarantee to Doctors Hospital in the amount of $15,000.

Christie should follow pope's lead

On February 11, Pope Benedict XVI stepped down from one of the most powerful posts in the world.

Battle of Waterloo?

On Friday night last following a harrowing night of road blocks and seat belt checks on the very safe and secure East Bay Street the boys (police) obviously getting no action decided at 12:01am to raid Club Waterloo again and tell the predominantly minority white party-goers that it was time to go home, or they would be put in the paddy wagon.

Minnis on the PLP

As Leader of the Opposition, I have been astounded to see how the PLP has already allowed their second chance at rendering good, effective governance to degenerate into one of dishonour, an apparent unwillingness to adhere to the will of the people and an inglorious streak of scandalous revelations.

Bahamian church is in crisis

Nearly two decades ago the president of the US based anti-cult organisation the Christian Research Institute, Hank Hanegraff, published the ground breaking book Christianity in Crisis in order to expose the myriad of false teachings which had inundated the church in America.

What about SC McPherson?

In recent days, much has been said about the politicians who contributed to the achievement of Majority Rule Day – January 10. Names have been called, but no one has mentioned Samuel C McPherson, MP whose efforts saved Government High School (GHS) from closure.

I am not a loser!

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Questions for Attorney General

I have read with interest Sean McWeeney’s comments regarding the powers of the Attorney General, published in Tuesday, February 5th’s edition of The Tribune which failed to provide definitive answers, as was my expectation, and which provided the stimulus for the following follow-up questions:

I support end of Senate

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Support for Rev Simeon Hall

I wish to support the Rev Simeon Hall in his quest to have the Senate of The Bahamas abolished.

Web shop employers

It has been estimated that the annual earnings of web shop operators range between $400 million and $450 million – maybe more, more likely $500 million, which is half a billion dollars.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Stop the helicopters

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Gambling in the Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Demand true ecomomic growth

EDITOR, The Tribune.