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The politics of jobs

Bahamians were no doubt shocked to hear Prime Minister Perry Christie last week say the Sandals Resort at Emerald Bay in Exuma was in danger of closing its doors.

Why weren't layoffs at CB&I in Grand Bahama reported?

 The recent terminations of some 19 Bahamians at the Grand Bahama Power Company (GBPC) came on the heels of a massive redundancy exercise at Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB&I) in BORCO/Buckeye in recent weeks. I was reliably informed that approximately 60 workers were given their pink slips.

Urban Renewal 2.0 an admission of failure?

The reality is there are many government ministries, departments, agencies that are already responsible for all the tasks now assigned to Urban Renewal 2.0.

Fear on Village Road

Every morning, an unkempt man is stationed at the Village Road and Shirley Street traffic light begging.

Rejecting the gay and lesbian agenda

On July 24, 2011 the State of New York legalized gay and lesbian marriages aka same sex marriages.

Minnis support

I support Dr Hubert Minnis not only in his capacity as leader of the Free National Moment but for his irreproachable character and down-to-earth qualities.

The PLP deception: the truth

The Progressive Liberal Party came into power on the 7th of May 2012 on “Golden” dreams and promises.

Cable Bahamas' proposed increase

The Bahamas is an archipelago of islands on which many Bahamians live. We work on one and travel to Family Islands; in instances our “hometowns” on weekends, holidays, to funerals, weddings, anniversaries, etc.

FNM will win vote in Abaco

I strongly believe the FNM will win and regain the North Abaco seat in the upcoming by-election because North Abaco voted FNM for five consecutive general elections and the FNM has simply been the best for the entire island of Abaco.

The appetite for illicit drugs

Please publish this open letter to: Mr. John Dinkelman Charge d’ Affaires, US Embassy

Policing concerns

Please print the attached open letter to the stated parties in one of the editions of your publication.

The Education Debate of 2012

The Education Debate of 2012 as seen in the nation’s press has been centred on the validity of the single letter grade for the annual Bahamas General Certificate Secondary Education (BGCSE) exams.

We want a democratic Bahamas

  The alleged death threat against Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr Hubert Minnis (Killarney) in North Abaco may very well be an indication that some hate-mongers in this country would stop at nothing to silence the opposition and put to an end our democratic way of life.

The Cable Spring uprising

Boy, have I been waiting for this controversy to start. “Cable Spring” finally begins.

No first lady

As a people we just love titles but why are we now resorting to making them up?

Is this real policing?

ONE has to wonder if whomever is running the RBPF hasn’t lost a few marbles and is therefore incapable of prioritising police resource usage.

Seek out education experts

In recent times, members of The Nassau Institute, especially Mr Ralph Massey, and Mr Rick Lowe, has publicly bashed the educational system, as well as attempted to insult the expertise of educators.

"Speed Weeks" are an insult to auto racing

As a die hard racing fan who has followed motor sports since childhood, and one of the extremely few black people who follows this sport, I feel that I must comment on a certain upcoming sporting event that has been making the news lately.

Deputy Speaker Got It Wrong

I hope that by now somebody has pulled Deputy Speaker Dion Smith aside and given him a lecture about our parliamentary democracy.

BGCSE research is needed

I am writing in response to Mr Massey letter “BGCSE: Status Quo Is Unacceptable” dated August 29, 2012.

Will the real expert please stand up?

I have read letters to the local newspaper that have attacked the quality of education in The Bahamas, especially within government schools.

The risk of oil

With the recent announcement that Bahamas Petroleum has been granted a three year license extension, it seems as if this government is moving full steam ahead with plans to facilitate a referendum which, if passed, will allow oil drilling in our waters.

Questions for John Marquis

As we near the fortieth anniversary of independence, I too am saddened like John Marquis that some things never change.

Cable Bahamas needs competition

I would like to take some time to address the issue of Cable fees being raised.

On the referndum

How is it that political parties can acknowledge they have accepted money from "number house" owners and there seems to be very little or no public/religious expression of revulsion and disgrace.