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New Providence Is "Dirty Gulch"

AS a young boy growing up in the 1980's, I absolutely loved watching Sesame Street.

Ragged Island Will Rebuild

THE people of Ragged Island and its descendants will not abandon their home in it's time of need. Many have seen the pictures and the videos that have come from the island, which are devastating. In the wake of Hurricane Irma a massive cleanup has to be undertaken, and there will have to be a period of rebuilding. Ragged Island has withstood the test of time for hundreds of years and will continue to do so.

Restore the death penalty

The recent murder of an eight-month-old infant has horrified and incensed many of us. But I wonder if we as a nation are sufficiently horrified and incensed to ensure that all convicted murderers receive the just and fitting punishment for their crime, which is swift execution by the state.

Did we learn from Irma?

The two tracking systems - the US/GFS and the European equivalent are two essential tools to know precisely where a storm is travelling - the potential wind field (speed of the winds) - when it will arrive at any island, etc.

Define success at Baha Mar

IN an article posted in the Tribune by journalist, Neil Hartnell, dated August 30th, 2017, Neil recounts a report issued by liquidators of the Baha Mar resort.

Need more financial options

FIRSTLY, let me thank you for having this feature that encourages freelance writing of this sort. Freedom of the press is essential to society’s maintenance.

Time for jobs, Dr Minnis

CONTROLLING corruption does not create jobs and jobs-jobs-jobs is what the people who want jobs want to hear - where are they, Mr Minnis?

Reckless powerboats and missing police

WESTERN promenade, midday Monday, September 4th... shocked to hear and see a red powerboat speeding and making sharp moves in Nassau Harbour realising to my knowledge there is a very low speed limit for any type of water craft.

Brave and democracy

I read with great interest Brave Davis’ promise to appoint a Constitutional Reform Committee to look into the deficiencies of the PLP’s constitution.

After the hurricane

Now that Irma has passed through the country, we who are alive and above ground have much to be thankful for. Material damage can be corrected. Lives lost cannot be replaced. The Minnis Administration along with the Official Opposition, led by the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis (PLP-Cat Island) both rose to the challenges in a mature and unified manner. The PM and Brave, et al, are to be congratulated on a job well done. The initial preparations were in fits and starts but better late than never at all. NEMA needs an urgent make over and possibly a change in managerial personnel.

PLP leadership

CAN’T believe Ms Glenys Hanna-Martin launched her bid to be leader of the PLP using transformation in education as part of her platform. Hasn’t transformation in education been a part of the PLP manifesto propaganda machine since it was founded in 1953? That’s sixty-four years of no-can-do. No news there.

We Should Stop the China Bashing

We should all be alarmed by the recent xenophobic rhetoric aimed at our friend and partner China and it is high time we hit the pause button and reflect on our national interest and on geo-politics.

NIB and RBC difficulties

I would appreciate you printing this letter . . .

Baptism by water

THE Free National administration and it’s erstwhile leader, Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) are about to be baptised by the waters of Irma.

Crime worry

Please allow me to express myself as a very concerned citizen of this beloved Bahamas

Ever upwards

Re:insurers warn of 20-25% rate increase

In love with the Bahamas

I recently became an ambassador in the tourism industry. The experience so far has been breathtaking.

Let’s be ready

HURRICANE Irma is a category four storm. It is a life-threatening storm and it is getting closer to The Bahamas.

Be prepared

Re: Emergency Supplies Shipped To Inagua.

Apocalypse of crime

EVER since men started to evolve into societies we have been plagued with crime and the violence often associated with it.

We need jobs

IF we are to believe the OPM spokesman, the PM is concentrating on corruption whilst the country, in every single Constituency, are screaming for jobs, jobs, jobs!

Glenys a front for Obie

I watched with a smile the launch of the candidacy of Glenys Hanna-Martin for the post of PLP leader. Glenys was among her supporters pledging to modernise her party if they pick her to be leader.

Empty barrels

LISTENING to former minister Zhivargo Laing yesterday on his radio talk show, I was amazed to hear him attempt to redefine the projects of the Chinese in The Bahamas as simply, “strategic investments”, not unlike those controlled by US or other super power interests.

Praise for Bamboo Shack

I want to publicly thank and applaud Anthonique Sawyer who works at Bamboo Shack (Southwest Plaza). I was in there on Wednesday (August 30th) and she gave the most amazing service.

Dress the proper way

Showing respect to The Office of The Governor·General - dress code