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A mess made by BPL

A few weeks ago, BPL trenched the bottom of Village Road on Shirley Street and didn’t bother to reinstate the road.

We need to spark engine

My Grandmother used to tell the story of bumping into one of the leading Bay Street merchants in his store in about 1970, not too long after the defeat of the UBP. Miraculously, the merchant recognized her from her childhood in the 1920s, when she would come from Long Island on her grandfather’s sailing vessel, which docked at the market range, not far from his store.

HBO must compete

The Bahamas government is in no position to carry out the unreasonable demands of HBO Latin America, even in the face of the threat of having the Trump administration withdrawing its trade preferences.

Miller's crisis of conscience

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader Philip Brave Davis seems open to the prospect of Golden Isles MP Vaughn Miller and the remaining members of the Rebel Four amalgamating with his party.

Lessons from abroad

The recent results of the general elections in the UK are demonstrative of the simple fact that electorates, worldwide, are now trending towards conservative and nationalistic ideals.

High priest Junkanoo

The preamble to our Constitution states: AND WHEREAS the People of this Family of Islands recognizing that the preservation of their Freedom will be guaranteed by a national commitment to Self- discipline, Industry, Loyalty, Unity and an abiding respect for Christian values and the Rule of Law;

We need to be given a fairer view

The editorial of The Nassau Guardian of December 18, 2019, has reaffirmed my belief that the editors of the newspaper have hijacked the operation to turn it into an opposition vehicle to remove Dr. Hubert Minnis as Prime Minister.

Sorry, but no, Mr Lloyd

Congrats Minister of Education on developing courses to teach the youngest and up all about alcohol - drugs etc…unfortunately the parents-guardians can’t as a high percentage use on a regular basis.

Why do we condemn those who are different?

According to the story of Babel, after the flood there was a united human race with one original language.

A tempest in a political teacup

Everyone is getting their knickers in a twist about a conversation between the Prime Minister and St Anne’s MP Brent Symonette, who with his elder brother, is part owner of the property to which the current post office has been transferred.

Too much secrecy

No sensible Bahamian who is politically tuned believed for one minute that the recent Motion of No Confidence brought by the Leader of the New Deal Progressive Liberal Party, the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, MP (PLP-Cat Island) against the Most Honorable Prime Minister.

Pensioners are getting rough end of the deal

When I first joined the Royal Bahamas Police Force Fire Department, back on June of 1978 my salary then was around $700.00 per month. Fast tracking to September 3rd, 2003, retired from active law enforcement service.

Symonette's pros and cons

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader Philip Brave Davis’ motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis met its expected outcome in the House of Assembly.

Time to stand up and be counted

In times past, I used to make a lump sum payment on my Canadian $$ credit card in order to cover purchases that I would make for family in Canada at Christmas.

Minimum wage economics

An increased Minimum Wage – Can we afford it? A silly question.

Christmas tree was not that bad

Design choices don’t seem to work out well for Lanisha Rolle. The Youth, Sports and Culture Minister notoriously came under heavy fire in November for handing out medals to young people at a youth in parliament event in October.

Name and shame the delinquents

Very clearly the cash-flow of Government is under serious pressure but when this is allowed to continue hundreds of millions could be collected from the hundreds who are delinquent in paying their bills.

Joining the WTO makes no sense

I regard Zhivago Laing both as a friend and as a very intelligent and principled Bahamian. But on the supposed desirability of the Bahamas (a country that imports everything and exports next to nothing) joining the WTO, he is simply very wrong.

Sad death of Felix Bethel

F- Freedom fighter in every sense of the word.

Are we still beyond our Ken?

Your editorial on Wednesday the 4th December is apropos.

Dorian: More than just a natural phenomenon

A prominent Family Island prophet from the Pentecostal community is purported to have predicted the coming of Hurricane Dorian to Grand Bahama as divine judgment.

The poor are the majority

PM says he's focused on the poor? Seriously? According to The Nassau Guardian, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said, “We feel that the wealthy, the rich individuals, regardless of the outcome, they would be able to survive and protect themselves. And we would still need them to help generate jobs, employment, etc, but we would do all we can to protect that grouping that needs protection, and that is the poor and marginalised.

How to tackle next big storm

As a Bahamian owner of a local construction company I have gained knowledge of practical information that I feel can better prepare the country for future Cat 5 storms.

Too much information missing for my liking

The vast improvement in media (press and electronic) coverage in our Bahamas is commendable. As an avid reader and listener I am concerned about the absence of information on certain matters, in particular those documented herein.

Commonsense was lacking on my travels

On a recent trip to one of the family islands, I had received my ticket from the airline on which I was flying and went to clear security.