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Clean-up horror story

To all who care about beaches,

How income tax works

A letter appearing in your column of Friday the 17th of December, written by a Kim Sawyer, displays a common misunderstanding of the nature of the Bahamian economy.

Freeport’s airport

Now that the GB Port Authority and Hutchinson Wampoa have conveniently extricated themselves from the loss-making joint ownership of the Grand Bahama Airport, it falls upon the Government to undertake the massive task of rebuilding.

Dignitaries and COVD rules

Is there a hidden new protocol for COVID, which is only for our so-called dignitaries and spouses?

Stadium - but seats stay empty

So the Sports Authority are better served with a bunch of bankers than business people who have some sense of how to manage a marketable facility. Didn’t the PLP pre-2017 sign a very costly management-marketing contract with a California Sports Marketing Co, and got nothing.

Carnival capers

Amazing how quickly it is back to normal after an election with all those pious promises of Better Better New Day... nothing at all if we are to take the obvious from the carnival saga.

Who can afford an income tax?

This past week on many of the Talk Shows callers were promoting Income Tax as their choice to pull our revenue out of the hole it is in.

Banking service

See public, make public comment as to how a company-service acts inappropriately, like that Canadian bank and their refusal to spurt out $20.00 bills from their ATM machines… see a lot of negative comments and guess what, even the bosses in Ottawa listened.

A changing world and The Bahamas

The world is changing rapidly and the way forward for countries like The Bahamas needs to be reinvented. As a nation, we are impacted by global warming and need to find ways to both protect and take advantage of this challenge.

Lunatics are still running the asylum

Reference my letter dated 25/03/2021 captioned The Lunatics are running the asylum.

McAlpine hoodwinked by voters

I recently came across a Facebook post by a former Free National Movement (FNM) MP in which this individual was mocked by a slew of rude commenters.

Discharge after stealing car part

A 31-year-old man who admitted to stealing a car part from a woman’s vehicle last year was granted an absolute discharge yesterday.

Political parties

You can’t take politicians or political parties seriously, particularly when they say they have the interest of the public at heart.

Fox Hill incident

Once again the families of the four persons killed on the 27th December, 2013, in Fox Hill are forced to endure another Christmas season without any resolution or closure on the murder of their family members.

Who gets to use Hon?

Always thought you had to be a Minister in a Ministerial appointment today or a Minister who had been a Minister to two-terms, but it seems on election as ab MP today upstarts are using Honourable/Hon as a prefix to their names.

Corporate and govt partnership

I was pleased to see and hear about the roll out of a financial motivational lottery for unvaccinated Bahamians who volunteer to receive their first jabs this month. This is wonderful news and a great holiday gift from The Fox Foundation and its Board of Directors/Trustees. It is vital that all Bahamians should be vaccinated against the worst ravages of the ongoing pandemic if we are to successfully reopen the economy.

IMF and taxation

With regard to the article which appeared in your paper on Friday, Mr James Smith is quite correct in saying that we should not be led like blindfolded sheep to the slaughter by the tax-loving, socialist leaning IMF.

Banking services

As we come to close of a very difficult financial year certain of our banks are celebrating operating here for some years. One would have thought as part of their celebration high on their list to do would be: How can we improve customer relations, but, no, hell bent instructed from Ottawa reduce our services make it more and more impersonal and clap our hands and slap our backs – job well done.

Vaccination incentives

While I see nothing wrong with the government using financial incentives to encourage people to get vaccinated, I object strongly to them using the exploitative proceeds from numbers gambling to do so.

It’s ham and turkey time again

The administration led by Dr Hubert A Minnis from 2017 to 2012, a mere four years, was akin to a sausage and grits (no butter) administration. His policies and initiatives did not appear to work and few ever felt any beneficial impact. In fact, with his draconian lock downs and infantile curfews, it is my opinion that he literally wrecked the national economy and few were able to eke out a living from March, 2020 straight into September, 2021. All most of you were able to afford, if anything, at all, was a little bit of sausage and a spoon full of grits.

Bad policy is an understatement

Hubert Ingraham sold BTC for effectively $148m to people who themselves valued it at $1.3 billion . . .

Decision is keeping tourists out

It was with disbelief that I read your article today that Tourism Minister Chester Cooper has declared that the Health Visa for Bahamian residents will be abolished. He says this is because of “too much complications”! What about the same problems facing international visitors wanting to come to The Bahamas?

Groves must be turning in his grave

Grand Bahamians were shocked after hearing news of the International Bazaar being in flames for the second time in weeks, which has led to speculations that an arsonist is behind the two fires.

Zimbabwe rights

Zimbabweans are living in conditions that prevail in war zones such as abductions, torture, death, kidnapping and unlawful arrests. Even though Zimbabweans are not in official war, there is no peace in Zimbabwe. It is really bewildering and strange for Zimbabweans to celebrate International Day of Peace.

Should FNM play roulette with Killarney?

It hasn’t been two weeks since Marco City MP Michael Pintard’s ascent to the top post of the Official Opposition Free National Movement (FNM) and there are already calls for Dr Hubert Minnis to stand down in Killarney – one of just seven seats the FNM was able to retain on September 16.