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Greg Gomez in the spotlight

Prime Minister Perry G Christie has told the Press that the North Abaco by-election to fill the seat left vacant by former prime minister and that area's former member of Parliament, Hubert A Ingraham, will be held in October.

Tackling numbers houses

Firstly, numbers can be stopped if the government really wanted to. The backbone of all number houses is the Internet.

An end to Christie's honeymoon

The honeymoon is over, and it's time for members of the public, and in particular, the media to start asking the hard questions demanding answers on issues of national interest and make the Christie-led administration accountable and responsible from the get go, before they become despondent and ultimately vile to the Bahamian people.

Maynard shock

The recent shock of the passing of a rising star in the FNM, the late Charles T. Maynard will linger in the minds of many for far longer than any of us can imagine.

Concerning Bishop Eddie Long conference

The pastor of the Atlanta based New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Bishop Eddie Long is presently holding his Spirit and Truth Conference on Atlantis Paradise Island.

Get police out of schools

During the time that I was waiting at the Princess Margaret Hospital on Friday, two students, both soaked in blood, were brought into the Accident and Emergency section

Respects to T'rez Hepburn

Though T'rez Hepburn was an entertainer, mother and dear friend to many like myself, she was also a teacher. 

Hold a referendum on BTC

During the lead up to the May 7 general elections the then opposition Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) spoke vociferously against the sale of 51 per cent of the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) to the global telecoms company Cable & Wireless Communications for a reported $210 million.

No FNM victimisation

I wish to respond to a letter to the editor which I suspected was written by a coward PLP letter writer whose aim and objective are to sow seeds of disunity in the FNM. The letter was not signed by the suspected PLP but “A loyal FNM and Minnis Supporter.”

The money makers

The contents of this letter are for those persons, who are aggrieved and will most likely lose money due to the incompetence, malpractice and negligence of attorneys and business persons in and out of the Bahamas.

Pastors' visit to cabinet

Is it possible to know the names and denominations of the several pastors who recently met in the Cabinet Room and who subsequently participated in a luncheon in the west?

Lottery referendum

The referendum on numbers and/or lottery seems being approached totally backwards and will not be in compliance with The Constitution.

Offering support to Dr Minnis

There seems to be a whole lot of concern about the leadership style of the Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis

Regarding the Olympics

It seems every time I open a newspaper or turn on the TV I hear some woeful tale of sad defeat from an athlete who failed to measure up to their own Gold metal standard at the Olympics.

All is not well at Lynden Pindling International Airport

I am writing this letter hoping to get some swift action with regards to the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA). I am writing this letter hoping to get some swift action with regards to the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA).

A report on reform

This letter is penned in honour of Pat Bain, a former President of the National Congress of Trade Unions and of the Bahamas Hotel Catering & Allied Workers Union (BHCA WU), who, had he lived, would be celebrating his birthday today.

Alcohol destroying Bahamas

Bootlegging was the smuggling and selling of alcohol at exorbitant prices

A need for peace

Bishop Fulton J Sheen (1895-1979), one of the most remarkable Americans of the 20th century once remarked: "Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved; there can be no world peace unless there is soul peace."


In the aftermath of the PLP’s self imposed “100 day challenge”, the Rt Hon Perry G Christie claims to be very pleased with their accomplishments

BCSE: Status quo is unacceptable

In The Tribune of August 28th Dr Ruthmae Sears of the University of South FLorida stated unequivocally in her Letter to the Editor that the BGCSE annual “national average” is “merely an illusion...a poorly defined construct.”

The Olympic truce - something to respect

The Olympic Games, held this year in London, are the greatest sports event in the world, drawing athletes from the myriad nations of the world to one city.

Hurry BEC windfall!

Environment Minister Kenred Dorsett is looking at proposals to save BEC 100 million dollars annually.

Is PLP destroying families?

Mr. Perry Gladstone Christie and Brave Davis, what would it take, my God, for you to gather the guts to stop the destruction of helpless Bahamian families?

Agreement with BGCSE criticism

I am in agreement with Dr Ruthmae Sears that the national average is an illusion; but not for the reasons that she has stated.

Raising gaming questions

There have been numerous articles on your pages over the recent days and month about the question of whether or not gaming, in some shape or form, should be legalized.