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Who got the land first?

After the press conference yesterday and the statements of the spokesperson of Government certainly one scratches ones head and ponders — did the previous administration consider decisions before they made them?

Debt, debt and debt

A past writer was spot on when he wrote and estimated that BPL’s bad accounts had to exceed $100m.

Make the most of millionaires

Tony Gomez was featured in comments to The Tribune’s Neil Hartnell…“We need more from resident millionaires”…Not a new subject for the Bahamas if you don’t close your mind, but recall how Sir Stafford Sands created the “Belonger” and the flow of Europeans running away from the war in Europe offering a better location to reside, even if just for six-months. How did Lyford Cay happen?

Why be thankful?

This week Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving in the USA as a national holiday. Traditionally it is a day when they celebrate and thank God or whichever deity that they worship. They celebrate the birth of the USA way back in 1776 and spend time with immediate family and close friends. There is usually an uptick in travelling by air, car or rail to different parts of that country. It is also a magnet for sales and giveaways by stores and other commercial outlets.

Mitchell and his propaganda

Please allow me space in your column to express my views on a story that appeared in your Tuesday, November 23, 2021, edition under the headline, “Mitchell says Minnis should go quietly”.

Clarity on civil service and costs

Didn’t the new Government promise more rational approaches to governance and social responsibility?

A call for collective action

Under the cover of the Covid 19 Pandemic which has dominated the local news for nearly two years, the scourge of crime has been ravishing our society.

Show us the viability of sporting events

See the pre-event PR for the US Football Bowl on December 14th has started —

International Bazaar is an embarrassment

Fire fighters of the Grand Bahama Fire Services, the Grand Bahama Shipyard and Buckeye Bahamas averted an unmitigated disaster by quickly outing the fire blaze at the once popular International Bazaar.

Bahamas morning

The long nightmare which Bahamians endured for a little over four years is, mercifully, at an end with the election of the Davis administration two months ago. The draconian responses to the arrival of the pandemic and reaction to the devastation of Dorian pushed Minnis and his people them straight over the cliff, even if they gratuitously carried thousands of the unwashed masses with them.

Rights in Zimbabwe

It is beyond belief that the Zimbabwean government is failing to respect disabled people and empower them so that they can have decent standards of living.

Benefit from billionaires? Tax them!

With all due respect to Mr. Tony Gomez, whom I know to be a well-informed Bahamian professional, the answer to getting value from wealthy foreign residents in our country is far simpler than he suggests. We just need to tax them more.

Poor service by the banks

I'm young enough to remember the bank's advertising how “friendly” they were and they tried hard to improve and encourage customer relations –you know get to know your Bank manager and staff of your “friendlier than friendly Bank”..... all gone like dinosaurs.

The fiscal mess we find ourselves in

Fiscal and financial information and understanding good question — honestly I doubt the majority of the past four-Governments had too much understanding of the real issues and as a result we are in the fiscal mess that we find ourselves. But no one seems will admit or be honest about the reality.

Capital punishment

On the books, legal BUT….since the last hanging 2000 - David Mitchell, when there was a double hanging under the Ingraham Government, the Crown has not been able to win– if you have to use a descriptive word – a Privy Council approval to carry out hanging – 21 years.

Empty paper bags?

IT’S been almost two months since the elevation of the Most Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, MP, as Prime Minister of our wonderful nation. The shock waves of this are still vibrating among those within the opposition and many so-called elites. Brave, in their unadulterated view was not prime ministerial material, whatever that is supposed to mean. Indeed, there were/are many within the PLP who never supported him or believed that he could stand in the political gap on behalf of the people of The Bahamas. Well, he is now doing it with aplomb and focused intensity.

Christopher Columbus of 1492; friend or foe?

An online petition started in 2020 rallied support to have Columbus statue removed from Government House captured more than 15,000 signatures.

The FNM troika and the Bahamian moral majority

Reading The Nassau Guardian heading of a news report about Central Grand Bahama MP Iram Lewis’ claims about God calling him to lead the Free National Movement (FNM) brought to mind Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson making similar claims about being divinely called to lead the Republican Party and the United States in 1987.

The Health Services Rules 2021

The PLP has issued the Health Services (COVID-19) Rules 2021, which should be read and construed in conjunction with one another and are alleged to amend section 29 of the Health Services Act to declare a pandemic of COVID-19 (i.e. a state of emergency) in The Bahamas.

Downgrades are a blessing in disguise

There are few problems easier to fix than the fiscal “crisis” facing The Bahamas.

'Every mickle makes a muckle’

“Old time Bahamian, you need to re-educate yourself if you truly believe that a few charcoal burners in the pine barrens produced emissions on the scale of the carbon fueled power plants required to power your modern electrical appliances. You and other old timers, myself included, lived in a paradise compared to how we live now, especially in Nassau.”

Former FNM Cabinet ministers were deprived of $44,000 in salaries

Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis must now be deeply regretting his decision to call for a general election eight months before it was constitutionally scheduled, with the gradual decrease in COVID-19 infections and the uptick in tourist arrivals in Nassau.

How accurate have the financial statements been?

If The Tribune had a quote of the week, certainly that attributed to MP Kwasi Thompson, MP for East Grand Bahama when he said…paraphrase…we only need to state what we wish to –we don’t state in financial statements everything.

Hoping we choose a sustainable future

I am Promise Russell, and I am a Bahamas Environmental Steward Scholar. This programme aims to train youth like me into becoming the next generation of environmental stewards.

Bahamian men who act like a Pithecanthropus should be treated like one

Academicians at the University of The Bahamas (UB), according to The Nassau Guardian, conducted a poll in which it was discovered that nearly 25 percent of its female participants were raped. This sobering statistic, I believe, is representative of a significant percentage of the overall population.