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We need a relief plan

With the economy still in limbo, gas and produce increase, thousands of Bahamians are suffering and barely making ends meet for survival.


According to the Centre’s for Disease Control and Prevention, monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus, and is related to the variola virus that causes smallpox.

Goodman’s Bay

Should Government allow private enterprise to coolly take over public open space and no one lift a hand or even understand what is happening? I am concerned what is openly happening on Goodman’s Bay parking lot to the eastern side.

An act of selfishness?

I am an unrepentant capitalist and most of my other traits, if I may say so, are great. As such, however, I believe that labour and human resources play a vital role in the economic development and advancement of any society regardless of its political identification or call systems.

The pandemic is still with us

I was going to visit an ill friend this past Saturday, but St Michael’s Hospitals’ 9th Floor was isolated with a COVID-19 outbreak. This also has happened on the first floor of La Verendrye Hospital (Riverside) in Fort Francis and also the West Wing of Rainy Crest was added to a large list of COVID-19 outbreaks throughout the nation.

Carbon trading

Carbon pricing and countries that are trading we, Bahamas, will be the last of the current list that includes Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, EU (27 countries), Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Swede, UK and Ukraine... the spin Drs of OPM best you Google before writing speeches of Ministers because you are making them look stupid… there are 220,000 cell phones and as quickly as a minister says ‘X’ or ‘Y’ we people are checking.

Banking fees modern day piracy

I am writing today as a concerned citizen and a resident of the Spring City domes. I was reading an online an article published on July 8th, which was speaking of the Minister trying to have the domes demolished by August!

Cruise ships

There is clear evidence that we are receiving more and more cruise ships which means the total onboard is growing and growing. Heard, or read, that on any certain high visit day there could be as many as 30,000 passengers - evidence yesterday Monday, July 18th, lunch time Bay Street was full of obvious visitors - note the majority unmasked which is not according to health protocols might be a good idea the cruise ships and Nassau Ports insist on compliance.

Police moves

As the new Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander of the Bahamas stated in The Nassau Guardian that he will be implementing both of my recommendations to reduce crime in the Bahamas - Police Gang Task Force and Gun Task Force. These were my visions, ideas and plans to reduce crime in the Bahamas that was published to the Editor titled Crime Prevention and Prisoner Rehabilitation recommending the need for a Police Gang Task Force to dismantle and combat gangs.

They served with distinction

The police force is an institution comprised of dedicated men and women of integrity, but like in most such institutions, there will be one or two who do not meet those criteria.

Prosperity gospel has failed GB

GRAND Bahamians are collectively keeping their fingers crossed that the proposed Electra America Hospitality Group and $170m Carnival Cruise Port developments materialise. Freeport’s economy has been in complete shambles for over two decades.

What future for residents being tossed out of domes?

I am writing today as a concerned citizen and a resident of the Spring City domes. I was reading an online article published on July 8th, which was speaking of the Minister trying to have the domes demolished by August!

Anti immigration is the theme – the upsurge of the rightwing

In the past decade massive movements of displaced as well as opportunist immigration has happened all over the globe.

A spectacular display

My family and I attended the Tattoo parade for the 49th Bahamas Independence celebrations on Clifford Park on July 9th, 2022. We were not disappointed this time.

Will a new Commissioner change things?

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander’s pedigree, mostly CID-DIU, could change things, but the data on where the guns come from causes me, and should cause everyone, serious anxiety that little will change.

Push for reverse sexual orientation discrimination

MEMBERS of the LGBTQ+ community in The Bahamas seem to have a sense of entitlement and an us against them mentality.

Aged targets of the drugs industry

Sitting in my family doctors lobby waiting to be seen, I happened to speak with an elderly lady nearby. She was waiting to see the doctor, but had been there previously and told to go buy the medication she would need the doctor to inject her with.

Taxi plates

Taxi plates...did I hear right immediately some 50, but eventually some 200?

Commission of inquiry?

I hope that you all had an enjoyable and safe Independence weekend, as I and my immediate family did. It was a time of reflection on the mighty long way which The Lord Jesus Christ has brought us. Yes, the incessant and debilitating challenges of inflation and the ongoing ravages of the pandemic and a lot more distractions relative to crime and sociological behaviour within the wider Bahamian society.

Settlements of lawsuits & independence

Please permit me to share my views and comments in respect to what appears to be a predisposition on the part of the government to settle lawsuits without the benefit of having certain issues raised therein judicially ventilated and determined by the courts.

Why I am proud to be a Bahamian

MATURE Christian thought has led me to the conclusion that the God of our faith, who created and directs all things, did so for His ultimate glory.

The road ahead

Within a matter of days we will be celebrating our 49th year as an Independent nation - The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. On the 10th July, 1973 the Union Jack flag was lowered for the last time in our newly minted nation. Well do I recall the momentous event at Fort Charlotte. Many of those who are about to celebrate would not have been born and, alas, countless others, would have passed on to Eternity. The Lord, however, has been merciful to us.

Bahamas Dept of Immigration

Anytime I see all of these people and the frequency numbers, I admit that it causes me to panic. As in anything, if you have a lot of children, you would have to expend more energies, shout more and discipline even more...and the coffer would have to have more in it... these were just laws of nature, you cannot do more with less, unless Father God steps in and places His Miraculous enabling hand out to you, otherwise it will not happen.

PLP, FNM, wash, rinse and repeat

Progressive Liberal Party supporters shouldn’t put too much stock in the current stand-off between the camp of Dr Hubert Minnis and the camp of Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard.

Watson becoming a political spokesman

OPM Press Officer who daily is becoming a hybrid political spokesperson – isn’t his job to report with ZERO editorial the News from OPM and Government?