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Expunge records of youthful offenders

It is imperative that we find and enforce a consistent process by which to expunge or seal certain categories of crimes committed by young people to assist in the social liberation.

Hurricane relief

BAHAMIANS generally have a tendency to respond emotionally to situations that require thoughtful consideration. For example, we often send athletic teams to compete in international competitions.

Watch out, Mr Davis

Well finally Perry Gladstone Christie, has totally and fully left the political arena. I hope Philip “Brave” Davis will not take his counsel, but then it really does not make too much difference as to most, when you see Mr Christie you see Mr Davis.

Taking our beaches back

Re: Activists Triumph in Nygard Dredging Case.

Take our Chance

JUST a few years ago every month there used to be one fund raising Lottery or Game of Chance for established charities or churches - today I believe that one is now three per month and usually the individual one has to obtain an extension of time to sell their tickets because there is so much competition out there.

In praise of Ellison Greenslade

WOULD you kindly provide me with some of your space in your very popular newspaper to praise a great Bahamian, former Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade?

Diplomatic passport

In order to put rumours to rest concerning dual citizenship, Frankie Campbell produced his Bahamian passport and his diplomatic passport.

No more taxes for the nation

Please allow me to express these concerning matters, of great importance to me and our nation.

Our Lucaya

No one understands the economics and social implications of the indecision concerning this resort. However Ministers are talking double-talk.

The BTC sale

THE good Minister of Works talks about impropriety in past RFP’s, but interestingly he has not sought to Investigate the acquisition by Cable & Wireless of BTC.

Bar to disabled

On Wednesday, 26th October, I drove to Clico Bahamas in Talbot Street to pick up a cheque as part of the settlement with Clico on an annuity which I have with them.

Dominica critics

Re: Tearful PM defies Dominica critics.

Tenders galore

BP&L Board seems to have been extra busy - not a single Company, has published so many tenders in a week than they have.

Immigration issue

The managers of the Lynden Pindling International Airport could do well to heed an old saying about minding your own business: “Cockroach have no business in a fowl fight”.

Battle at the airport

The managers of the Lynden Pindling International Airport could do well to heed an old saying about minding your own business: “Cockroach have no business in a fowl fight”.

New PLP faces

The PLP is having its convention this week. Philip Davis and Glenys Hanna-Martin are running to be leader. Mr Davis should win. He has the money and he is a man. Those are the deciding factors in that competition.

Youth violence

THE murder of that young 15-year old student, seems to have exposed us all to the nature of some of our young people. Our violent youth!

Time for Glenys to lead PLP

In a matter of days the Progressive Liberal Party will convene to slaughter Glenys Hanna-Martin in her bid to become the first woman leader of the party; just as the Free National Movement massacred Loretta Butler-Turner, in her avant guard attempt, to become the first woman leader of any political party in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Those without Immigration status on December 31st

FOR those residing in The Bahamas without Immigration status before December 31st, you better be out or immigration coming looking.

Fuel surcharge cannot be allowed to continue as is

I remember in the past, light bills were issued every three months. As time progressed it changed to every month. But what came to mind immediately was that the bills for one month were far more than what it was for three months.

Debate over treatment of illegal aliens

THE recent announcement by the Prime Minister of his government’s intention to deal with the illegal alien problem, has rightly sparked a debate on the treatment of illegal aliens in The Bahamas. I wish to join the debate.

Roberts and Mitchell's criticism of Dr Sands

I would greatly appreciate a small space in your publication to share some thoughts.

Baha Mar revisited

LIKE many Bahamians, I have watched the Baha Mar saga unfold. Having almost applied to work there, I now count myself fortunate for never having linked my future with that resort. Since its inception,

Lottery will make for a worse Bahamas

I commend Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar for having the courage to speak the truth about what the numbers house operators are and what they are doing to our nation’s economy and citizens who gamble. Minister D’Aguilar called them a cartel and said they are “sucking money out of the economy in enormous quantities and thereby affecting the financial well-being of many, many of the citizens.” Minister D’Aguilar said what I and many others have said time and time again in opposition to legalising numbers gambling by the former PLP government. Again, I commend him for his courage.

Dr Sands, the country needs you

The back and forth between Minister of Health, Dr. Duane Sands and PLP Chairman Mr.Bradley Roberts has exposed one glaring fact. It shows that Dr. Sands did not follow his many friends advice to not put the country at risk and remain in a profession that is more important to people than him being a member of parliament.