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LETTER: Racism still a problem

As a youngster back in the 1960’s the United Bahamian Party (UBP) was in full bloom. It emerged after the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and was comprised of what was then known as the Bay Street Boys, who were mostly white or Conchy Joe Bahamians. Of course, there was a small number of black Bahamians who embraced the UBP for whatever reasons. The late Reverend Gentry McPhee and Napoleon McPhee along with the late Prince Hepburn come readily to mind.

LETTERS: Give us a referendum on marijuana question

We all remember those old days when the then Christie led Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and its political and economic allies were caught in the cross fire of what was termed illegal gambling through the facilitation of unlicensed and unregulated web shops. The government wanted, as it should have, a slice of the multi-million dollar industry. The operators wanted the legality of the law and compliance and regulatory cover.

LETTERS: When will the bullying stop?

The recent comments by the Minster of National Security in relation to the Commissioner of Police and other senior career officers at the annual service for the RBPF’S, to say the least was inappropriate and disrespectful.

Tommy never had what it takes to be PM

I make no bones about it. Over the years I have been an adviser to all of the leaders and wannabe leaders of our wonderful nation.

Facts, not theories

Global warming is clearly a fact not a theory so why would notable politicians such as Trump ignore/deny it?

Some baloney talk from Mr Pintard

A good New Year resolution for Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis would be to enforce the discipline so necessary for the proper functioning of cabinet government in our parliamentary system.

Does Junkanoo attract tourists?

Seemingly the new Port folks thought that by having a junkanoo scrap gang to welcome the cruise ship passengers, New Year’s would be a great promotional concept…video on-line is very interesting forget the Junkanoo watch the majority of the cruise passengers walk right past the group performing totally oblivious to them – totally disinterested.

When Germany is weak, so is Europe

The world is safer with a European Union but there is a small possibility it could unwind.

It's wrong to charge us for plastic bags

THE plastic ban implemented by this government needs to be changed. It seems that thought was not given to what would work best for the people of this land, especially those who are not rich. I voted for this government, but with each passing year I regret my decision. I notice that they are not in touch with the needs of the small man. So many people are doing their best just to make ends meet but this government does not seem to care about or notice that.

Beware the brain drain

Re:‘Stop beating up on private sector’. The Tribune, Business, December 31, 2019.

We need to get a grip

It may take a while to understand what is going on in the politics of a nation, and for those who have an interest in discerning what is going on a good place to start would be to recognise what the opposing political forces do not talk about and what they agree on. The first obstacle in the way of this exercise is the not too obvious fact that these matters are never discussed in any open forum by anyone who is a politician or who has political aspirations.

No 'right' to an honour

THE quote written by your Khrisna Russell from ‘Sir’ Godfrey Kelly is precisely what is wrong as to how national honours are given…for this eminent Attorney and past Cabinet Minister to be quoted: “My honour deserved and it’s long overdue” totally violates the premise the form of how donors are given.

Knighthoods and nonsense

For the sake of Brave Davis and Fred Mitchell, and anyone else who has a problem with the skin colour that God put them in, I do hope that someone, somewhere in the world, will soon find a way to alter their chromosomes, so that they can become white, at least for a little while.

The $17m drones

Not that the $17m wroth of 55 drones might assist the police the public needs some re-assurances as to how these drones will operate and an assurance that our privacy will not unless they, the police have a Magistrate’s Order, be abused.

It's just the facts

I am often offended by what passes for commentary and criticism by the official opposition and their supporters but believe that no response is likely better for my health. As we begin a New Year, I am hazarding a change.

Where does the buck stop?

Several weeks ago I was interviewed on the Steve McKinney show. It was a wide-ranging interview. Among other things, the performance of the present government, and in particular, the performance of the Hon Carl Bethel, QC, was discussed.

Love thy neighbour

Clearly 2019 will be remembered for that mega Gurricane Dorian and the devastation.

Ondaatje book a bargain

The 400-page hardcover book, Profiles in Literature, by Christopher Ondaatje, on sale at The Tribune for only $20 per copy, is the buy of the Century!

Off the grid – in many ways

Re: Dionisio - We Need To Raise Our Game.

Why have two sets of honours?

National Honours - when given/awarded like they have in 2019 become, in my opinion, worthless and totally redundant and unimportant.

I hope you dance

As the curtain comes down on 2019 and we begin our journey into another decade.

The game is up for us all

We don’t know who the lucky hog, or hogs are, who come to The Downtown Nassau Trough each year, shoving and pushing all the other lesser pigs aside, as they slop up everything they can during the last two weeks of each commercial year.

Now is our winter of discontent

2019 will go down as one of the toughest years for the average Bahamian.

No confidence in these rules

So, according to the Rules of the House of Assembly seemingly so unbrilliantly drafted by QC once AG Alfred Sears, no Vote of No Confidence can be brought against a sitting Government…Prime Minister or Minister as soon as you table it it can be countered with a Confidence Resolution…brilliance, but so laughable the PLP caught by their own mischief.

A mess to clean up . . .

Congratulations, Diane Phillips, on your excellent article . . .