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How many votes?

The Guardian headline today says “Pastors to Vote on Marital Rape Issue”. As is commonly seen on Social Media these days, I nearly BOL (Bust out Laughing). It brought back to memory, a number of years ago, when my church engaged a Pastor from Missouri.

Garbage keeps on piling up

PLEASE allow me space in your column to express my concern about a very serious issue that has gotten little to no attention from all governments. I am talking about the issue of littering.

The big mango deal

MANGOES and Plantains from Haiti - wow what a big deal!

A well-deserved honour for Moss

I AM extremely happy that Rev Dr C B Moss was recently awarded the 2017 Golden Heart Award by the Sir Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation. For over 50 years Rev Moss worked tirelessly with many Organisations to improve the well-being and quality of life for all of our people, particularly the less fortunate.

Cemetery proposal

IT is certainly interesting that a promoter would be interested in developing a cemetery when traditional funerals and interments are now not the norm and cremation is.

Come clean on Oban Energies

OBAN - I am sure many will agree it is more than high time that the Prime Minister came clean on the whole history of the application by Oban to develop a refinery and oil storage facility.

Marital rape laws

MARITAL Rape? If as a society we accept man and woman are equal then within that context any abuse of either has to be an offence.

Walmart daydream

I HAVE to reply to Dick Coulson’s open letter. To Mike Maura, Chamber of Commerce.

Don't film the victims

THOUGH I have personally never been affected, there is a proclivity by some who may be on the scene when persons are injured or mortally wounded in robberies, car accidents or domestic violence, to take pictures and circulate them on social media.

Honouring Billy Graham

ON Monday, February 19, The Nassau Guardian published a quote by renowned American evangelist Billy Graham. Interestingly, a few other Graham quotes appeared in that publication during the previous week.

Progress along the waterfront

IT seems the leadership of Ed Fields something might now happen along the Nassau Harbour waterfront.

Sir Durward – humanitarian par excellence

Sir Durward Knowles, the last “pure example” of what a real Bahamian should be like, has sailed his last race, which he won “going away”.

Secretary should not be signing

IS there no one in the Office of the Prime Minister or the Attorney General’s Office who can advise that the Cabinet Secretary has no signing authority on behalf of Government and all documents - MOU’s - Heads of Agreement she may sign are worthless as are all those in the past from Kerzner forward.

Clean-up praised

I drove by Clifton Heritage Park yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find a cleanup of the Sacred Space underway.

Fear of Walmart

Open letter to Mike Maura, Chairman of BCCEC

Concern for Aliv's funding

IN March 2017, ALIV raised an astonishing $60m from investors, twice the amount they were looking for. That they require more money now, less than a year later, suggests that something has gone badly wrong.

LNG pipeline plan is madness

NEW lower cost electricity generation the 80KW RFP at Blue Hill Road, I read with considerable interest that APD, Arawak Port Developments, are now part of the group headed by the US-based group who was close as a millimetre of getting the franchise of BEC from the PLP, New Fortress Group as seemingly the planned depot for LNG.

The illegal immigrant problem

I would be grateful if you would publish this letter in your column in order to convey my sentiments as a tax payer, a nationalist and a proud Bahamian. Here are some recommendations which I would like to offer at this time to solve the Haitian problem.

Cave calamity

I read with some trepidation the Antiquities, Monuments & Museum Corporation and Ministry of Tourism’s plans to establish Preachers Cave in Eleuthera as a National Heritage Tourism Park.

Moultrie Loses in the Court of Public Opinion

THE Speaker of the House of Assembly believes that his river of crocodile tears can wash away his egregious transgression but he has done irreconcilable damage to a hallowed institution that he cannot now be trusted to help heal.

Quiet, please

WHY do Political Party Chairpersons think they have to comment on everything and be so irrational let alone who really cares do you expect anything more than praise for their “master”?

Is Oban deal all it seems?

GOVERNMENT transparency in how Government is doing business was one of the big election issues for the FNM - remember all the noise almost blaspheming that went on over the privacy of the Agreements on Baha Mar and The Pointe now two projects which the FNM - Minnis/D’Aguilar have taken as theirs and never speak bad about them.

Show your true self

The events that transpired in the House of Assembly on February 7th are well documented.

Back to the same old

ON May 10, 2017, many Bahamians forgot party loyalty as they voted for a change in government, a step they felt was needed for the good of the country. A change was in order they thought, and, given various promises made by the new government it was felt that a change would come.

Parliament tit-for-tat

WE have had three one term governments since 2002. One of the reasons for this has to do with the politicians’ disconnect with the electorate. They do not understand the things which matter to the people, like jobs and the desire for visionary leaders who could take the country to the next economic and socially secured level.