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Govt flights, Imra cost and PLP leadership

FRIDAY, October 5th, News item....PM + Ministers fly to Grand Bahama - did they goon Bahamasair? No if you viewed the interview with Minister Dr Duane Sands - they went private. Wonder whose plane again and why not Bahamasair?

With friends like McAlpine . . .

In any freshman class of new parliamentarians there is sure to be a few who thought they were cabinet timber who had to go sulking to the back bench, taking a deferment on their dreams.

Glenys Hanna-Martin is the status quo

As the race for leader of the PLP heats up it is comical that Glenys Hanna-Martin would claim that she is uprooting the status quo.

Government overlooking core problem

IT is interesting that in its efforts to create the appearance of an illegal immigrant crackdown, the government conveniently overlooks the core problem.

What must be done after IMF report

Without reading the entire IMF (International Monetary Fund) report, it is enough to understand what they are advising from the précis report in the media.

Sea salt production in the Bahamas

ONE must comment on the content or lack of content on our Talk Shows - some really should not be aired and others simply need a radical improvement and a commitment to stop broadcasting inaccurate concepts and proposals.

Stopping crime is not just up to the government

BAHAMIANS complain that the government needs to fix the crime problem. I have a suggestion for our people: spend more time raising your children properly.

Davis’ comments at prayer breakfast

Re:Davis vows: I’ll cut off heads to save party.

Let's be both sensible and sensitive

Stranger things have happened, but yesterday in the House of Assembly a strange thing happened - it came the turn for the member for St Anne’s to speak ..... he prefixed his comment, all of maybe three-minutes by saying there will be an announcement concerning Immigration and sat back down giving way for PM Hubert Minnis to make his statement, far from the usual summing up that the closing MP, usually the PM will do then the bombshell.

BAHAMIANS born to illegal Haitian migrants

I AM somewhat dismayed to have read and heard statements attributed to assorted cabinet ministers and a few from religious and civil societies lambasting Bahamians who dared to question the appropriateness of the response and offer of entry into The Bahamas by ‘some’ Dominican students who would have been adversely impacted by a series of recent hurricanes.

Letter and bills I haven't received

Enclosed is an item of many of the letter and bills I haven’t received from the Post Office:

The PLP has no credibility to lecture us about crime

Twenty years from now, in 2037, Eugene Woodside Jr. could have become a member of parliament. Or been called to the Bar. Or started making doctor rounds at a modern Princess Margaret Hospital.

Douglas Manchester will offer our nation an opportunity

Soon, the United States Senate will likely confirm Douglas Manchester as the new United States Ambassador to the Bahamas. When this happens, Manchester will offer our nation an opportunity to move forward toward prosperity.

Let the powers that be start at home

Despite our sometimes selfish ways, the average Bahamian has a big heart and is always ready to be our ‘brother’s keepers” so to speak.

Govt to be commended for assisting Dominica

I am happy to see that the strong Bahamian tradition of assisting its Caricom sister states in time of trouble continues.

Chester Cooper Needs a Foot-in-Mouth Policy

Until recently the public could have been tempted to look upon Chester Cooper as a master of the insurance business and a student of politics. After his numerous bewildering utterances, we must rethink that position. He has come across as new to the insurance business, despite his years in it, and as an overly ambitious opportunist way out of his depth in politics.

Cost of doctor’s report

I am deeply concerned with the way that doctors are allowed to charge for a report after a patient has paid to see the doctor reference to a particular illness or injury.

A severe lack of critical thinking in education

I am in favour of The Bahamas helping out Dominica.

Death penalty does not work in reducing crime

IT was rewarding to read this thoughtful editorial.

My experience at Accident and Emergency

After reading an article in The Tribune, about how tourists were treated at the Rand Memorial Hospital in Grand Bahama, I decided to write about my experience at Accident & Emergency at Princess Margaret Hospital in Nassau.

Applause for Minnis’ Humanitarian Gesture

Events well beyond our borders can shape the term of any government for better or for worse.

Fred Mitchell’s hypocrisy on Dominica

In two non-consecutive terms as Foreign Minister, Fred Mitchell never passed up an opportunity to travel to the Caribbean or to wave the Caricom flag.

Advisors left the PM out to dry

Remember the “Bend or break” speech? Remember the “I will prosecute their backsides to jail”? Sir Lynden Pindling and Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield....comments never forgotten.

Rev McAlpine lacks good judgment

Given his narrow-minded and ungracious response to the Government’s proposal to welcome some students from Dominica in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, thank God Prime Minister Hubert Minnis did not appoint Pineridge MP Rev. Frederick McAlpine to the cabinet.

Honeymoon period is over for the FNM

THE honeymoon period for the Free National Movement (FNM) is over and done with.