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Reasons for the rate of murders

IN ANNOUNCING the launch of Urban Renewal 2.0 at Police Headquarters on Monday, June 4, the Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade, was quoted by reporter Dana Smith of The Tribune as saying, "Many of the murders that we recorded to date are a result of arguments. I am ashamed to tell you, arguments over women...females, where young men are feuding over females."

Minister should watch his words on matters of safety

THERE is a downside to the politicisation of any issue, especially when politics is powerless to bring about that change, or the political will is absent.

Landlord's plea

PLEASE allow me space in your prestigious newspaper to express my opinion. I have run out of options and done all that I can, now I am praying that your paper will be able to assist me.

Outrage at murders

CITIZENS for Justice, (CFJ) a non-political advocacy organisation for justice and order, is outraged at the number of recent murders in the Bahamas.

Economy a tough task for Christie

Prime Minister Perry G Christie and his Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government have a mammoth task ahead of them - rescuing a dying economy. I was alarmed after reading in The Tribune about the

Clean up the mess from dogs

You know what's really sad? It appears that some of us locals who thoroughly enjoy the beauty of the new walking areas and wet lands that Baha Mar have created for our health, wellness, and enjoyment are

Concerns over the witness protection programme

THE brutal slayings of 53-year-old Nora Johnson and her son, 24-year-old Dario Dean must have rattled the nerves of many Bahamians who have been witnesses of serious crimes, such as murder.

The bad old days

I HAVE lived in the Bahamas for more than 40 years and when I read your headline today (June 13), I felt as if I was back in the 1970's.

Cartwright deserved an honour

One of the founder fathers of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), William Cartwright passed away at the Princess Margaret Hospital on June 7 at the age of 89. In 1953, he, along with the late Cyril Ste

It's graduation time again

I UNDERSTAND that in government schools, certificates are given to all students pass or fail.

Why is Bell still on the campaign?

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party (PLP) Minister of State for National Security Keith Bell's behaviour in recent times continues to befuddle me.

Distribution of income and property

There is a nebulous myth here in The Bahamas that there is and has been a gradual equalisation in income and property ownership amongst our people. I

Response to writers

I wish to disagree somewhat with both letter writers under the headings: "Electorate has matured" and "No one guessed right in election predictions". Concerning the first heading: first of all I wish someone woul

The fourth estate

The Fourth Estate which today includes print, television, radio, electronic and social media, is considered the best bulwark against tyranny and abuses of power by governments. We have witnessed

Pakesia would be a huge risk

I WAS recently informed by a reliable source that the defeated Free National Movement (FNM) candidate for the constituency of West Grand Bahama and Bimini, Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe is one of several persons vying for the nomination for the North Abaco constituency

For free speech

It is not uncommon for government officials to quickly develop a paranoid fear of freedom of expression and opinions.

Legalise gambling

IN THE 32 years I have been a citizen of the Bahamas, numbers has always been around. Throughout the years it has been modernised and the integrity of the game has also transformed tremendously. It went from being a backyard business to a corporate figure that now finds itself in a grey area.

Sawyer is a fine choice for senate

WE RESPOND to the letter written in your column published on Tuesday, 29th May. The letter was in reference to the Senate appointment of Gary Sawyer, candidate for the Progressive Liberal Party for Central & South Abaco.

Electorate has matured

We have had two one-term governments in a row; which is a reflection of the shifting political times in The Bahamas - in my view.

No one guessed right in election predictions

No one guessed right in election predictions EDITOR, The Tribune. I think there should be a comment as to the projection of who would win the election as seemingly no one in the media, print or electronic or in the infancy of polling had it right. From

Why should they carry handguns?

AS A member of the general public, I need the 4th Estate to assist me and the public in knowing the answers to these pertinent questions:

Pinder withdrew allegation - I did not spit at his father

IN THE edition of The Tribune dated Thursday, the 7th June, you carry a story under the heading, "Ryan Pinder: Lightbourne spat on my father".

National Security ministers carry guns

YESTERDAY, newly-appointed junior Minister for National Security, Keith Bell, revealed that he is prone to gross exaggeration.

Vexed by the collection of rubbish

I AM in full agreement with Tired of Waiting, the letter to the editor published June 5. Governments may change but some things never change as in the inability of the Environmental Health Services to provide efficient garbage collection and disposal services.

Police officers do an excellent job

PLEASE allow me a small space in your esteemed newspaper to express my profound pleasure to recall an incident that has left a renewed and indelible impression of our local police force.