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Treatment of Carnival a disgrace

Recently, Minister of Youth, Sports, and Culture Michael Pintard made a further statement on the government’s involvement with carnival.

Privatise Junkanoo

WE love Junkanoo so much that every single post parade there is controversy so I suggest privatise the whole event and let’s see whether the public really is willing to put their money where obviously their mouths are.

Marijuana should be legal

IT’S a good thing that the CARICOM mission is here in The Bahamas to discuss the decriminalisation of marijuana. The Bahamas is so, so backward on this issue. I’m glad CARICOM coming here has led us to talk about this important issue.

You have a right to film

There is no law in the Bahamas prohibiting members of the public from photographing or filming law enforcement in the execution of their duties. This includes Police, Immigration and Defence Force officers.

Don’t let a national holiday divide us

The Tribune of the 8th January 2018 reported on an address recently given by The Leader of the Opposition regarding the significance of the national holiday designated Majority Rule Day celebrated on January 10th each year. It has always been my view from the promotion to implementation of the Majority Rule holiday, coupled with the change of name of the holiday celebrated on the 12th of October each year, from Discovery Day to National Heroes Day, that the entire idea was myopic and wrong-headed.

Palacious: No apology

The headline of The Tribune’s article January 2 about my apology was inaccurate; in my opinion. It stated: “PALACIOUS APOLOGISED FOR HIS COMMENTS ON WOMEN’S DRESS.”

Civil service general orders

SURELY it is time for the Public Service Commission to lay down the rules that Civil Servants may not be in business or sell their services, in person or otherwise.

Misogyny and damage control

Once again, the misogyny of James Palacious has revealed itself in his victim blaming comments regarding sexual assault. Maya Angelou says it clearly: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Fake numbers

WELL the numbers are in - Popeye Bowl did not attract even as many viewers as 2016, 1.2m, in fact a whopping 36 percent less: 882,000.

Bitcoin in the Bahamas

THIS letter is in regard to today’s Business section; an article was posted about Bitcoin being a “game changer” according to Mario Curry. I, while a supporter of cryptocurrencies, do not agree on this for The Bahamas – at least not in the next few years.

The big debates ahead for 2018

2017 was a challenging one for most Bahamians. We’ve recorded unprecedented levels of criminality, especially when it comes to homicides. Unemployment remains “high” but there are signs of an emerging economic recovery. Baha Mar, thank God, is now up and running and some 4-5000 grateful Bahamians are employed at that property. Mr John Isaa, the owner of Breezers, and his stellar management team continue to improve the ambience of that fine resort (where hundreds of Bahamians are currently employed).

National awards vs Queen’s honours

NATIONAL Heroes Act 2016 was assented into Law on January 27, 2016.

Marital rape law in action

IT is apparent that many who have submitted letters concerning marital rape do not understand the nuances involved with this topic.

Have new awards been approved?

AWARDS from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas are the sole legally supported Awards of the State by the Head of State in The Bahamas.

Dining with the media

WOW, what a laugh - just look how Dr Hubert Minnis tried desperately to swing the minds and thoughts of the local media who he attacked so deliberately only a few weeks ago?

Marital rape and the law

THE issue of marital rape is once again a topic for public discussion and I beg leave to enter the discourse with some thoughts of my own.

Unfair calls to quit

THE recent calls for the resignation of Lanisha Rolle over her marital rape comments are outlandish.

Carifta Games hosting

Closing 2017, I see we are committing to host CARIFTA Games.

Was 2017 a year of mistakes?

WAS the choice of a new Government on May 10, on one part a massive relief vanquishing the PLP and Rt Hon Perry Christie but on the other hand electing a party whose leader just did not have the leadership qualities or plans needed?

Women must have a standard

AS a woman, I am disappointed by the thinking of many women these days. Watching the news last night I heard Father Palacious’ comment about women being addressed according to how they are dressed and I agree with him wholeheartedly.

Commercial Enterprises Bill 2017

AS we approach the end of 2017, I should like to weigh in on the recently introduced Commercial Enterprises Bill.

Enterprise zone plan

Regarding the Grants Town and Over-the-Hill Enterprise Zone what is initially very fundamental to know is has any due diligence been done on this project?

Minnis’ view


A scandal that won't go away

WE have read many letters and commentaries on the postal service, or, more correctly the lack of it. Here is a letter which was written, unbelievably, back on November 23, 2010... seven years ago! If you check your archives you will be able to verify this fact. The title was “A Scandal that requires explanation”.

Good luck, Baha Mar

I SAW in the newspapers that the Baha Mar sale has finally closed. The new owners are a company from Hong Kong.