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Crimes and the solutions we need

CRIME — much of what we unfortunately experience is controlled by the Law of Averages.

Minnis in a muddle

ISN’T a Minister supposed to have a hands-on knowledge of what is going on with at least the important projects in ones Ministry?

Elections and talk of deficits

IT is rather funny but serious that today we hear regularly from the FNM that one of their highest priorities is to eliminate deficit budgets, but they do not explain what it will mean to us… wonder why?

Education minister talking down

The Catholic Church has been the bedrock of The Bahamas, since time immemorial. The mission work that was once carried out by nuns and the church made its mark as it related to caring for the poor, sick and shut ins. The charitable outreach work is legendary and should be commended. In short the Catholic Church has been and is synonymous with caring for the least among us.

Oban plan

I would like to know certain rather basic items from Oban Energies.

Questions from an FNM voter

I am writing because I have concerns with how things are going in this land as a Bahamian who voted FNM.

The Darkest Hour of EU relations

It seems apropos that the recently released movie “Darkest Hour” should come out simultaneously with the European Union’s latest bullying tactic, on weak jurisdictions, particularly in the Atlantic Caribbean arena.

'It's time for purging the house'

It’s amazing in 2012 when the past administration, the PLP, won the election we had no talk of victimisation. Now because the people’s Government has the gonads to clean up and ensure there is transparency with the operations in the people’s place, it’s victimisation. My brothers and sisters of The Bahamas, I am employed at the Water & Sewerage Corporation, The executives, most of them, along with GM Laville, was not and still does not want to cooperate with the chairman and the board of directors.

Office of the Spouse?

IN the almost 45 years since our nation has achieved Independence, we have had four married male Prime Ministers. Naturally, this means we have had four women who have been the spouses of Prime Ministers.

Cyprianna farewell

I was so very sad to read of the recent death of Mrs Cyprianna Wilhelmina Wright-Fox. A truly charming Bahamian woman, she among others represented the best characteristics of a strong woman of grace whose work life painted a picture of building people, thereby contributing to building the kingdom of God on the job, with her family and by extension the community.

Bahamians in need of some 'good news'

I would venture to suggest that the majority of ‘right thinking’ Bahamians would wish to see the FNM administration succeed if only for the collective sake of the nation. Of course, partisan politics will always play a role in debates on public policy initiatives and most societal issues. The fact of the matter, however, is that Bahamians are in need of some ‘good news’ for a change.

Comments and queries of my guests

Recently I had house guests from northern Canada for 9 days.

Christian Council against poor

Since May 10, 2017, Bahamians from all walks of life have never seen the kind of insensitivity, cold and callous treatment ever experienced from any government. The Hubert Alexander Minnis led government has induced the most pain ever endured at any time on his people.

Stopping illegal migrants at Inagua

Fred Mitchell is still punch-drunk from the devastating defeat of his party in the last election and his own surprising defeat in the Fox Hill Constituency. That must be why he does not seem to be able to collect his thoughts in a rational way.

Thank you, Fred

Re: Fast track justice sends illegals home.

FNM still the best to govern

WHEN we threw the PLP out on May 10, 2017, I was relieved. I had never seen a governing party become so hostile to the people of the Bahamas.

Oban doubts

I am becoming more and more reticent to believe anything that comes out of OPM after the Oban issue and comments made after the positive signing of the Resort development for crowded Harbour Island.

Double trouble?

THE announcement of the appointment of Mrs Patricia Minnis to her titled appointment begs the question - constitutionally her husband, as Prime Minister appointed a Minister to be responsible for Women’s issues so now we have a duplication?

Tall tales of old times

RECENTLY, I had the privilege and pleasure of reading a book entitled, “Tales my brothers told me and other myths”, by Dorothea Davis.

Heroes and heroines

Thank you for affording me the space to recognise some real heroes and heroines. The proprietors and caregivers at homes for the elderly and orphans throughout the country… having visited several of these homes on a regular basis I am moved by the dedication and compassion of these caring persons.

Oban Energies deal and the rule of law

THE Bahamas National Trust has come out strongly against the Oban Energies deal the Government has signed citing potential environmental damage to the nearby National Parks.

FNM MP warning

Re: FNM MP Warns: People Are Angry.

Revoke his citizenship?

I saw quite a few comments by irate Bahamians on a popular political Facebook page calling for the immediate revocation of prominent attorney and QC Fred Smith’s Bahamian citizenship after the Supreme Court “ordered the unconditional release of five persons and two minors from the Carmichael Road Detention Centre,” as per the February 27 edition of The Tribune.

Time to cut off BAIC and clean up the mess

BAIC - if operated and owned by a private person they would have gone out of business years ago.

These people ain't making no sense

BOY some people are really annoying and when they are in the hospitality-service industry they must be exposed.