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A New Year wish

THERE are many of us here in The Bahamas wondering why you haven’t taken any significant measures to eliminate what we see as the most ominous and obvious threat to our country in its’ relatively short history.

Was change of subject deliberate?

WAS it on purpose that Minister of State Legal Affairs raised the issue of Marital Rape?

Marital rape

KINDLY permit space in your valued paper for an urgent and deeply felt comment regarding a statement recently attributed to the Minister of Social Services on the burning issue of marital rape.

Wastage in government

We hear the PM and the Minister for Foreign Affairs attended the Bahamas Embassy Christmas party in Washington last Friday, I believe.

We need change

IT is extremely unfortunate the government does not seem to understand that in order for us to have lasting prosperity and success as a nation there are areas in which our culture must change. It is not enough to simply try to bolster the economy and provide jobs, while the greater percentage of our people live like animals in the jungle. The core values of our people must be addressed.

Act on bank charges

The Central Bank must no doubt act and act quickly as there is such large discrepancy’s in Bank Charges under certain headings that it has to be questioned.

Pointless Popeye

Why The Popeye’s Bowl? Do we make any money from it?

Same old selling out

IT seems to me that we have bred a country of sell-outs. It seems that while in opposition everyone speaks up for the Bahamian people. It seems like while outside of government everyone and has the Bahamian people’s business as priority number one. Sadly, once elected and they enter the House of Assembly, they become ‘itches’ and ‘snitches’. They leave their bravery in their civilian jacket pocket, or way in the back of their closet, and they promptly fall in line and goose-step right into the political status quo.

No Office of the Spouse

OFFICE of Spouses for politicians? No, no, no... they are unelected and if this was implemented the sole reason would be to add state funding to the political office through the back door.

When in Rome . . .

INVESTORS spend/invest billions and create restaurants which are all of an international theme - does this make any sense?

Carnival and political duplicity

RECENTLY, Minister of Youth, Sports, and Culture Michael Pintard confirmed that the FNM government will continue the PLP government’s ill-conceived carnival, but with a few changes. While I’m truly disappointed by the announcement, I’m honestly not surprised. My lack of surprise is based on the fact that I have long come to realise that many Bahamian politicians take positions on issues while in opposition that are based on convenience, not conscience. Their true position is revealed when they hold the reins of power, as is now being seen with Minister Pintard and the FNM government’s new-found position on carnival.

Anarchy on the roads

Is there a minister in charge of traffic? If so, where is he?

Adapting to life

Re: Culmer Slammed On ‘Dirty Illegals’ Slur.

How did the sloop get past?

RBDF .... Haitian sloops ability to get through from Haiti to downtown Nassau or RBDF Coral Harbour.

Missing the basics

Re: Ashore – And More Heading This Way.

Haitian nationality

WE have been quick to speak of the constitutional rights the children of illegal immigrants have regarding citizenship in The Bahamas, but one crucial point has been overlooked, the children of illegal Haitians are in fact Haitian citizens.

Praise for PMH staff

AS a country we have a tendency to publicise the negative and keep the positive things a secret.

Be known as a doer

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is not a talker. Many of the problems he has gotten into in the past seven months as Prime Minister are because he is not gifted in that way.

No rent for post boxes

POST Boxes at General Post Office, East Hill Street - I totally agree with your letter writer - how can the Ministry - The People’s Government have the face to charge renters for Post Boxes when they have been unable to provide mail delivery for over two years?

Popeye Bowl funds

POPEYE Bowl - Can the Ministry of Youth give one reason why the Government should be wasting the sponsorship of this event?

How was sloop missed by RBDF?

Migrants able to miss all the RBDF patrol craft and almost sail into the RBDF Base Coral Harbour totally undetected.

Let's pave the roads in 2018

I LIVE on New Providence. It is unpleasant to drive on most of our roads.

Bad news for BISX shareholders

Yesterday did not bring good news to the long-suffering shareholders of BISX-listed Bahamas Property Fund (BPF). Set up over 15 years ago to imitate American REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) by acquiring commercial properties and pooling them to create equity shares that would trade as liquid securities, it was a good idea but proved tough to execute in our limited property market.

Where are the changes in healthcare, Dr Minnis?

I personally never have high hopes for political promises. Even when they are fulfilled they are usually not well thought out and often become weights around the collective necks of the electorate.

Where are the women?

WHEN I opened the paper this morning (12th) there was a picture of the Governor General welcoming the Cabinet to their Christmas lunch and guess what - except for the Governor General not a female in sight - what a disgrace!