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Epilogue To Ganja

IN Jamaica grass is heralded as the weed of knowledge. If you want to become wise light up a spliff.

Party before the church?

HOW many ordained Ministers of Religion sit in the House of Assembly today?

Cancel the Oban deal

PRIME Minister Minnis can and he would be highly recommended to cancel the Oban Energy Agreement as clearly the. Agreement is flawed in content and law.

Oban are on a fishing expedition

MAY I give the Prime Minister and his cabinet some free advice on trying to get a refinery built.

No airport hotel

VANTAGE-LPIA or NAD, a wholly owned Corporation of the Government of The Bahamas is calling for interested parties with a minimum of ten years in hotel development to indicate their interest in developing an hotel at LPIA for transit passengers and the like.

Police shootings

I wonder why the choice of the Ministry of National Security to learn and be trained to counter police shootings should be somewhere seemingly in the US where so regularly we hear of numerous reports of police shootings certainly with some involving innocent young people.

The perils of fiscal budgeting

FISCAL Budgeting - there is always a problem when criticising as the incumbent Government is as guilty as the previous one - we certainly see that in our past 26 years’ experience.

Marital rape law attack on union

Just a few sentences so as to share my opinion and feelings on this marital rape issue. I think that the government should never have started a debate on such a holy and consecrated matter.

Turtle killer

Re: Hunt for turtle’s hammer killer.

Also proud of Penny

WELL Mr Aranha, your sigh of relief was short lived.

EDITORIAL: Trump polls rise despite poor leadership

The image of American President Donald Trump that seems universal is of him with a self-satisfied, smug smirk on his face. But as he careens carelessly around issues about which he studiously refuses to inform himself, he continues to threaten America’s place and standing in the world.

Turtle killing

I don’t have the mental toughness to view a 41 second Facebook video of a purported Grand Bahama male resident bludgeoning the head of an obviously distressed sea turtle.

Education need

READ your excellent leader article about Grand Bahama (Feb 20th) and agree with what was written. However, along with imagination we need Education.


SO we are going to celebrate discriminating Women’s Day-week.

LETTER TO THE BUSINESS EDITOR: Why Wal-Mart’s big box does not fit the Bahamas

Kindly allow me space to reply to Richard Coulson’s February 25 letter to the editor, and to the public at large, with further insight on why Wal-Mart or a similar company entering the Bahamian market is not a good thing for the country.

Red-tinted spectacles

I write in response to this week’s intemperate attack on human rights attorney Fred Smith, QC, by regular contributor, The Graduate. In that letter, Smith was warned to beware the dangers of hubris by a writer who seems oblivious to the fact that his own words drip with an unthinking arrogance typical of those whose party has recently returned to power.

Can’t afford Carifta event

CARIFTA - $19m costs and seemingly we don’t have that?

Bahamian Bonaparte

Fred Smith, Esquire, QC, needs to be reminded of the very arduous lesson that French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte found out the hard way in 1812. With his Grande Armée (the largest in the history of war at that time) he had all of Europe at his feet but then he overplayed his hand and invaded Russia only to be rebuffed and humiliated.

For export only

Thank you, Editor, for allowing me to express my serious concerns. I am eternally grateful.

Proud of Penny

On page 3 of today’s Tribune, I scoured the lengthy report on the “$30M BRIDGE” at Glass Window, and breathed a sigh of relief that there was no mention of the misnamed “Caribbean side”.

Focus more on crime than immigration

An open letter to the Bahamian people and the Ministry of National Security.

Where the sea meets the facts

Many Bahamians make the mistake of getting their “facts” from bloggers, Youtube videos and other social media!

Family Island clinics

IT was the news article, Bodies in Bathtubs, that is prompting this letter, but by no means is this the only issue at hand.

Tribute to Sir Durward

S - Sensitive; sea wolf.

Battling crime

I AM concerned and aware of the challenges you face with the free run of criminality in this country. To minimise the excess ‘law breakers’ on the road I notice the new licence plates are not easily seen because the colour and the number on the plates are both dark. The decal window sticker should be exchanged to a different colour every year making it easy for officers to identify expire dates. The colour however appears to remain the same, making it difficult to identify from a distance.