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Heritage overrun by goats

HERITAGE, def: “features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, which come from the past and are still important.” (Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary)

Ain't no sunshine

Given the limbo within which drone regulation currently exists today, one is hard-pressed to effectively provide advice regarding the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) (better known as) drones throughout The Bahamas.

Problems at the post office

PRE-MAY 10th, 2017 the Post Office was not operating on all cylinders, it hasn’t been since, but incredibly overnight when revenue is an issue Government Mail can suddenly appear.....

Press secretary

THE creation of the Press Secretary attached to OPM seemingly and intentionally by design to hide the Prime Minister from the media has so far been a disaster and I doubt it will be anything better - conclusion abandon ship and close it down and allow BIS, who for years did the same job exceptionally well, of course with a Prime Minister understanding better the political importance of having a positive relationship with the media.

The process of creating our laws

The social media frenzy of opposition from certain quarters to the Commercial Enterprise Bill, 2017 is a direct result of Parliament not following the guidelines for developing laws.

Speak up for Rodney Moncur

I MIGHT not share Rodney Moncur’s views on most topics but I sometimes listen to his Radio/TV Talk Show. The reasons are varied. He is controversial, his subject matter is always interesting, he calls a spade a spade and he is funny and entertaining.

Sorry don't ease no pain

Hubert Minnis having been placed under enormous pressure, coming from his own supporters and the wider country, especially the less fortunate, has forced him to confess his sins publicly. He did, now he should do penance.

Health pledge

PERSONALLY, I never have high hopes for political promises. Even when they are fulfilled they are usually not well thought out and often become weights around the collective necks of the electorate. However, if there was one area in which this current administration ought to shine it should be in healthcare.

Illegal immigrants must go

Man’s natural instinct to survive is essentially a selfish instinct, which often disregards fairness, equity or equality especially when the environment in which we live in is filled with corruption “Private gain at public expense”.

Talk show babble

THERE has to be concern as to the content or lack of content of Radio Talk Shows - it seems anyone can babble along spouting garbage and the garbage is perceived as true and factual.

Thank you, Mr Ingraham

IT would be easy to laugh off the inane and senseless statements emanating from the FNM government (generally in defence of equally inane and senseless actions) were they not so apparently committed to actions that will, at the least, be a distraction from the real issues of governance and, at most, cause this country irreparable harm.

AirBnB taxes

YOUR letter writer Bruce Raine is understandably misinformed as to existing tax fees and required registration for persons renting residential property as a tourist accommodation as for years I suspect tourism has not managed this important part of our tourism business or collected the fees or registered the properties.


As a practice, Bahamasair does not respond to letters to the Editor, however, it was important to assure the travelling public that the airline takes its service obligations seriously.

The pariah of Grand Bahama

IN the late 1990ies, when Hutchinson Whampoa announced their development plans and partnership with the GBPA, an era of optimism swept through Grand Bahama – a new container port and an ambitious investment in resort properties.

BTC customer service needs to be improved

BTC and the serious lack of any sense of customer service - where has it gone?


I am sorry to be beating the Airbnb drum again but one has to wonder if our Minister of Tourism even understands this business, or why the Government would waste its very scarce legal resources, in order to legislate a tax to be levied on 1,200, mostly Bahamian people in a population of nearly 400,000. Maybe 3/10’s of one per cent of the population.

Minnis and the press

Fresh out of the Trump playbook, Minnis could not resist to condemn the same press that helped him gain power. Minnis, the whole Bahamas and the world, knew that the FNM won on “fake news!” He, in his naivety, literally castigated the press for doing their job. What a gaffe!!

Time to put the focus on men

WITH as a major crisis we have with our men especially young people how is it we have never had a Men’s Week like we have this week for women?

Bahamian decline

It’s easy to forget now, when we as a people, a Bahamian people, have come so far, but have forgotten from whence we’ve come, to where now, our people are more than ever, falling victims to great sufferings of poverty, imprisonment, victimisation, political hostages, oppression, neglect, and so much more. Bahamians, what has become of us?

Talk show experts

I never realised how many brilliant people we had in the country until the advent of the local radio talk shows.

The fourth estate and Dr Minnis

IN Constitutional Law, it is generally accepted that there are four estates in any civilised and democratic country. The church is often referred to as the “first” estate. The legislature as the second estate. The executive as the third estate and, of course, the media is known as the fourth estate. The demarcation between these “estates” often overlap and may be difficult to separate. It is no different here in our wonderful nation.

Commerce Bill plan

I imagine that Brent Symonette is a little self-conscious about tooting his own family’s horn, but perhaps the very best example that could be given to the Bahamian people, to demonstrate the positive side of what this bill is trying to do, is to simply look at the history of our own Commonwealth Bank.

Steps for future of our nation

AFTER reading The Tribune’s November 22, 2017, articles entitled “We have to open up the economy” and “New job bill will ensure ‘Bahamians are a priority’,” I was tempted to join the spirited and lengthy commentary that the articles engendered. However, after perusing the text of the Commercial Enterprises Bill, 2017, I realised that, because I was neither lawyer nor legislator and because I wasn’t willing to take the time to try to fully comprehend the Bill, I was insufficiently qualified to comment.

Looking back on the week’s news

COMMERCIAL Enterprise Act - progressive but was it really necessary? Surely a consolidation of all the existing Laws would have been easy. I must again state emphatically that the so-called NEC/National Economic Council is not supported by Law and again Agreements given by the NEC are not worth the paper they are typed on.

Minnis and the press

WHY did Prime Minister Minnis make the infamous comments on the press practice at the Press Association and why seemingly since then the press, member of, are very touchy?