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Are we serious about dealing with immigration?

Why do we spend $149m on each Defence Force boat, if the 100,000.00 plus square miles of Bahamian waters could perhaps be covered more efficiently, safely and with less cost, by drones?


IT is my opinion that we are in a serious national security dilemma as a result of years of unchecked illegal migration coupled with a depressed economy where options are increasingly limited for a large segment of the ‘indigenous’ population where anger, frustration and resentment are mounting.

Outfoxing Cable

GREETINGS to my fellow Bahamians.

Who has a right to be a citizen?

THE recent ruling to the Supreme Court regarding a person born in the Bahamas to illegal parents has stirred the ire of Bahamians everywhere. An immigration Pandora’s box of sorts has been opened and who knows where this might lead.

Recreational marijuana and medicinal marijuana

WAS anyone else around here and the Islands during the early 1980’s with the Drug Scourge through those long days, months, years to recover?

Guest appearance

THIS is an Open Letter to Bishop Delton Fernander, et al, from the so-called Bahamas Christian Council.

S.O.S. - Save our (city’s) soul

IN the late 1900s my late husband, architect and Bahamian advocate Jackson Burnside III, wrote a newspaper article under this same title, bemoaning the burgeoning loss of pride and appreciation for our country’s soul – i.e. our unique, rich Bahamian Art, Culture and Heritage. Although he is no longer physically with us, I will intersperse this letter with several of his quotations, which are still so very relevant today.

Main challenge to the viability of society

EARLIER this month, a letter of mine appeared in your column wherein I suggested that Acting Chief Justice Stephen Isaacs’ plea for more judicial discretion on the issue of bail (specifically for Magistrates) should be regarded as merely the wrongheaded opinion of the spokesman for an interest group.

A sad reflection on 50 years of Majority Rule

YOUR editorial today, January 30 2018, is another very sad reflection on our fifty years of Majority Rule and Independence and National Sovereignty, and to be honest, we are very lucky that the US Embassy and/or others don’t publish a travel warning to their citizens vacationing here, that they best stay inside their rooms, lest they get hurt and have to go to this God forsaken place for medical help.

Problems at PMH

I read your editorial on PMH with great interest.

What Donald Trump’s Tax Reform means for the Bahamas

DOES anyone at the Office of The Prime Minister understand precisely what the recently announced and successful new Trump Tax Reform actually created?

Were all generator bidders invited to conference?

PLATTS Caribbean Energy Conference this week I have to ask did the presence of the Minister responsible for BP&L - the Chairman and the CEO probably by accident compromise the required independent position as a result of the valuable pending RFP result for the supply of Stand-by generators to BP&L?

Picewell Forbes Is In The Dark

PLP Member of Parliament Picewell Forbes is absolutely correct that Bahamas Power & Light should keep a list of privileged customers whose electricity supply should never be disconnected.

Just pass the marital rape law and move on

THIS is 2018. Women can run companies; they can be leaders of countries; they can be doctors or scientists. Women are independent and have the same ability, worth and dignity as men.

‘Abomination’ will scar City of Nassau

TO my knowledge anyone wishing to develop property within the area between Church Street/St Mathews and at least to the west of Nassau Street are subject to a Special Architectural Nassau City Committee over and above the usual Town Planning Board who are required under their mandate to ensure the preservation of the traditional design and vernacular of the City within its precincts.

Plastic bags harm environment

I was pleased to read in The Tribune on Friday, January 26, that the environment minister plans to take to Cabinet a proposal to ban plastic bags in the Bahamas.

Dr Minnis' archipelago of opportunities

The experience that best prepared Dr Hubert Minnis for the job of Prime Minister just might be his stint as a businessman.

Use the lights we already have

LIGHTING up Fish Fry... easy, the Minister of Agriculture needs to speak to the Minister of Transport and allow agriculture to use the spanking brand new tall aluminium LED lights, some six-eight of which were installed at the refurbished Traffic Inspection location at Ft Charlotte.

Our nation needs real change

THE Prime Minister is to be commended for his attempt to lure Foreign Direct Investment to the Bahamas, but I have one little problem with the approach.

US crime alert

I WISH to give my feelings about that latest warning/advisory coming from the US State Dept by way of the US Embassy here in Nassau.

PM’s trip to Texas

PM to Texas: good try but the recent Trump massive Tax Bill probably killed that initiative.

Minnis and his unwise comments

The Prime Minister, God bless his soul, is not a lawyer so he may not have fully appreciated his public assurance to the so-called Cabbage Beach Protesters last year when they were arrested and charged for assorted alleged criminal offences.

Tourist tax

DISASTER fund’s $60m levy: ‘You can’t afford to gamble’ ..... this refers to a proposal by a Canadian to create a sinking fund for any future catastrophic hurricane.

Our Lucaya

I am concerned, listening to yesterday’s statement from the Deputy Prime Minister on Our Lucaya as no doubt he implied that Our Lucaya will open soon as soon as the exchange of contracts is completed.

Foulkes’ Newspeak

In his bid to mislead and manipulate the public/taxpayer Mr Foulkes, Minister of Labour says “The government plans to introduce a mechanism that ensures consumers in The Bahamas benefit from duty reductions on certain goods,…”