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To a better Bahamas

We must love those who love us, but should love those who hate us more because they need our love the most.

Binding us together

HOW fitting that the United States hosted the Ninth Summit of the Americas “this past June”, when we celebrate Caribbean American Heritage month.

Sanctions harm Bahamas

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis’ pleas to Washington, DC, to lift sanctions on the Nicolás Maduro administration in Venezuela seems to have fallen on deaf ears, judging from a recent press release by the US State Department. Maduro has been president of that South American country since 2013. His government can now be classified as a dictatorship. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world.

Guns, guns and even more guns

I remember the days in years gone by that the only weapon that a Bahamian policeman carried on his person was a “billy” strapped around his waist. Guns were unheard of, but the wooden “biily“ was certainly the weapon of protection and discipline!

Settlement questions

Certain questions linger as a result of the settlement of a case brought by the incoming Commissioner of Police and Another against the Attorney General and others.

Timely MLK quotes for Bahamian murderers

DR Martin Luther King, Jr, would’ve been 93 today, had he not been assassinated by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. With tensions running high at the height of the civil rights movement in the Deep South, King had less than 24 hours before his violent demise spoke cryptically of his impending premature end in his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech at the Bishop Charles Mason Temple Church of God.

Davis on court case backlog

On Tuesday, 28th, June 2022, I was taken aback after hearing the Hon Prime Minister’s charge regarding the backlog of criminal cases and how the High Courts of the Commonwealth of Bahamas ought to step up to the plate. This appears to be an assertion in error by the Hon Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis.

Tea, Dr Minnis?

My late father had an uncanny way of ending an evening at home with guests.

Dancing on the streets

Oh, back come Goombay Summer and da-junkanoo...well it’s New Day/PLP why wouldn’t they organise an expensive event to keep us natives happy through summer? Why? Didn’t dare call it Carnival - remember that Siorn fiasco? When is Tourism going to understand visitors are not interested in junkanoo... the 2021-2022 season Christmas and New Year’s this year. No parades - hotels full to overflowing!

The Marxist Leninist neighbour

The month of June saw an uptick in the number of Cuban migrants being apprehended by Defence Force and US Coast Guard personnel.

Yachts and rising debt

So, Government wants to encourage Private Yacht registration to the Bahamas flag. Zeroing duty and VAT has zero connection to enticing a yacht owner to register their yacht under the Bahamas Registry.

Gas prices are rising too high

Rebuilding a strong economy is the task of every government. But it is very important to realise that rebuilding a stronger economy begins with rebuilding the low and middle class families.

Banking options

Why is it that the same handful of Canadian banks continue to hold the Bahamian people hostage after all these years? Why are these banks even operating in The Bahamas when they clearly don’t want to interact with or have anything to do with our citizens and only serve customers grudgingly, as if they were doing us a favour?

Struggling to buy gas? Blame Biden

Who would’ve thought that Bahamians would have to pay an astounding $7 for one gallon of gasoline? A 2022 Chevrolet Equinox gasoline tank holds 14.9 gallons.

Need to know

In the Minnis Administration we had a High Commissioner to CARICOM... full time working at Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Marine turtles

While it is not surprising that Kim Aranha would respond vigorously to my letter deploring the Ingraham government’s insensitive and unnecessary ban on turtle meat consumption, it is disappointing that, in doing so, she either overlooked or chose to ignore its principal points.

In response to Andrew Allen

I feel compelled to address some of the points raised by Mr Andrew Allen in a letter to you last week and published on June 20th.

Abortion: Liberator or...?

I hate this subject with a passion. Nothing can drive apart a relationship, group of people or stop a conversation like abortion.

Jonquel Jones and Christianity

I am hoping that Bahamian WNBA player Jonquel Jones’ public swipe at BTC will not cause any significant retaliation from the US towards The Bahamas. That country is currently governed by a far-left president who officiated the same-sex wedding ceremony of two White House staffers, Brian Mosteller and Joe Mahshie, in 2016.

Referenda and citizenship

Once again the government, through Attorney General Ryan Pinder, has foreshadowed its plan to introduce legislation to bring about citizenship changes which the referendums of 2002 and 2016 did not. In my view, this is rather unfortunate.

Christian Council on remarriage?

I took note of Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) President Bishop Delton Fernander’s statement concerning support for the tightening of laws against rape between legal separation and divorce. In the rarest of rare cases would a level-headed woman give up her body to an estranged husband who has deep pockets. In such a case, the philandering estranged hubby would use his finances to blackmail the financially distressed woman. In the case of physical coercion, it should definitely be classified as rape.

A road by a new name

As an interested party in the resurrection of this ancient road/lane (Eastern Cemetery Lane), about which a Ministry of Works notice appearing in yesterday’s Tribune proposes that it be renamed to Harbourside Way.

Bahamas must share its climate science

The reason I am here as High Commissioner is because at the last Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, held in London in 2018, the then Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, was struck by how many member countries didn’t have a resident British office. This included The Bahamas. He was determined to correct this absence and ordered the reopening of the British High Commission Nassau. He believed passionately in “deepening relationships across the Commonwealth”.

Citizenship change plan

Once again, the government through Attorney General Ryan Pinder has foreshadowed its plan to introduce legislation to bring about citizenship changes which the referendums of 2002 and 2016 did not. In my view, this is rather unfortunate.

We must support the police

It is hoped that the contents of this letter will encourage action from residents and increase sup­port for the police.