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Bahamas CEO is far too weak

If you think of the Bahamas as being a very large company with 300,000 shareholders (the people) and then accept that the Board of Directors is the Government of the Bahamas then logically Perry Christie is the Chief Executive Officer.

ZNS should stop airing Sesame St.

The popular educational television programme Sesame Street has had a very long run on the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas (BCB) or ZNS TV 13...

The referendum on gambling

No one is going to suggest to me to vote for and by my vote support people who for years have broken the laws of The Bahamas. I do care how many hundreds of thousands they gave to political parties and away to this and that.

Get your facts straight

The whistleblower has been taken to task by PLP supporter and former leader in the now defunct Abaco Independence Movement (AIM) Errington ‘‘Bumpy’’ Watkins for a recent letter-to-the-editor that was published in The Nassau Guardian.

Consumer protection versus credit bureau

I read with interest two articles appearing in the Business Section of the Nassau Guardian on the December 12, 2012, entitled:...

The debacle of the National Insurance Board

National Insurance was probably the best run and managed of the Government Corporations.

Morality in our Political Policies

If we care for the people of the Bahamas, we must attach the National Health Plan to the referendum for the national lotto...

Road Traffic Department

I am stirred to respond to Alexis Burrows’ letter in today’s Tribune (December 17, 2012) regarding his experiences at Road Traffic and his suggestions for improvements.

Spacious, cleaner, safer Nassau

Is it the politically correct thing to say that the “chickens have come home and will continue to come home to roost” regarding the overcrowding of Nassau? Then that question begs another question – why is it that we are politically intimidated and extremely cautious when it comes to freedom of speech, especially speech that is non-treasonous?

An open letter to the Prime Minister on NIB ructions

Over the past few days, the media has been very busy publishing some unsavoury and serious accusations that are going on between the newly appointed Chairman and the Director and his Deputy at the National Insurance Board.

Mass murders in Newtown, USA

While the recent killings in Newtown Connecticut are horrific, I am amazed at the profound level of shock and bewilderment from people around the globe.

Opinion poll on gambling

May I re-empt the Prime Minister on what we should be asked on this really stupid question because the PLP had the issue in their platform and I think the PLP won?

Bring down the cost of electricity

MICAL MP Alfred Gray charged yesterday (Tribune 14/12) that estimates used to calculate BEC bills were unfair and detrimental to the less fortunate.

Measures to tackle crime

The latest serious crime statistics released by the police reveal an 18 per cent increase in armed robberies.

Who is now in charge of National Insurance?

WE do not have time to listen to talk shows. However, we are told that Algernon Cargill, suspended Director and Chief Executive Officer of the National Insurance Board, is being heavily criticised on some of these shows for what he is alleged to have taken from NIB.

Suggestions to the road traffic department

Dear Road Traffic Department, I have but a few thoughts regarding my experiences at your fine place of operation today.

'BEC on brink of collapse!'


Rules for horse welfare

Re: New rules considered for horse welfare.

Short memories on gambling

What if we throw in the circle now Horse Racing and reIaunch Hobby Horse, firstly it was always a great attraction on Cable Beach for the hotels, secondly it employed a lot of people, full and half time, took a lot of young people off the street and few ended up in front of a Magistrate.

Costs up in construction

Construction projects, private and public alike, have a long history of cost escalation.

What is the true murder count?

THE Nassau Guardian reported that the murder of Dario ‘‘China’’ Knowles marked the 100th murder for 2012.

Are laws on raffles being broken?

Licences to hold raffles or games of chance......my understanding is you require to apply to the government, I believe this falls under the Minister of Tourism, Wilchcombe but anyone organising a raffle must get a licence.

A message for Bran McCartney

I have a message for Mr Branville McCartney and anyone else who thinks that Christians should find more important things to do than fight against making gambling legal.

Gambling is here to stay

Prime Minister Christie said recently that his government is looking into holding a referendum on gambling. In my view, this is a smoke screen.

The Government’s blatant shenanigans must stop

I just phoned the Ministry of Grand Bahama to ask if I can go down there and pick up a job application for the proposed Reef Village project at the Our Lucaya Resort, and was told by the Ministry’s receptionist that I should go to the “customer service” section of the Ministry of Grand Bahama to collect the job application.