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The US Customs fiasco

Ladies and Gentleman, just when you thought it was safe to travel again we have been hit with long lines in the US Customs hall at Lynden Pindling International Airport resulting in flight delays and persons missing flights once again.

FNM sends strong message

I have watched with interest the rumblings in the Free National Movement (FNM) since the departure of Hubert Alexander Ingraham.


IN A MOVE to position itself as one of the financial institutions of choice for Bahamians, the National Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited announced the launch of two new strategies to boost savings for members.

Where are the journalists?

Where are the journalists in the country? All I see are “reporters” not journalists. I am very disappointed in what I read in the newspapers and hear on the radio and see on TV when it comes to news.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why Foulkes lost bid for FNM Chair

I would like to congratulate Mr Darron Cash for his successful bid at winning the chairmanship post of the Free National Movement (FNM).


EDITOR, The Tribune.
 I got the impression that the current Prime Minister was getting himself to the place where he was no longer “sitting on the edge of his legacy” and was becoming fully involved in the work of being the Prime Minister. One step forward, two steps back. His attack on the leader of the Opposition informs us that there are times when he gets thin-skinned and reacts to statements that have nothing to do with personal perceptivity. His explanation of the UK consultants job description may fit the external groups that are seeking to operate gaming businesses in the Bahamas, but they would have nothing to do with consulting the government on who would want to do business within the local environment that is outside of the Casinos. But, if this is what they have been doing then, past and present governments it would appear have been using tax payers’ money to do something that is illegal.
 Perhaps the Prime Minister is avoiding the fundamental question that Mr Minnis has put on the table. If the public’s money has been spent on a “consultation” then the report of that consultation has to be placed in the view of the people who paid for it; it is not a private matter. It would help if Mr Christie would see himself as being the legal representative of all of the Bahamian people, that way there would not be any confusion regarding who is really paying the bill. I want to personally remind the Prime Minister, that his deciding to go against the advice of the UK consultants does not make that report null and void, even if it is written on a napkin.
 Back to the leadership question. This would cause the public to compare Mr Christie and Mr Minnis, but since Mr Minnis has not yet held the post of Prime Minister we would have to step back and look at similar posts that they did hold, and history would take us back to the Ministry of Health where both men spent some time. If an opinion poll were taken there would be a general agreement that Mr Christie did not do as well as Mr Minnis in that regard. The work we see going on at the nation’s major health care facility may be the reason that Mr Minnis is the leader of the Opposition. As to leading their respective parties it is somewhat of a toss-up, Mr Minnis is into restructuring his organisation and Mr Christie is still battling with his twin demons of indecisiveness and his non-elected party members having too much to say. They are both busy, but going in different directions.
 Maybe it is time for Mr Christie to pay his former business partner and close friend a visit and get a couple of pointers out of the Ingraham playbook. Maybe he can begin at the page where it explains how everything you hear does not require a response; giving a response is like writing a cheque that someone else cashes for you, but you are not too sure what the proceeds will look like or if you are going to benefit. Come to think of it, the last Prime Minister had a struggle with this also.

November 21, 2012.

Christie not royalty

IF THERE is anything Mr Christie should learn from this “referendum fiasco” is that he has been elected to serve and he is not some kind of royalty that is talking down to his subjects.

Gambling vote needs to be thought through

We are facing some very serious times. I listened intently to the PM on Wednesday, Nov.

Christie has caved in to mounting pressure

Sensing that much of the Bahamian public had taken an opposing stance against his planned December 3 referendum on the legalisation of web shops, Prime Minister Perry Christie has caved in to mounting pressure by postponing the referendum date to January 28, 2013.

Cat Island airport

The last time I wrote to you, I was bemoaning the country’s “discovery/saviour attitude” expressed with respect to the donation from the Susan G Komen organisation that was being utilised for the purchase of mammogram machines for government institutions.

A terrifying experience

I am, a concerned citizen, whose experience this morning had me fearing for my life! I want to share a terrifying experience with the Bahamian people.

How Grand Bahama is surviving

  I think the time has come for the rest of The Bahamas to know just how severe the economic crisis has been in Grand Bahama.

God and gambling

After days of seeking the Lord for myself, I have been asking Him the questions: Is Gambling A Sin?

Christmas gifts

As Christmas soon reach, I was thinking of gifts for Perry Christie and Hubert Minnis.

A lily in our Bahamaland

On April 13th, 1964, Sidney Poitier won an Oscar for best male actor for his role in the movie “Lilies of the Field”.

Bill does not address public's demand

Wednesday, the Government tabled a Bill that is a total waste of time in the context of dealing with what the Bahamian people are now demanding for on the issue of gambling – which is to deal with all matters related to gaming for Bahamians inclusive of the discriminatory clause in the Constitution that permits the Parliament to block the gaming rights of Bahamians.

Why opposition from Christians?

Why are Christians and Pastors trying to stop gambling from becoming legal?

Looking back on the North Abaco vote

  North Abaco now has a Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) member of Parliament in the person of Renardo Curry.

Christian Council suddenly comes alive to gambling?

Kindly permit my five cents on this contentious issue of gambling.

Oswald Brown used a poor choice of words in anti-Tribune letter

I hope you would permit me to comment in your newspaper on a very interesting letter that I had read at least three or four times on Bahamas Press.

In response to Sharon Turner’s Tom Foolery

I trust this letter comes at a good time when there is space enough to permit my response to Sharon Turner’s Tom Foolery.

Referendum on shifting sands

No matter what, by the time I finish writing this and make it public, the details would likely have changed yet again, so please take this writing as a snapshot taken at a particular point in time in the evolution of a political creature.

PM spouting nonsense on vote

The chicken has now come home to roost. Prime Minister Perry Christie is spewing all sorts of nonsense about the upcoming referendum on numbers with nothing seen from the consultants his government contracted for advice.

We are gambling with gambling

The Prime Minister proudly announced that the referendum on gambling will be held on December 3, 2012.