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Same sex marriage

THIS same sex issue is an ideology, a philosophy, a way of seeing relationships that deviate from common sense norms. At its heart is the way a person feels about who they are and how they feel toward others of the same sex. This world is a sea of ideas and has seen many philosophies come and go. Remember Marxism, imperialism, humanism, sexism for its own sake and other such ideas? The consequences of ideas may take many generations before they are seen. Ideas can change, but time tested values don’t have to.

New commissioner

PLEASE permit me to share my observations on the recent installation of the new Commissioner of Police and the manner in which the government dealt with the appointment.

Minnis and response by journalists

I have read much of the commentary by journalists on the Prime Minister’s recent speech to the Press Club. Much of the heated commentary validated much of what Dr Minnis had to say.

Pastor concerns

Do you think it is possible for the pastors who have come out in opposition to proposed citizenship amendments have the courage to voice their concerns from their pulpits? If they have done so I would really like to hear those sermons.

Baha Mar U-turn

WOW! What a change of tune and commentary, on the FNM position on Baha Mar - but then every moment seems to be a changing moment these days.

Bahamians should be first

AS a Bahamian I am often confused as to why Bahamians treat foreigners better than their own people. Foreigners come here and open large hotels and Bahamians are only hired to fill entry level or low paying positions. Why aren’t we hired for well paying higher positions? There are many qualified Bahamians who are overlooked because of the belief that foreign is better.

PM is first among equals

“Prime Minister is first among equals!” This is self explanatory, but just for the record, no one in cabinet has more power than anyone in cabinet, not even the Prime Minister.

Clean up our streets

GARBAGE - seems the never end to it and a horrific costs to the Treasury to clean up and then be faced in days with further littering.

The week that was

Doing business in The Bahamas - Doc appoints a high powered committee on the perception it is difficult doing business BUT listening to the GM/President of that new mega Resort hell The Bahamas is the best place on the globe to do business? Have a Committee to investigate what? Wonder what his secret is?

Explain VAT payment

After a visit to the United States culminating with a Customs inspection, I find I need a lesson on VAT as it relates to Customs Duty.

Seeking to rewrite history

REWRITING the Baha Mar narrative has become somewhat of a sport in our political climate – where undeserving individuals seek to claim ownership or responsibility for where Baha Mar is today. At the opening of the SLS Baha Mar on Friday evening, Prime Minister Minnis was beaming at his inheritance, while Opposition Leader Brave Davis was green with envy. Davis’ request for the prime minister to apologize for his previous sentiments on Baha Mar and Prime Minister Minnis’ most recent shift in tone are both equally laughable.

Tribute to a mentor

Sir Etienne Dupuch Lifetime Achievement Award winner for excellence in journalism, Gladstone Thurston, paid tribute to his mentor, Mrs Eileen Dupuch-Carron, during Saturday night’s Bahamas Press Club’s awards banquet.

Ban the export of conch

I appreciate that there are a large number of issues which need to be addressed by the Government, however, I am disappointed that the Government has not appreciated the need to address the severe depletion of the conch stock in the country as a matter or urgency.

An efficient solution

Can we reduce our use of electricity by simply throwing out our high BTU equipment and buy the more efficient?

Respect our police officers

HERE in this country the government says that all employees should treat their workers with respect and workers should be paid minimum wages, so when will the government set example and start first.

Why the surprise over the sloop?

THE Prime Minister was “disturbed” by the broad daylight landing of an illegal Haitian sloop and wants a “full report” on how this was possible. That seems ridiculous to me.

Ready for Thanksgiving

LIKE most residents we look forward to US Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday in November, so this year November 23 for a full house in all of our hotels as it really kicks off the season.

Taxes, the WTO and outsourcing

Ah well, here we go again! The talk of the town is now saying things like: “Let’s even the playing field ... tax them!” “By 2019 we’ll be full members of the WTO” and “Let’s outsource it.”

Citizenship change illegal

CITIZENSHIP…It is so funny we have been through this two times, including spending $2m plus on referendum and the politicians and political gods, still do not wish to understand the required process.

Border insecurity

250 illegal migrants land near Albany in vicinity of HMBS Coral Harbour.

China is on the rise

WE live in a multipolar world. The United States (US) is no longer the undisputed leader of the world. China is a direct challenge to US hegemony.

A perfect Weekend

WHOEVER first conceptualised and conceived the idea for your Weekend Magazine is a natural genius and is to be commended. Since its initial insertion into Friday’s edition of The Tribune, my family and I, especially my teenage daughter, Jasmine, a student at the University of The Bahamas, eagerly await each edition.

Yet more debt?

THE government of the Bahamas has been in office since May 10, 2017. Since that time they have borrowed $720m and are still collecting VAT.

China is on the rise

WE live in a multipolar world.

Tobacco toxin

THERE can be little doubt that the great benefit to 20/50 being employed by Wind River Tobacco Company far outweighs the damage done to hundreds of thousands of people whose life will be forever changed by their product.