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Farewell, Mr Adderley

I (like many others) wish to pay tribute to the late Paul Adderley.

Why not Bahamians for event?

Why is our government planning our 40th independence celebrations making the highlight of the main events foreign musical artists?

Bimini does not need a casino

The community of Bimini do not need a casino to be built and operated amongst its people. Not on the land, nor in the air, it's not needed anywhere.

Bahamas Press should issue a retraction on Greg Gomez

  The popular Internet news source Bahamas Press published on October 1 a very provocative article on the Free National Movement (FNM) standard bearer for the North Abaco constituency Greg Gomez.

Haitian schoolchildren

In the Bahamas government primary schools there are approximately 65 per cent Haitians and 5 per cent different nationalities sitting in our classrooms.

The King of Swaziland & the Bahamian Pastor

I was dismayed by a documentary on what felt like self-glorification, featuring a local pastor who recently travelled to the Kingdom of Swaziland where he was feted in royal style and hosted by that country’s political elite.

Article on BEC salaries was cowardly

I would like to address the cowardice manner in which the story regarding overtime for BEC employees on September 19, 2012 in The Tribune was addressed.

Saturday rally in Abaco

Someone should answer the latest threats made by the P.M  at his rally on Saturday in Abaco.

NAD taxes

Please allow me to express my concern in your paper about the unfair and unnecessary rise in taxes at the Nassau International Airport imposed by Nassau Airport Development.

PM threat to voters in Abaco

On listening and reading the utterances spewing from the mouths of PLP politicians I wonder sometimes about the Bahamian populace.

Gomez past may help FNM

 If one were to take the Nassau Guardian's front page report on Free National Movement's (FNM) North Abaco candidate at face value, then one would have to conclude that the details surrounding Greg Gomez's employment history raises more questions than answers

Bullying 2.0

 The standards for Bahamian politics is demeaning, and degrading

PM should go back to the Word of God

The recent comments by our Prime Minister about what he is able to do or not do should put many things into perspective, for those who support him and those who do not.

Referendum DOA?

As the news suffice about the upcoming gambling referendum and the possible questions on its ballot, one thing is certain, and that is: The confusion mounts.

Condemn comments by Christie

At the outset, let me state that I am not a supporter of either leader of the major political parties in The Bahamas at this time.

Perfecting hypocrisy

I was utterly stunned on Friday, September 28th, 2012 when I read The Nassau Guardian’s top story, “Some FNMs accepted web shop donations.”

FNM hurt by attack on Reckley

 In a September 3, article entitled The Mysterious Disappearance of Urban Renewal in The Nassau Tribune, columnist Paco Nunez was highly critical of Grand Bahama Urban Renewal Assistant Director Michelle Reckley for refusing to speak with his newspaper's Freeport reporter about the progress of the Progressive Liberal Party's (PLP) highly touted social intervention programme in the nation's second city.

Concern over crime fight

One of the major concerns of the Bahamian people today has been the proliferation of crime and the continued fight against its increase.

Fake designer bags for sale

I am writing today to bring attention to the continued selling of illegal knock-off designer bags throughout the Bay Street area.

Winning the North Abaco seat

The onus is on the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to win the vacant North Abaco Constituency. It is a do or die situation and one which will, in essence, be a referendum on the first four months of the resurgent Christie administration or is it the Davis protectorate?

A shocking solution to education woes

THE letter states that “schools ought to create environments that facilitate students to be entrepreneurs and nation builders”, and few would disagree with that.

A thought for readers to ponder

As a Bahamian citizen I am very concerned about the potential fallout that the daring (alleged) attempted daylight heist at Atlantis could have for our tourism industry

What happens when the smoke clears?

One of the dangers the Church faces when they address moral and social problems is the possibility of interrupting their primary mission in the world, that of reconciling man to his maker. There is a very thin line that separates dogma and dogmatism; especially when there is a level of rightness that is presumed.

A dark cloud is on the horizon

The Western world is increasingly succumbing to the prejudice of "political correctness". More and more we live in a time and situation where pluralism and tolerance are, irreconcilable with absolute truth, the highest values.

We shoot to live

In 1962 a young District Constable was murdered while on patrol in Palmdale. He had encountered a man breaking into a shop there. He was overpowered and stabbed to death.