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The truth in Trump's comments

A MOTHER with a bare foot, nappy headed child with a dirty nose would be embarrassed if one states the obvious and would want to fight if comments are made with Trump’s characteristic bluntness. But her stirred emotions do not make the comments less true.

Number houses

I supported the legalisation of numbers. I actually think all gambling should be legal for Bahamians. I do not think there should be one standard for foreigners and another for Bahamians when it comes to this.

Acting the part

HAVE you noticed that since May 10th, 2017, the majority of new appointments to senior Civil Servant positions are all “acting” and not permanent?

Roads a mess

The condition of Nassau’s roads especially after the recent heavy rains is appalling.

Hard work to give NIB easy money

This is an open letter to Ministers Brent Symonette and Dionisio d’Aguilar,

We must fix the civil service

I WRITE, this letter with consternation after an exchange yesterday with an employee at the Ministry of Tourism and Aviation.

My tribute to Sir Geoffrey

On Friday, August 4, 2017, I was very sad to hear of Sir Geoffrey Johnstone’s passing.

Letter power

EDITOR, The Tribune. THE Tribune provides a great platform for joe public to raise issues and discuss issues ....it seems even the Government reads The Tribune and they react to content of letters to The Editor.

Solar energy plan

Your front page story on our PM’s Solar Energy Plan prompts me to raise a point that I think has merit, in the case of BEC/BPL (could we please revert to the former name now that the foreigners are gone ).

Indefensible to defend Christie

I noted the comments by Ricardo Smith, a perennial political gadfly, if ever there was one.....he’s jumped from party to party depending on which way the wind is blowing. He is, in fact, a fake old PLP imposter of the highest order, in my view.

Facing the future

The following is a letter addressed to Dr Jonathan Rodgers

Paradise Lost

DRIVING around our beloved island with a visitor, he compared what he saw with his last visit over 20 years ago.

Weinstein and a new moral age

DID Mr Weinstein set off a potentially global morality revolution –- it seems so after watching The Golden Globes Awards this weekend and subsequent comments on the networks.

Baha Mar service

ON Saturday evening, January 6, 2018, all eight people in our party were turned away from Baha Mar as we were told the valet parking lot was full. We were astounded.

PMH nurses

SCARCITY of lCU Nurses at PMH ...... this did not happen overnight so it shows bad management for a number of years and no recognition of the current health management since May 10th, 2017·

The magic nolle

Lost in the ongoing debate over the imaginary monarchical powers of the Prime Minister is any serious public-policy discussion over who may or may not have access to tourists on public beaches.

Plea to employers

I BEG your indulgence in allowing me to commend first of all, The Minister of Labour, Hon Dion Foulkes, and the Department of Labour for its initiative “Labour on The Blocks”, a job recruitment and registration drive which seeks to match job seekers with potential job opportunities.

Hot at the Fish Fry

Re:Where’s The Proof On Fish Fry Alert?

The great debate on immigration

One of the great national debates which will roll out in 2018 will be over our immigration and migration policies for our wonderful nation, the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

False claims of corruption

JUST before last year’s election, in one of his most cringe-worthy outbursts of self-confident ignorance, Hubert Minnis described the country he now leads as “the most corrupt country in the Caribbean”.

The statistics of crime

Thank you for lending your ear to my concern.

No to tax

When we have one of the most expensive tourist destinations in the region, why is anybody proposing another tax on each tourist arrival? What is the knock on impact of this?

Ignore the judiciary's bail plea

JUSTICE Stephen Isaacs’ call (at the ceremony opening the legal year) for amendments to the Bail Act to return to magistrates the discretion to grant bail to violent criminal offenders should be respectfully treated for what it is: the (wrong) opinion of a spokesman for an interest group. It should not be taken as having any special legitimacy, not least as against the opinion of any other resident of a country where violent crime is far too high largely because of failures of the judiciary.

Methods to tackle crime

Dear Tribune and the Ministry of National Security, after my first success with the first letter, involving how The Bahamas would benefit from Private Military Contractors. I thought about another important thing involving the police and the Defence Force.

Majority Rule Day

I read with great interest Mr Cedric Parker’s letter in yesterday’s (Tuesday’s) Tribune. The points he made were indeed so relevant.