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Where our own Christian values have gone

AS our Prime Minister sheds tears in Parliament over the distress of the people of Dominica, and fellow MP Fred McAlpine, warns that charity begins at home (and presumably stays at home), and talk show hosts rail against the inhumanity of a few uncaring Bahamians, who would leave the people of Dominica to stew in their own juice, The Punch today carries a story that tells of where perhaps our own Christian values have gone.


IF you ask Bahamians to state something they know about Mayaguana, most will respond by asking, what or where is Mayaguana? This southern island is often treated as the stepchild of The Bahamas. Due to the constant neglect by successive Governments, the island’s development has been a slow and painful process throughout the years causing its residents to gradually abandon their home one by one. (Pop. About 160)

Minnis testing our patience

IT is extremely unfortunate that the Prime Minister received the blow back that he did from the Bahamian people concerning how he decided to assist post-hurricane Dominican students, however all of the criticism he received was self inflicted.

Symonette must stop illegal interrogation

Rights Bahamas is appalled by reports that Immigration and Defence Force officers are continuing the unlawful practice of stopping civilians in the street and demanding proof of their right to be in the country.

The Christian thing

The prime minister’s plan to offer Dominican students refuge in The Bahamas in the face of a humanitarian crisis is the right and decent thing to do.


I WAS quite surprised when the row broke out at the NPCC when the offered refugee week was up, and the people were expected to leave.

Davis sees no wrong

Re: What’s all the fuss about? Davis defends PLP gifting contracts to PLP faithful.

Frightening tale of hit on economies

Some time ago, I read a rather intriguing book entitled, “The Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man”.

Are all permits truly needed?

Immigration - it seems indiscriminate issuing of permits for foreign domestics and nannies is the FNM way.

Pass the passports

Re: Time to tear up the rule book on immigration.

Power of the pen

WAS it the power of The Tribune resulting from a letter writer that the new tourist attraction, Bahamas Jet Boat, has been required to discontinue speeding through the Harbour - the approaches to the Narrows, Paradise island and west of Arawak Cay to Delaporte?

Competence in the legal profession

I write to speak of a matter of immense concern to me.

Income tax

Re: Income tax is NOT ruled out.

Avoid conflicts

CLEARLY the new Government of Dr The Hon Hubert Minnis intends to flush out all misbehaviour and where appropriate ensure that all billings/accounts that might be over due are paid in full - kudos.

Don't shorten the grouper season

EDITOR, The Tribune. I was astonished to read the minister of agriculture is considering shortening the closed season on the Nassau grouper.The Nassau grouper is identified as endangered on the IUCN Red List, having virtually disappeared from countri

BPL list not in my time

Re: Special List of Non-Paying Customers of BPLEDITOR, The Tribune.I can state categorically that during my time (2007 – 2009) as executive chairman of BEC (now BPL), no policy was implemented or followed by the board which would have exempted person

Grouper season folly

EDITOR, The Tribune. I read with disbelief the government’s announced intention of shortening the closed season on Nassau Grouper ostensibly to compensate fishermen for disruption to the crawfish season due to hurricanes.This Landmark Conservation Le

Income taxes are nothing but a pipe dream

EDITOR, The Tribune.There is nothing more onerous and delusional than the pipe dream of income taxes. Some suppose it to be a panacea for our financial woes, but internationally, the evidence seems to suggest that without sound fiscal management, the

Don't be swung by the IMF

EDITOR, The Tribune. WELL nothing amazing the IMF promoting Income Tax - are they saying the introduction of VAT was not a success? A whopping $1.2 billion in revenue? Clearly their team must have met the wrong people or which is frightening those

Anti-trust laws and competition

EDITOR, The Tribune. IN most countries which espouse capitalism there are anti-trust laws and unfair competition laws in place. I am a trained economist with a Bachelors in Finance from Walbrooke College in London, England. I do believe, therefore,

What about the list at Bahamasair?

EDITOR, The Tribune.Re: There’s an elite Water list too.

Cause for concern

Chester Cooper’s headline story in The Nassau Guardian on September 18, 2017, “Government wasted money”, is concerning.

Job well done

I have many differences with the Minnis led administration but he and his crew are to be congratulated on a job well done with the recent hurricanes, especially Irma. Never before in this era has the central government ever seen fit to actually evacuate many of The Family Islands that historically have borne the brunt of any hurricane. Thousands of grateful Bahamians were brought to New Providence for safety, at the expense of the public, as it should have been.

The evil spirits of the hurricanes

Hurricane (’huracan’ : Taino / Arawak for evil spirit )

Risk costs

ISN’T it more rational for the PLP and its leadership to wait until hurricane season is over before determining whether or not the government wasted money on the Caribbean Catastrophic Risk Insurance Facility?