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The FNM and our money

Debate on Supplementary Budget through May, 2022… yet again input of so many of the MPs, clearly shows their personal lack of information and facts and really reality.

When can we get the boosters?

Despite this administration’s promises, we still have no firm details to when we can expect to be able to sign up for these potential life-savers.

We are in trouble

Supplementary Budget - in the bluntest language Hon Philip Davis as Minister of Finance did not really say it, but folks believe me we are in financial trouble…useless not admitting it we are. Denial is precisely that.

What is a Realm?

As Barbados changes its Head of State and becomes a Republic with a President, I thought I would reflect on questions people ask me about the UK’s relationship with The Bahamas. I often get asked what my opinion is about whether The Bahamas should change its Head of State. I usually respectfully reverse this question. This is a decision entirely for The Bahamas, its government and its people. But I thought it might be useful to look at some of the facts that frame our connections.

Republic talk

International investors look for safe havens in which to place their funds and conduct business. Before our family began to invest in The Bahamas several years ago we were assured by your Investment Authority and Nassau lawyers that indeed The Bahamas was such a place. Foremost in our thinking and those of other Canadian investors whom we know was that you were, like Canada, a Constitutional Monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II and a local Governor-General and were thus stable and had impartial British style courts.

Postal problems

In a recent conversation with a friend, he mentioned that years ago one could mail a letter in Nassau and it would be received within a week! This bit of nostalgia is even more remarkable because this week I received a 2021 calendar that was post marked March 2021.

Open letter to university president

BELOW is an open letter to Dr Rodney Smith, in response to his communication of October 26, to the University Community.

Auditor General praise

I have total admiration of the Auditor General he is doing his Constitutional best to ensure Government and the governance of our finances are on the straight and narrow... he needs tripling of his staff or financial assistance where through his Office he may retain private sector Accountants to expedite a complete audit of Government in each fiscal year with no waiting...Minister of Finance if there is one thing we need is this.

Republic is a sad move for nation

I am writing in response to Sir Ronald Sanders’ column concerning Barbados. The 30th of November marked a sad day for many Barbados people. A republic came into effect without a referendum or the consent of the population. After nearly 400 years under The Crown we have tossed all our history away for a republic for which there was little demand.

Follow Barbados’ shining light

The following is an open letter to Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis.

We must repudiate more than Minnis era

Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th Century British Prime Minister, when once asked to clarify the distinction between a misfortune and a calamity, illustrated his response with two scenarios involving his great rival, William Gladstone.

The swearing in of Michael Pintard

Marco City MP Michael Pintard is now leader of the Free National Movement (FNM), Her Majesty’s official Opposition. Over the past 29 years, the FNM has been elected to government four times. The FNM, in my opinion, carries as much political weight as the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). Consequently, the swearing in of Pintard as FNM leader should be considered headline news by the Bahamian media fraternity. But it would appear that Eyewitness News Bahamas does not see it that way.

The Beaches and Parks Commission

This week in the House of Assembly charges were made that the former Chairman of the Beaches & Parks Commission and his team may have spread around assorted contracts in the months and weeks leading up to the general elections.

Those in need?

The act of giving…simple charity is a wonderful act which must be encouraged and supported, but persons who are far from in need must not take advantage of ‘free this and that’ especially at this time when we still have suffering people in our community.

Wear a mask, PM

Have to give kudos to PM Davis for his advice as to our need to comply and maintain all the COVID protocols - But please do not say one thing and practice the opposite, you lose face, Sir…quickly.

Environment legislation

Thank you for giving me space to express my concerns about a situation that is unfolding that is deeply disturbing. I have heard numerous rumours since the new administration has taken over that the 2019 Environmental Planning and Protection Act and the 2020 Biological Resources and Traditional Knowledge Protection and Sustainable Use Act will be repealed.

Who did VAT cut help?

The new PM’s Press Secretary seems to think he is an elected MP…of course we copy the US with their Presidential-White House Press Officer… flags decor background of White House, etc, etc, only thing missing is the playing of the Star Spangled Banner!

What will it take for FNM win?

What will it take for the FNM to regain Government is obviously the crucial question facing the leadership of that party ... what will it take?

Looking back on Convention

Please allow me space in your column to express my views on the recent one day FNM Convention for the singular position of party leader.

Press Secretary oversteps

The new PM’s Press Secretary seems to think he is an elected MP…of course we copy the US with their Presidential-White House Press Officer… flags decor background of White House, etc, etc, only thing missing is the playing of the Star Spangled Banner!

Under siege in Canada

Presently the middle class, along with the working class are under siege by a government searching for answers on how to resolve a bitter problem created by the government themselves.

Protocol breach

Announcing Ambassadorial candidates before the country receiving them has accepted is a No-No...

Penalties for gun possession are too low

Like most of our problems, the answer to the reduction of violent crime in this country is maddeningly simple.

The House of Assembly

Our House of Assembly... over the past four-six years the practice and following of the so-called Westminster system has slowly but very surely been eroded — today every single MP, except Ministers, making a communication read off a script... the Rules says different - you may use notes.

A second Christmas of COVID

My thoughts recently have been over how is Christmas going to be this year – year two of COVID? Will there be the usual true Bahamian celebrations – free-willy style – oh, yes, how will junkanoo be impacted ... hear virtual this year .... how will this all pan out?