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Christian views on gambling

Please permit me space in your paper to comment on two articles entitled "Why Does The Church Oppose Gambling" and "Church 'Predicament' Over Gambling" which appeared in the May 17th and 29th editions of The Tribune, respectively.

Easy teacher v hard teacher

REMEMBER when you were in high school or college and you took the easy class, with the easy teacher, for the easy A, which made you look really smart but contributed nothing substantive to your wisdom or character?

Pride in Ingraham

JUST a thought: As reality sinks in and we reflect on the effects of the non voters, DNA voters and the "sold out" voters, had in the outcome of the 2012 general election, one can see that with their "help", our country lost a unique opportunity to move forward and out of this third world existance.

Murder conviction rate too low

THE BAHAMAS is comprised of a population of about 350,000 people. We are known as a Christian nation. Let me repeat. We are known as a Christian nation.

Too much credit for Roberts

I would like to respond to a letter that was published in the May 21 edition of The Nassau Guardian. It was written by the popular radio talk show host and rabid Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporter

If only all chose the Rotary way

Every Rotarian is given the challenge to guide all his actions by a 4-way test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial t

Clean up the garbage!

The "ready on day one" PLP Government mussie forget 'bout Environmental Health! Dey een pick up da garbage in some areas since day one! According to very reliable sources, calls have been coming in to The Departme

Wells should not get comfortable

I THINK it was Jones Communications CEO Wendell Jones who recently told a guest on his Love 97.5 FM radio talk show Issues of the Day that the House of Assembly is a slippery place to be.

Where is the extra money going?

I would like to ask this question:

An exotic choice for Cassius?

Re: Cassius Stuart backs out of deputy leader race.

Calling all DNAs to come home

THIS letter is an appeal to all DNA supporters to come back home to the FNM! It is the only way we will ever be able to take this country back from the hands of the PLP.

Analysing the election

Having observed the performance of two governments over the last ten years and the result of the recent general election I feel compelled to comment as follows: It is difficult to understand how a government

High hopes - but doubts over GBPA

Many will be pleased that finally there is a sitting chair at GBPA - however, his first moves do not give me too much sense that he knows too much about the past of GBPA. Some 10 years ago, with a

Not gaga for Gaga

I commend Muslim protesters for causing Lady Gaga to cancel her "Born This Way Ball" in Indonesia. Gaga's music is aimed at the phenomenon of the masses, is industri

Disgusted with political games

Asking for space in your daily paper as views from a South Abaco voter who is disgusted with the political game.

Oil drilling in the Bahamas

If oil is found in the Bahamas by some of the oil companies that were given permits to search for oil in our deep water sea bed, and if the government were to approve the companies to pump this oil for export to their country and the rest of the world, I feel the government should adapt the Kuwait system whereby every citizen in the country receives through the government from the oil revenue $250,000 per year.

No way to run an election

ON Saturday, May 5, the leader of the Democratic National Alliance advertised in the press that the DNA were to hold a cook-out celebration starting at 1pm, concluding with a speech by the leader.

Customs staff must understand

Listening to the demands of the Customs and Immigration Union members, you wonder if there is any reasonable dialogue happening in that organisation. Two of their demands stick out like sore thumbs and you wonder if the term “economic fallacy” has application here.

Why the credit rating matters

IT IS amusing listening to some callers on the radio talk shows, even those who consider themselves educated, dismissing the warnings of the Moody's credit rating agency about the PLP's mortgage plan.

Ingraham is a man to thank

I FULLY endorse the letter by Mr Kevin Evans dated May 14, 2012, and thank him for his courage and consistency in writing an accurate account of the recent administration and its outstanding leader. Many of us would wish to add to his comments, but space in newspapers does not permit.

Problem faced by the PLP

IT IS possible to use the pain that people are going through to further a political objective, but political victories have a double-sidedness to them that the winners fail to anticipate in terms of actual reckoning. Some run from it by remaining in "campaign mode", reminding us, even from church podiums of what they were elected to do.

Bahamas for Bahamians

PLEASE allow me a little space in your column to express my views on a distasteful and rather unfair situation that was brought to my attention early in May.

Ingraham - simply the best

Former Prime Minister and Member of Parliament-elect for the constituency of North Abaco Hubert A Ingraham told his constituents that he will be stepping down as their representative on July 29.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda...

DENIAL can be wonderfully comforting, at least in the short-term, whereas facing reality is often very unpleasant. Sadly, playing the woulda, shoulda, blame game, rather than honest introspection, is seldom helpful in the long-ter

Signing contracts near the end of a term

MR BRAVE DAVIS, PLP Deputy Prime Minister, has complained that the outgoing FNM government signed some 80 contracts worth over $24 million dollars during the months of March through the recent election campaign ending early May.