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Abortion brings Haitianisation of The Bahamas

The Bahamian champion and liberal advocate of women’s reproductive healthcare and Nassau Tribune columnist, Alicia Wallace, by calling for the decriminalisation of abortion, reminds the writer of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

Custodial sentences

The current debate on decriminalisation of offences involving small quantities of marijuana leads us to a much larger issue which simmers in our country. And that is the jailing of our citizens for minor infractions of the law.


Can a senior Government official or a past one confirm that communications to a Minister are always accepted as being confidential and contents may not be publicly disclosed without the sender’s prior agreement or approval?

Enjoying life

Our Almighty God created all life and He wishes for us to enjoy His gift of life, and to be happy. Believers in Christ recognise that a key component to enjoying life is to have a wholesome and close relationship with God.

Who's on Pointe duty?

The Pointe Heads of Agreement (HOA) was signed on June 18th, 2015 but held before being tabled on January 2nd, 2017 (election May, 2017) Article: 3 of HOA requires the developer to sub-contract 40% of the gross value of the development construction…does anyone at OPM – Works know what portion was?

We should be compelled by our values

The imperceptive neo-conservative from the north, Kevin Evans, proved yet again that talking fool is a very serious thing.

Unwanted rather than unborn

Re: ‘There’s No Choice’

Abortion on demand is just murder

I must commend The Tribune for its stellar job in engaging in investigative journalism.

We must reduce CO2 emissions

So single plastic bags and items are banned with brilliance we introduce a reusable bag of plastic material content you really think those bags are not going to be left on the beach or dropped into the water? Do they biodegrade? Then what do the environmentalists propose? We get rid of those bags which were the substitute for the old food store bags? Try again?

Campaign financing should be published

Campaign financing is spending money to influence a political vote for a candidate or a referendum. Political parties and candidates need money to publish their platform, offer incentives to vote, and inflate their suitableness for political position. The aphorism whoever has the gold makes the rule is normative, globally and locally. To limit the influence of money to dictate the decision making process for who gets elected and what they do when in power is paramount.

We need our own airline

THE national airline of The Bahamas – Bahamasair – has been operating for decades in the ignominy of being a “burden” to the citizens of the Bahamas. We hear the narrative all the time “shut it down” when the facts remain that the airline is a tool that has not been utilised effectively to assist in the growth of the Bahamian economy, instead it has been a convenient tool used by the politicians who hypocritically lambaste its lack of performance from the confines of the House of Assembly.

Time to ground the dinosaurs of Bahamasair

Seldom have we seen politicians over-react to a tempest in a tea-cup like we have seen over Bahamasair and whether or not three of their aircraft can enter US airspace.

An idealistic pipe dream

Re: Former MP: Bahamas Needs To Heal Racial Divide. The Tribune, January 10, 2020.

SBC's work on mending racial fences commendable

With a membership of approximately 15 million -- 85 percent being Caucasian -- the largest Protestant denomination in the US, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), has a checkered past in race relations, which had spanned well over a century since its formation in the mid-nineteenth century.

Rapists should be flogged in public

I am deeply saddened after reading news of a woman being sexually violated by a sex beast during a home invasion in the Marshall Road area of New Providence.

Is The Pointe complying with HoA over workers?

The Pointe - has there been compliance with the Heads of Agreement regarding the number of non-Bahamian construction workers?

Lord, please have mercy on our own stupidity

I have concluded that The Bahamas is just like one of the network Soap Operas…should we take politicians seriously - are they serious - do they realise what they say, so regularly?

I was amazed by Pinder comments

I am amazed at the comments made by the Director of Labour, John Pinder, regarding the conditions put forward for the issuing or renewal of Visas (work permits I guess).

It's time to get serious about recycling

We love to belly-ache about government policy after it becomes law instead of demanding more transparency during the law-making process.

Slavery in our democracy

The ban on plastic bags is a welcome change in the right direction.

LETTER: Be A Hero campaign is a different initiative

I write concerning the Insight column published in The Tribune, Monday, January 13, 2020 titled “Well-intentioned but poorly executed and once again the public takes the hit.”

LETTER: Tales From The Twenties

One hundred years ago, the 1920s, known as the roaring ‘20s, was a decade of prosperity in western society and western culture.

LETTER: Don't let us join this hate fest against Trump

Foreign Affairs Minister Darren Heinfield’s comment to The Tribune about “it not being this country’s place to express support or opposition to the US strike” against Iran may be viewed as the Free National Movement government straddling the fence on a crucially important geopolitical matter. With the US being our most important and strategic ally, I see no reason for not supporting the American government in going after Qasem Soleimani, who was viewed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as the mastermind behind Iran’s state sponsored terrorism throughout the Middle East region.

LETTER: Helping out my son

My son was flunking out of college so I told my son, “You will marry the girl I choose.”

LETTER: Time of the people

Just under 250 years ago an event took place in Boston Harbour that would forever change the world, and in particular the United States of America and Britain. Ostensibly it was to do with Tea but fundamentally it was to do with Britain’s Tea Act which levied a tax of three pennies per pound on Tea imported to the Colonies. The Colonists revolted saying that since they had no representation in Britain, it was not right for Britain to impose any taxes on the Colonies.